Atomic Brain, The

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The Atomic Brain

Concept: Power-mad nuclear mastermind PL 21; PP 315 ; HP 10

Abilities: [33 pp] Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 13

Saves: Dmg +13 (3 + 10 Amazing Save) (+0 Prt), Fort +13 (3 + 10 Amazing Save), Ref +2, Will +12 (2 + 10 Amazing Save)

Combat: [40 pp] Attack: Melee +13, Ranged +12, Mental +12 Defense: 17/15, Mental 17 Init +2; Run 30/60/120, Fly 50/100/38 miles; Size Medium

Skills: [23 pp] Bonus: Str +3, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +21, Wis +2, Cha +1 Computers +26 (5), Proffession (Scientist) +8 (6), Science +21 (0), Science (Nuclear Physics) +27 (6), Science (Robotics) +27 (6)

Feats: [10 pp] All-Around Sight, Darkvision, Headquarters, Photographic Memory, Power Immunity

Powers: [149 pp] Energy Control (Radiation) +15 [Extras: Energy Blast, Flight +10, Flight +10; Stunts: Super-flight; Source: Mutation; Cost 4 pp; Total 57 pp]

Reincarnate +10 [Flaws: Serial Reincarnation; Source: Mutation; Cost 3 pp; Total 30 pp]

Super Intelligence +16 [Extras: Amazing Save (Will) +10, Mental Protection +10, Sensory Protection +10, Sensory Protection +10; Source: Mutation; Cost 5 pp; Total 62 pp]

Devices: [70 pp] Armor +10 [Extras: Amazing Save (Damage, Fortitude), Immunity, Super-Strength, Super-Strength; Source: Super-Science; Cost 7 pp; Total 70 pp]

Weakness: [10 pp] Disturbing (Major)