Atomic Viking

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Canadian Atomic physicist, Miles Westlake, was always a man who believed he had a higher destiny than just being a mere scientist. He believed in the beneficial properties of nuclear power and desired to prove that it was not just a source of radioactive mutants or atomic weapons. This partially stemmed from his admiration of the heroes of World War 2 that had inspired him to try and make the world a better place.

To this end, Miles Westlake journeyed to the north of the globe to test his private miniaturized atomic reactor, that he had nicknamed Mjolnir. The device was not as flawless as he believed and resulted in an atomic explosion that should have killed him. Instead, it accidentally resulted in the freeing of the imprisoned god Loge (known as Loki in other sources).

Contrary to his reputation, Loge was an amiable sort and restored Miles to life. In addition, he bestowed upon Miles the strength of a Jotun and had the Dwarves rebuild his atomic device in the shape of the Thunder God's hammer. Through it, Miles Westlake became a mixture of the supernatural and science. Miles, in typical comic book fashion, vowed to use his newfound powers for justice.

Despite his desire to be known as "Ymir the Champion of Jotunheim", the papers swiftly named him "The Radioactive Viking." It became something of a running gag that he was never quite able to correct. This would, unfortunately, only be the least of his problems. Miles Westlake's earlier actions had unwittingly signalled the beginning of the Norse Ragnarok.

For much of the Silver Age, Miles battled against the evil Aesir and his archnemesis in the ruthless Thunaer. The awakened Wotan used his terrible powers to bring radioactive versions of great monsters to life, not the least bit being the dread monster Fafnir that stomped cities like a creature straight out of Japanese cinema. The aid of Loge in trying to prevent the end of the world did not prevent many casualties that Miles felt were indirectly his fault.

The Iron Age was a bad time for Ymir as his own inherent nobility contrasted him deeply against the more violent heroes of the day. The fact that Aesir began empowering some of the worst vigilantes of the day with their powers only added to Miles' belief he was no longer necessary to the world. Ymir fought with the Patriots faction against the Psychotic Seven's coup but lost several close friends during the battle to his former friend, Manhatten Project. Ymir has since sworn a blood oath to destroy Manhattan Project for this.

Recently, Ymir noticed the increasingly intolerant and ruthless practices of the United States government against Metamen. Having befriended Valkyrie during the coup attempt, he offered his hammer to assist them against the bigots and metaman terrorists that lie on both sides of the struggle for peaceful co-existance that the Tomorrow Society strives for. Ymir doesn't get along very well with Hell Rider but is a fatherly presence on the team that has resulted in him becoming its unofficial leader.

Ymir is the kind of man every kid wishes he had for a father. He's patient, kind, and honorable with an enthusiastic love of superheroics that is a marked contrast to more brooding heroes. Ymir has a dark side in that he tends to go on hedonistic binges in-between missions and becomes morbidly depressed whenever he fails in saving lives. It is also possible to push Ymir too far and then his rage becomes absolutely uncontrollable.

Miles Westlake, in his altered form, is a six and a half foot tall man with long dark hair that he keeps tied back in a pony tail. He has a well trimmed beard that only adds to his Nordic appearance. Miles Westlake's costume is a bizarre mixture of Viking armor with a radiation belt that regulates the flow of nuclear energy through his body. His entire body glows with a green crackling aura when he clutches his Atomic Hammer.
