Attendant Wrath
Quote: "Damned shame." - while wiping off a dagger in a Meru alley
Character Stats[edit]
Wood Aspect Exalted[edit]
Immunity to Poison, Unrepentant Hedonist, Anatomist, Imposing Visage
Terrestrial Fixer[edit]
Friends in High Places, Friends in Low, Favors Owed, Hidden Wealth
Old Soldier[edit]
War stories, Honored Company, Refuses to die, Friends from the war
Underworld Dealings[edit]
Celestial's secrets, Knows a guy..., Cover stories, "Tea house" owner
Dirty Fighter[edit]
Knifeman, Brawler, Dark Corners, Unexpected Attacks
Key of the Hedonist[edit]
Sensation is the calling of your aspect. Hit this key when engaging in acts of pleasure, sensation, or physical stimulus.
- Limit condition: Show restraint when the opportunity presents itself.
Key of the Problem-Solver[edit]
Seeing to the needs, however sordid, of the powerful has been your life. Hit this key when protecting the interests of a Celestial Exalt.
- Limit condition: Aid or facilitate the downfall of a Celestial Exalt.
Key of the Murderer[edit]
Murder is such a dirty word. Exalted prefer 'duels' and honorable deaths in combat. And yet when it comes down to it, murder is useful, and needed. Hit this key when engaging in acts of dishonorable combat.
- Limit condition: Give your victim the opportunity for a fair fight.
Wood Anima Banner[edit]
To try and match a Wood Aspected Dragon Blood in combat is a dangerous thing indeed. Wood weapons bend and twist in their wielders grip, and to touch one risks poisoning. For 1m, you may subtract a die from an opponent's role involving wooden weapons or physical touch.
Secret of Secrets[edit]
Prominent Celestial and Terrestrial have turned to Wrath to handle problems they cannot handle themselves - or cannot be seen to be doing. These secrets must, of course, remain secret, but that does not mean that the knowledge, contacts and favors generated by them cannot yield more benefits. For 1m, you may add on die to any rolls involving secrecy.
Secret of the Blade[edit]
Somehow Wrath seems to always have a blade on him. An errant servant brings one in on a dinner tray after a careful security check. There's one in his boot. No, his other boot. The memento your father gave you after the trip to Malfeas. There is always a knife. For 1m, regardless of circumstance, you may have a knife or other small bladed weapon at your reach.
A character in the PbP game Lady Raiton.