File:Http:// T1GXmgj7TQk/TUR5-TrCIPI/AAAAAAAAAvw/JJ2pVtQ6qqA/s1600/395 eladrin knight.jpg Aurel, level 1 Eladrin, Knight Theme: Mercenary Background: Noble Birth (+2 Intimidate) Alignment: Unaligned
FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 10, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 20, Wis 8, Cha 13.
STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 10, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 11.
AC: 20 Fort: 14 Reflex: 17 Will: 12
HP: 31 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7
TRAINED SKILLS Athletics +4, Endurance +5, History +12, Intimidate +8
UNTRAINED SKILLS Arcana +7, Acrobatics -1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering -1, Heal -1, Insight -1, Nature -1, Perception -1, Religion +5, Streetwise +1, Stealth -1, Thievery -1
FEATS Level 1: Shield Finesse Level 1: Melee Training (Intelligence)
POWERS Fey Step Takedown Strike Feywild Guardian Battle Aura Glimmering Blade Defend The Line Power Strike
ITEMS Hide Amor, Longsword, Heavy Shield, Adventurer's Kit, Climber's Kit
BACKGROUND: "Aurel", as he calls himself (there is no last name given), is a small-time Eladrin sellsword. He claims to be of noble birth, and that he is on vacation from the Feywild because he is tired of Fey politics and wants to put his talents to good use.
The truth is somewhat more embarrassing. Although Aurel is, in fact, is of noble birth, his father, a high-standing noble of Mithrendain, has exiled Aurel from the Feywild for being a spoiled, selfish brat. Skilled in the fighting arts of the Sword Guard, Aurel has taken to mercenary work not because he particularly wants to, but because it's the only way he knows how to eat.
PERSONALITY: With an Intelligence of 20, Aurel is remarkably smart, but with a Wisdom of 8, he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. He's also rather oblivous and ignorant of the way the world works ("What do you mean you've never sipped wine from a gem-encrusted goblet? What kind of simpleton are you?"). Bitter and sarcastic, Aurel thinks he's better than the common rabble. However, deep down inside is a keen sense of right and wrong. Despite him telling himself repeatedly that it's just a job, he will occasionally grow extremely protective of those he deems deserving. The material plane is rubbing off on him, and Aurel is slowly blossoming into a true hero. Very, very slowly
ROLEPLAYING: Aurel is a jerk, and other players should absolutely feel 100% comfortable calling him one to his face. He'll work best as something that the party's moral compass can riff off of (AUREL: "Oh, sure, little orphan girl, we'll find your parents. For 10,000 gold." PARTY: "What? No, we're doing it for free, and you're coming with us. What the hell is wrong with you?"). If confronted, he'll put up a stink, but fold quickly and do the right thing, grumbling all the way.[/QUOTE]