Avalon Canonical Hours

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Canonical Hours & Bells[edit]

The Liturgy of the Hours follows a structured cycle of prayers throughout the day, often accompanied by church bells to mark the time.

  • Matins (Midnight or pre-dawn) – (No bell or soft bell chimes)
    • The long night vigil, originally prayed before dawn.
    • In monastic traditions, bells were not always rung loudly to avoid disturbing those not in prayer.
  • Lauds (Dawn, around 3:00–6:00 AM) – (Loud bell to awaken monks)
    • The morning praise, welcoming the new day.
    • Bells rang loudly to wake monks for prayer.
  • Prime (6:00 AM, First Hour) – (Moderate bell chime)
    • First hour of the day; a preparatory prayer before work.
    • Sometimes marked by a single chime or a brief peal of bells.
  • Terce (9:00 AM, Third Hour) – (Single or triple bell peal)
    • Mid-morning prayer, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
    • Typically, a short chime or three bells rung in succession.
  • Sext (12:00 PM, Sixth Hour, Noon Prayer) – (Angelus Bells or three chimes)
    • Midday prayer, marking the Crucifixion.
    • Traditionally, the Angelus bell was rung three times, pausing in between.
  • None (3:00 PM, Ninth Hour, Afternoon Prayer) – (Moderate bell tolling)
    • The prayer of the afternoon, recalling the hour of Christ’s death.
    • A steady, slower chime in some monasteries.
  • Vespers (Sunset or 6:00 PM, Evening Prayer) – (Major bell peal)
    • The evening prayer, marking the completion of the day's work.
    • Typically a grand peal of bells calling people to prayer.
  • Compline (Night, before retiring, 7:00–9:00 PM) – (Soft, slow chime or tolling bell)
    • The last prayer of the day, an examination of conscience before rest.
    • Some churches rang a final "Great Silence" bell or a deep, solemn toll.

Special Bells & Traditions[edit]

  • Angelus Bells (6:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 6:00 PM) – Three chimes, pausing in between, calling the faithful to recite the Angelus prayer.
  • Death Knell (After Compline or for funerals) – A slow, solemn toll to mark the passing of a soul.
  • Sanctus Bell (During Mass) – A small bell rung at the consecration of the Eucharist.