Avengers EMH:Yellowjacket

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A Datafile for The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Season 3)

"Ant-Man is gone; that's the past. You want an Avenger who gets the job done right — here I am." ("Yellowjacket")


Solo d10
Buddy d6
Team d8


Multifaceted Scientist
Gets Things Done
Cocky & Cynical

Power Sets   Inventive Genius
Enlargement D8; Insect Control D10; Stinger Bolts D6; Flight D6; Reduction D10; Shrinking D10

SFX: Harrying. Add a D6 and step up your effect die +1 when inflicting a distraction-based complication using Insect Control on a target.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown an Inventive Genius power and gain 1PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.

Specialties Crime Expert D8; Menace Expert D8; Science Master D10; Tech Master D10
Milestones   The Name Is Yellowjacket
1 XP when you reveal a new stunt associated with your Menace or Tech Specialties.
3 XP when you use your own emotional stress die after a character mentions "Hank Pym".
10 XP when you reaccept your prior persona, or when you isolate yourself from Pym's associates.
  Crazier Than A Nestful of Hornets
1 XP when you separate from your teammate(s) without warning, or when you 'call an audible' on a previously discussed plan.
3 XP when you inflict trauma on a criminal opponent.
10 XP when you successfully defend yourself from disciplinary action (either at a team meeting or before a court of law) or when you choose to leave the team to avoid the matter.