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Caspian Carmichael[edit]


Caspian is a hacker with a cheerful nature and cheerfully casual attitude to crime. He doesn't know it, but everything about his life is a lie. His body used to belong to someone else, the personality mindwiped and Caspian left in their place.

One Unique Thing: I don't know it, but I used to be someone else.

Character Sheet[edit]

Empathy – d8
Guile – d8
Reason – d8
Faith – d4
Valor – d6
Lucky - d6

Warrior – d4
Academic – d8
Worker – d8
Diplomat – d6
Hustler – d8
Wanderer – d6

Hacker d8
Lockpicking d6

Mister Nice d8
- Eager to Please: When lending a die, spend 1PP to step it up.​
Ghost in the Machine d8
- Glitch in the System: When hacking into systems take or step up a d8 Gremlins complication to step up or double Hustler.
Who Are You? d8

Signature Asset:
D6 personal computer
D6 Dark Net contacts


Caspian's early life was unremarkable. Normal family, normal childhood. He was good with computers and such so after school ended up in a boring sysadmin job. He left Earth when his parents passed, eager to see more of the galaxy. His only living relative is a sister - who also happens to be a teep, so he doesn't see much of her. They're not enouraged to mix.

An accident on a ship saw him in hospital for a spell and saw him unmoored from where he thought his life was heading. The resulting phobia of space travel has left him reluctant to travel far, if at all, and left a trip back to Earth unthinkable. That's what drove him into Mr Reno's orbit, and a career as a small time hacker.

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