Balazaring Culture

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Main Page; Bazaar Balazar

The Balazarings are representative of hunter-gatherers throughout the Genertelan highlands. The basic social structure is the clan of several hundred to a few thousand people. The clan is made of a number hearths which are extended bloodlines that live in one place and share shelter. The hearth maintains the sacred fire which is used to light the fire at the next settlement as the group moves. The fire itself is sacred. The clan is known primarily by their sacred totem.

There are many clans throughout the region of Balazar. Twenty of the clans located within close proximity to the citadels are organized into three tribes. The kings of the citadels are also kings of the tribes. Other associated clans have attachment to the tribe but are not part of it. Further afield, other clans have no attachment to any of the three tribes. The kings of all three tribes trace their blood back to Balazar.

Two groups of leaders top the Balazaring clan heirarchy, the secular hunting authorities and the priests and shaman. In most cases, their dual purpose work toward the one common god, though difficulties do arise.

The hunter/warrior hierarchy includes the Chief, elected at the death of the old Chief for a lifetime office, and the Council of Elders, which includes the best or most popular hunters. The traditional number of council members among the Balazarings is seven, of which one is the Chief and two others clan holy people.

The holy people are the priests of the clan. One is always a priestess of Hearth Mother, while the others have hunter (Foundchild/Votanki) origin, or occasionally Yelmalian origin, especially if located close to the citadels. Thus each clan has nine leaders traditionally. One is the Chief, two more are holy people, and two additional secular council members elected by popular consensus. Those seven form the Council of Elders. Two additional holy people make up the nine leaders.

Balazarings are inferior in formal battle to most surrounding lands. However, in their own land, their hunting abilities make them formidable foes. Balazarings lack metallurgy. Most weapons are made of flint and stone. All metal is acquired through trade. Generally, only Master Hunters, skilled warriors, or very lucky Balazarings have any metal, and that is likely to be a single spear tip.

Balazarings have an intimate relationship with their dogs. Every hearth has its own pack of hunting dogs. Some Chiefs have a special pack of war dogs for protection. Children grow up with the pups and often share a dog-drag with a litter of puppies, lapping up the blood pudding from the same food bag. The relation of man and dog is exemplified by the widespread Hunter subcult of Brother Dog. Few are the tribesmen who do not belong. The presence of these favored beasts makes it almost impossible to approach Balazarings, whether it be a group of women and children or a band of warriors, without the animals noticing and setting up a yammer.

It should be noted here that wolves, hyenas, and feral domestic breeds are disliked and not tolerated in the wild. The same species are distrusted even when tamed or when used as vehicles for bound or allied spirits. It is common for people with wolves, etc., as pets or bound spirits to gift Balazaring dog owners to keep their packs back.

Main Page; Bazaar Balazar