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==Name:== Balmuas

Concept: Uncertain Demigod


Short-Term Aspiration: To win a battle by bodily tossing an opponent

Short-Term Aspiration: Leave people's lives a little happier as he passes by

Long-Term Aspiration: Sort out this Divine Mandate nonsense.


Champion (Close Combat, Command, Technology, Mysticism)

He's not a Demigod, he's a Naughty Boy! (Athletics, Integrity, Persuasion, Survival)

In Spite of Nobility (Culture, Empathy, Larceny, Ride)


Intellect: 2

Cunning: 2

Resolve: 3

Might: 5

Dexterity: 2

Stamina: 4

Presence: 3

Manipulation: 1

Composure: 3

Favored Approach: Resilience


Aim: 1

Academics: 0

Athletics: 2

Close Combat: 3

Command: 0

Culture: 1

Empathy: 1

Enigmas: 0

Integrity: 1

Larceny: 0

Medicine: 0

Mysticism: 1

Persuasion: 0

Ride: 2

Survival: 2

Technology: 1

Other Traits[edit]


Origin: Ancient Art of Training Montague (Might)

Quest: Uncle Said the Hardest Steel is in Men's Heart (Integrity)

Archetype: Rough House Kid (Close Combat)

Archetype: Rugged Self Reliance (Stamina)


Lifting the Skydome Once per Story, ignore a Penalty, Complication, Scale Difference, or Condition and lower difficulty to 1.

The Sacrifice Once per Story, sacrifice yourself to preserve the life of another

Let's Fight like Civilized Beings Gain a +1 Enhancement on combat rolls once per story when you challenge a personal duel


Melia: - Empathic Camaraderie. Balmaus feels she is a kindred spirit, just that our versions of monsters are very different. 2

Aziza: - Respectful Admiration. Balmaus feels that she is what a proper noble warrior should be, something to aspire to, even if a bit odd. 2

Phrixi Euterpos: - Eager mentorship. Reminds him of his uncle, but more worldly. Could listen to his ballads for hours if not interrupted. 3

Kore: - Respectful Confusion. She has the trappings of a Wise Woman, but it's often hard to understand her words. 1

PC - Feeling 1


Contact: Name - Path - Description

Faction: Downtrodden Peasants - Thankful Farmers - (Survival) With Balmuas taking down Lord Raslaum a peg and upturning some divine prophesy for the Spartan nobility has gained him some appreciation with those suffering under most lord's heel. For that, those who have heard of him can show his appreciation in what little they have to offer.

Access: Beloved Uncle - World Wanderer - (Culture) Vulpami's not really his uncle, but one of the few people that stayed on good terms with Balmuas and his mother Ilyatria. A lot of the more complex things was from Vulpami's tales of travel at his trading house. He never thought the kindly old man was a pirate and rogue years ago leaving several broken people in his wake. Something Vulpami wants to keep his nephew from repeating.






Ilyatria has always been a rather beautiful woman, which is likely what lead to her becoming a single mother, especially being a far more modest member of Spartan Society in an outlaying village. It was hard to life raising a young man, but she did his best to raise Balmuas' as a good, hard working man in the fields that was mostly successful. Of course he was a typical boy that got into trouble and fights, especially when it involved one of his friends saying lewd things about Ilyatria. As soon as he could, Balmaus was busy working the fields and running errands for Uncle Vulpami's Trading House.

Things changed forever for Balmaus when the Spartan Noble Raslaum who was burdened by birth by a great purpose to bring glory to the nation for some sport. One of them was beating down the proles that might have ambitions beyond their stations, learning that Balmaus was a good scrapper was the Lord's new target. He tried to wringle out of it, but was eventually forced into it when Raslaum thratened Ilyatria's lively hood to get him to fight at the upmost, only for the spartan noble to be laid out in a tremendous hit that put the young noble to bed rest that would make it hard to fulfill his destiny.

The other nobles were none too pleased at that, so Balmuas ran into hiding with his uncle trying to get him out of the nation which was proving rather difficult. That was when the young man was visited by his Celestial Caretaker that has given him some of the basics on his heritage and how he was there to aid him on his path of a demigod, which was laid before him. Balmuas was worried about that, but just wanted to get out of Sparta without his family catching the enemy's ire. While the Caretaker was a little confused at that, he fulfilled Balmuas' request getting him out of Sparta to get him on to the path of a Hero.