Banzi, Buckaroo PL10
PL: 10, Identity: Public ID, Age: Late 30s/Early 40s, Gender: Male.
INIT: +3, DEF 18/15; SPEED Base Speed 30/60;
SV: DMG +2, FORT +2, REF +3, WILL +4;
STR 14 (+2), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 20 (+5), WIS 18 (+4), CHA 18 (+4).
SKILLS: Acrobatics* +4/1, Balance +6/3, Bluff +6/2, Climb +5/3, Computers* +7/2, Concentration +9/5, Diplomacy +9/5, Disable Dev* +8/3, Drive* +8/5, Escape Artist +6/3, Gather Info +6/2, Handle Animal* +6/2, Hide +5/2, Innuendo* +6/2, Jump +4/2, Medicine* +9/5, Perform +8/4, Pilot* +8/5, Repair* +7/2, Physics +10/5, Neurosurgery +10/5, Search +8/3, Sense Motive +6/2, Spot +7/3, Survival +6/2, Swim +4/.
LANGUAGES: English, Japanese.
FEATS: Fame [+3 Cha if fame is a benefit, -3 if not], Leadership [+1 to all rolls directing others], Headquarters [Base of operations], Heroic Surge [Extra 1/2 action 2 per day].
WEAKNESS:Quirk - Strong personality quirk (strong scientific curiosity).
COST: abilities 40, combat 22, skills 80, feats 10, powers 0, weakness -2, total 150.