Barr the Onslaught

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Barr the Onslaught

Background: Barr was born and raised in the satrapy of Harborhead. Choosing a life in the military, he rose to the rank of Lieutenant before the discontent he felt over the situation motivated him to depart. He did not leave on good terms. Had the Unconquered Sun not raised him up, he would have fallen in battle with Ahlat's servants as they came to punish him. Instead, they were thrown down and he continued on north-east into the scavenger lands. He slowly gathered a solid core of fighting men around his banner, carefully testing each one's loyalty before revealing the truth of his nature to them.

Along the way he has slowly explored the extent of his abilities and worked to expand them. He has reclaimed a small part of his past from a jealous Elemental, Lunar Eclipse his indestructable shield.

Type: Solar, Dawn Caste

Essence: 3

Pursuit: Martial Defense of Creation

Motivation: Create a world safe from the enemies of man.


Good [+2] Dawn Caste Solar Exalted: The Dawn are chosen warriors of the Exalted and thus favor skill and profession type qualities related to martial arts, weapon skills, combat tatics, battle leadership, and the like.

Master [+6] Precise Foot-Soldier Pratice: Not for him the flashy acrobatics and flowing stances of the martial artist. A general must present himself as a role-model and example in all things. How can he do this while praticing some esoteric fighting style? Instead, he fights with the spear and shield that his soldiers drill at each day. Never the less, he is a Solar-Exalted, and a Dawn Caste. His spear-tip flicks insects from the air, and his shield can turn aside a charging Yeddim.

Solar Excellence- 3m/upshift

Hungry Tiger Technique- Doubles the damage provided by the success margin on a successful attack. 1 mote

Dipping Swallow Defense- Prevent opponents from gaining bonuses from coordinated attacks, and prevent the use of qualities or Special Moves that rely on them for one attack only. 1 mote

Fire-and-Stones Strike- upshift to damage on a successful attack equal to the number of motes spent. May not spend more motes than the original Quality's MOD. 1 mote/upshift

Expert [+4] Thousand Generals Bearing: Recognizing that no matter how great a warrior one may become it is still impossible for one man to accomplish all he is trying to do, he has turned his considerable talents toward the mastery of subordinates upon the battlefield. He is a remarkable strategist, and knows well the hearts of his soldiers.

Solar Excellence- 3m/upshift

Rout-Stemming Gesture- Makes mortal subordinates under the Exalt immune to routing for one turn. 2 motes

Commanding the Ideal Celestial Army- Grants the ability to flawlessly communicate with a unit under his command within (essencex100) yards. 2 motes

Righteous Lion Defense- Makes it impossible for mental influences to force a character to abandon pursuit of their motivation. Permanent

Good [+2] Endless Fortitude: Often times the dictates of warfare call for long hours, grinding foot-marches, and any number of tasks that test the endurance of a man.

Solar Excellence- 3m/upshift

Ox-Body Technique- gives you 3 'phantom' Ranks which can only be used to absorb physical damage and which must be recovered like normal, and Ox Body may only be taken a number of times equal to 1/2 Essence

Good [+2] Lunar Eclipse (Orichalcum Thunderbolt Shield): Crafted in a sunburst pattern, this shield is named for its defensive potential. Like the moon standing before the sun, it stands between his enemies.

Grants an upshift to defense rolls involving the shield, and an additional upshift while 'Playing it Cagey'

Expert [+4] The Exemplars: This small band of mercenaries are personally sworn into his service. He ruthlessly turns away all but the best qualified aspirant's. For now, he is unable to support a larger force without creating a logistical nightmare, and so chooses the ones he can have with great care.

Internal Qualities: Good [+2] Well-Disciplined, Good [+2] Highly-Trained

Poor [-2] Academic Nonsense: He has little learning in or patience for the ivory-tower gobbly-gook and leaves that to the scribes and mechanics.

Great Curse: Heart of Flint

Essence: Personal- 17, Peripheral- 30 (28), Committed- 2

Special Move: Unassailable Fortress- Raising his shield defiantly, he becomes unmovable and almost impossible to strike down.

Exp: 2 (10 spent to raise Essence to 3)