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Belligerence: 2 Opportunism: 3 Reason: 0 Spirituality: 5


The Bashik are large reptilian humanoids. Despite their near complete lack of technology they seem to be found nearly everywhere. There is speculation that they can travel from one planet to another through the use of a dimensional pocket which only they can access with strange rituals handed to them by beings from that realm.

Bashik society is a matriarchal one, mainly because males are barely sentient. The female of the species who are outnumbered by the males twenty to one stop growing in size at the age of fourteen, reaching the height of a tall human. The males however continue to grow until they die, some becoming monsters comparable to those in tales of old. The females often trade males with other females or even other civilizations, who mostly use them as bodyguards or sentries for some fortress or treasure.