Batman: Dark Knight PL13
Batman: Dark Knight: PL 13;
Init +3 (Dex); Defense 23 (20 flat footed); Spd 30ft; Atk +13 melee (+3S punch), +13 ranged (+2S Batarang); SV Dmg +5, Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +7; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 14
Skills: (synergies counted.) Acrobatics 10, Balance 5, Bluff 7, Climb 5, Computers 17, Diplomacy 6, Disable Device 14, Drive 5, Handle Animal 7, Intimidate 9, Jump 10, Open Lock 5, Pilot 5, Repair 17, Ride 5, Science (Psychology, Engineering, Chemistry) 17, Sense Motive 17, Swim 5, Taunt 4
Feats: All Out Attack, Dodge, Evasion, Headquarters, Heroic Surge, Improved Critical, Iron Will, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Sidekicks, Vehicle (x2)
Powers: Super Intelligence +7 [Stunt: Eidetic Memory; Innate, Sense Motive Expert; Cost 4pp]
Equipment: Scientific Genius +10 [Stunt: Frenetic Worker; Extra: Clever Inventor, Utility Belt; Cost 3pp]
Weakness: Quirk (Driven): Batman's lifelong quest to avenge his parents' deaths leaves him without options for a normal life. If he is helplessly or otherwise idle while innocents are put in jeopardy he becomes brooding and dispondent. He may shake this stupor off with a hero point, although he still has to do everything within his power to protect the innocent. As Batman, he is also considered Disturbing (-5 Bluff, -5 Diplomacy), Disability (Heart Condition): if Bruce pushes himself too hard he risks having a heart attack. Every time he spends a hero point he has to make a DC 10 Fortitude save (+1 cumulative). If he fails the save, the following round he has to spend another hero point to keep from going into cardiac arrest.