Battalion PL12
BATTALION Real Name: Jackson King PL: 12
ABILITIES (Score, Mod/Total Mod)
Str 18 +4/4 Dex 16 +3/3 Con 16 +3/3 Int 12 +1/1 Wis 16 +3/3 Cha 14 +2/2
Dmg +15 Fort +3 Ref +9 Will +9
Init +9 Speed - Normal: 60/120/240 Base Defense 0 Total Defense 19 Base Attack +9 Melee +13 Ranged +12
Mental Blast +8 [2 pp/rank, 58 total] Source: Psionic/Mutation; Flaw: Tiring; Extra: Force Field +8 [1 pp/rank]; Extra: Telepathy +6 [1 pp/rank]; Extra: Super-Speed +6 [3 pp/rank] Flaw: Sprint Speed does not double.; Flaw: No increase in routine tasks; Extra: Combat Sense +4 [1 pp/rank]; Extra: Amazing Save (Will) +6 [1 pp/rank];
- Note: Use Extra Effort to give Battalion a limited Shapeshift power as an Extra. He can change superficial characteristics of his appearance, such as face shape and hiding battle scars. He can not change more dramatic features, such as gender or ethnicity. As a plot device, he is constantly masking his battle scars. He only uses this power for subterfuge occasionally, though.
Strike +8 [2 pp/rank, 16 total] Source: Training;
Battle Suit: Weapon (Blaster Rifle) +12 [1 pp/rank, 18 total] Source: Device; Extra: Armor +4 [1 pp/rank]; Power Stunt: Eliminates fatigue from Battalion's psionic powers;
SKILLS (Name [Mod/Ranks])
Diplomacy [10/8], Intimidate [10/8], Knowledge (Current Events) [7/6], Sense Motive [9/6], Spot [9/6]
Accurate Attack, Expertise, Leadership, Multishot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Abilities [32] Base Att [27] Base Def [0] Skills (2/1) [17] Feats [12] Powers [92] Weaknesses [0] TOTAL [180]