Battle Club X: Rules

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Battle Club X uses the Fate Accelerated Edition (known as FAE). FAE is a very rules light game capable of playing many different genres.

Most standard FAE character rules apply. Each character should start out with at least 3 aspects. The High Concept aspect has their wrestling gimmick represented in some way (i.e. High Flying Spot Monkey, Hardcore Rattlesnake, Oldest Ride in the Park-Longest Line Wooooh!) The Trouble aspect is a feud or some other problem. The last required aspect should be something important or interesting about the character. The 2 remaining aspects are developed during play and typically involve connections to other player characters.

The six approaches in FAE work well for Professional Wrestling Characters, and are: Careful, Clever, Flashy, Forceful, Quick, and Sneaky. One should be rated at +3, two at +2, two at +1 and one at +0. These six approaches are good ways to define how a character approaches wrestling when in the ring. For example, an expert technical wrestler might be Clever+3, Careful+2, Forceful+2, Quick+1, Sneaky+1, Flashy+0 while an out-an-out Brawler might be Forceful+3, Flashy+2, Sneaky+2, Clever+1, Quick+1, Careful+0.

Characters are also allowed up to three stunts before it costs refresh. One of them usually relates to their signature move.