Bayushi Mioko

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A character in The Peony Chronicles campaign.


Sex: Female

Family: Bayushi

School: Bayushi Courtier

Heritage: "Your ancestor, without hesitation or question [acted] in order to further a larger plot, and his loyalty runs in your veins. You may take the advantage Paragon of Duty for 2 less XP."

Glory: 1

Status: 1

Honor: 2.5

Insight: 126

Insight Rank: 1


Healthy 10

Nicked 4

Grazed 4

Hurt 4

Injured 4

Crippled 4

Down 4

Out 4


Earth 2

Stamina 2 Willpower 2

Fire 2

Agility 3 Intelligence 2

Water 2

Strength 2 Perception 2

Air 2

Awareness 4 Reflexes 2

Void 2


Dangerous Beauty (2 pt)

Paragon of Duty (5pt due to Heritage)


Lost Love (3 pt)

Sworn Enemy (3pt)

Mioko had an slightly older sister, Hizuko ,whom she loved above anything else. Both were really close to each other. But while Mioko was send off to the Palace of crimson Shadows her sister was trained as a Bushi. Hizuko was promised to a young Soshi Samurai named Gosuta Shirowho was clearly in love with her. The week before the marriage, Mioko and Hizuko both went on a stroll through the surrounding lands when they were ambushed by bandits who thought the two girl easy pray. Hizuko managed to defeat the bandits and save her sister, but was herself motally wounded, dying shortly thereafter. Mioko still regrets this deeply and wishes that she would have died in her sisters stead and that was the same what the young Soshi samurai thought, who swore secretly vengeance against Mioko.


Weakness is my strength - Gain a Free Raise on all contested social rolls against someone else for each 3 points of Mental and Social disadvantages he / she possesses (max 5) - Gain a Free Raise when using the Courtier skill to spread gossips and need no raise to conceal that you are the source of the gossip


Calligraphy 2 (4k2)

Courtier (Gossip) 2 (6k4)

Etiquette 3 (7k4)

Investigation 1 (3K2)

Perform: Dance 1 (4k3)

Sincerity (Deceit) 2 (6k4)

Temptation (Seduction) 3 (7k4)

Tea Ceremony 1 (3k2)

Defence 1 (3k2)

Lore Heraldry 1 (3k2)

Lore Bushido 1 (3k2)

Kenjutsu 1 (4k3)

Knives 1 (4k3)

Sleight of Hand 1 (4k3)

Stealth 2 (5k3)

School Skills


Extravagant Clothing Wakizashi Tanto Calligraphy Set Travelling Pack (Blanket, Ink brush kit, Makeup kit, Mask, Perfume, Personal Seal, small hand mirror, wicker umbrella, fan, spare kimono and sandals) 2 Koku, 3 Koku invested in gifts.