Becky Sue "Kitty" Devereaux

Legal Name: Rebecca Suzanne “Becky-Sue” Devereaux
Alias: Kitty
Born: 1968
Turned: 1987
Age when turned: 19
Vampire age: 32
From: Birmingham, Alabama
Distinguishing features: Arched-three toed feet with black claws (wears heavy boots to cover), only four talon fingers (pinky and ring finger merged together, wears gloves to cover), lanky stature, grunge/heavy metal style clothing (gender fluid), utility belt with scientific apparatus etc.
''“There are no shortcuts in evolution”- Louis D. Brandeis''
There was something about Becky-Sue…something different. Her mother referred to the condition as being touched. The little girl would look around and try to see what or who was touching her whenever her mother had mentioned this, and her mother would always sigh with exasperation as the girl’s eyes darted to and fro. “She’s only a touch retarded. She’s only a touch slow. She’s only a touch strange…”
Becky-Sue was touched.
Her father was the minister of the towns largest Baptist congregation, and her mother a home maker. A leader of the community, Becky-Sue’s father portrayed their special daughter as a gift from God, and insisted that her quirks and behavior could be managed through the loving power of God and Jesus Christ. The congregation adored the benevolent actions of their leader and his wife, and often said, “Bless her little heart! How blessed she is to have them!” Little did the congregation know, the leader and his wife were not as gracious as they let on.
Becky-Sue was often left at the mercy of these religious fanatics. Her father would often read passages of the Bible at her long into the night, waving his hands about with the sign of the cross and other fantastic motions. The abrupt movement would frighten her, and her screams of terror and lashing about would only fuel her father’s religious beliefs. As the mostly non-verbal girl grew, she spent most of her days securely locked in her room. And though she rarely spoke aloud or socialized, her isolated time was spent learning a different form of language.
“Math is sometimes called the science of patterns.” –Ronald Graham''
It had started out so small…but it grew day by day. Becky-Sue had begun to notice certain patterns in her everyday life; the amount of petals on the flowers outside her window, the amount of spirals on the pineapple that sat on the kitchen counter. The applications of these number patterns intrigued her, and for the first time, the world made sense to Becky-Sue.
Having stumbled upon mathematics, specifically Fibonacci numbers and patterns, she began to use these tactics to understand the world and find further interests that allowed her to ‘speak’ in her own language. Through these languages, engineering, mathematics, music, she could speak to the world and it would understand. And it was here, where Becky-Sue began to identify these familiar formulas to her life, that she found her new identity.
“1.61803398875…. kitty cats tail….1.61803398875…. kitty tail…. Kitty…. Kitty…”
Kitty was born.
''“Science is the pursuit of pure truth, and the systematizing of it.” -P.T. Barnum''
As she grew, Kitty found she could not contain her thirst for knowledge. There were so many things in the world to break down, and to build back up again in order to understand and test them! Regardless of her unbelievable skills, the stigma of being touched never left Kitty. Even when her condition was officially diagnosed as Asperger’s in her late teen years, her parents dismissed the science and still insisted that her submission to God would heal her. This only caused the adolescent to rebel even harder against her parents. Kitty eventually found an ‘outsider crowd’ that were students from the University of Alabama Birmingham, which inflamed her interest in higher academia. Her parents, however, were less than thrilled to hear about her educational interest. She was given an ultimatum: live under their, and God’s rules, or leave. So in 1986, Kitty made the impulsive decision to hop on a plane with the study abroad students from UAB. Her parents never inquired as to where she was going.
Landing in Spain, Kitty had broken free of her chains and was able to backpack across Europe. She moved quickly from country to country to drink in what knowledge it had to offer, expanding her understanding of mathematics, science, and music.
As her journey neared almost a year, she found herself in Scotland and enjoying what knowledge the University of Edinburgh had to offer…in the restricted section. For a whole week, Kitty indulged at the library, writing her equations and theories out on the study room chalkboards.
Unbeknownst to her, this library was the haven and treasure of a particularly crotchety elder vampire. Agitated that his restricted section had been breached into, Smiling Jack decided to teach the youth a lesson she wouldn’t soon forget, and used Nightmare on Kitty. Once the manifestation of Kitty’s greatest fear formed, Jack watched with great interest as she had a meltdown.
Kitty’s form fell to the ground, instinctively curling up as tight as it could into the nearest corner as a vision of herself came closer to her. The clone stood silent, staring down at Kitty with a detached look. Sobbing, beating the ground and walls, Kitty cried out with every fiber of her being.
The doppelganger showed no reaction, and Kitty cried out slurs to herself, calling herself stupid and touched. Kitty wept and wept, the soft sound of her repeating numbers from the Golden Ratio breaking her cries occasionally between her yells.
It seemed that no matter where Kitty ran, or how often she dove deep into her computers and equations…she couldn’t escape the hate that she’d been conditioned to feel for herself. Her meltdown was so intense that she eventually exhausted herself and passed out from anxiety.
Jack was stunned. Never before had he seen such a raw and perplexing reaction from nightmare. The dark illusion faded, and Jack could not ignore that the whole situation had stirred something within him. Something he thought was long gone.
Jack felt sorry for her. Jack felt sympathy.
He’d seen her work- her long, long, theories and equations, and a plan had already been established by the time she’d come to. Jack would see to it that this young woman would attend the programs of this university, and in return, would use her genius to further his own causes. The conversation was short, and before she could really understand the stipulations behind the agreement, Kitty jumped on the opportunity to attend an actual institution.
And so she learned, and learned, and learned.
And she flourished.
Jack never seemed to mind her odd quirks or requests, nor did she mind his crotchety behavior or odd ‘family members’ as he called them. Kitty ended up enjoying the occasional company of these weirdos, especially Jack, and bluntly asked the question, “Can I be a part of your family too?”
The elder vampire felt something yet again as she asked this so naively. Deep within cockles of his dead heart…
The rest is history.
Basic Information[edit]
Clan: Nosferatu
Mask: Visionary
Dirge: Scholar
Concept: Brilliant But Strange Scientist
Covenant: Vox Populi
Affliction: Malkavia
Health: 7
Blood Potency: 1
Willpower: 5
Defense: 7
Speed: 12
Initiative Modifier: +4
Atrocity: 1/1
Touchstone: Sophia (elderly grocery store greeter)
Experience Points: 0
Get her doctorate
Learn something new
Make a friend
Lonely Curse
- When dealing with humans, treat the Nosferatu’s Humanity as two dots lower for the purpose of Social penalties, and treat any Presence and Manipulation failures as dramatic failures.
Madness Curse (Paranoia)
- Every time the Kindred fails a roll they must then roll Resolve + Composure or become utterly convinced someone is out to get them, taking precautions and measures as necessary.
Intelligence 5
Wits 3
Resolve 4
Strength 4
Dexterity 3
Stamina 2
Presence 1
Manipulation 1
Composure 1
Academics 3
Computer 5
Crafts 3
Investigation 2
Science 5
Athletics 2
Brawl 1
Stealth 3
Weaponry 1
Animal Ken 1
Intimidation 1
Persuasion 1
Subterfuge 1
Skill Specialties[edit]
Hacking (Computer)
Robotics (Science)
Spiders (Animal Ken)
Animalism 1
Celerity 2
Coil of Ziva 1
Dementation 2
Obfuscate 1
Vigor 2
Haven 2
Mentor 5
Safe Place 2
Trained Observer 3