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Concept: Twisted Celebrity Artist PL 12; PP 180 ; HP 6

Abilities: [25 pp] Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 14

Saves: Dmg +2 (+0 Prt), Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1

Combat: [47 pp] Attack: Melee +11, Ranged +11, Mental +10 Defense: 22/20, Mental 21 Init +2; Run 30/60/120; Size Medium

Skills: [14 pp] Bonus: Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +2 Bluff +5 (3), Language +1 (1) (English, Spanish), Performance (Performing Arts) +9 (7), Taunt +5 (3)

Feats: [8 pp] Human Shield, Infamy, Motif (Performance Art), Trance

Powers: [55 pp] Amazing Save (Damage) +10 [None, Personal, Permanent] [Source: Mystical; Cost 1 pp; Total 10 pp]

Astral Projection +3 [Half, Personal, Continuous] [Source: Mystical; Cost 5 pp; Total 15 pp]

Boost +5 [Half, Personal, Instant] [Extras: All Attributes (physical attributes), Triggered (suffers a hit), Triggered (suffers a hit); Source: Mystical; Cost 4 pp; Total 20 pp]

Super-Charisma +10 [Flaws: Avante Garde art fans only; Cost 1 pp; Total 10 pp]

Devices: [41 pp] Anastesia syringe +8 [Effect: Fatigue; Extras: Drain (Constitution), Drain (Strength), Drain (Strength); Flaws: Range; Cost 2 pp; Total 16 pp]

Dagger +2 [Half, Touch, Instant] [Effect: Weapon; Cost 1 pp; Total 2 pp]

Heavy Pistol +5 [Half, Normal, Instant] [Effect: Weapon (Ranged); Cost 1 pp; Total 5 pp]

Muscle Relaxant Syringe +8 [Effect: Slow; Extras: Drain(Dexterity); Flaws: Range; Cost 1 pp; Total 8 pp]

Psychotropic Syringe +10 [Half, Touch, Instant] [Effect: Mind Control; Flaws: Limited - Emotions only, Range, Range; Cost 1 pp; Total 10 pp]

Weakness: [10 pp] Disturbing (Major)