Between the Darkness/Session 02

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Tylorva: After you've all been left sitting around and chatting for a while, the door finally swings open. Interrogator Reinhardt sweeps in clutching a wad of parchments. He gives everyone a bit of a grimace, then sits himself down at the head of the table. "I trust you've had to time acquaint yourselves with one another?" he asks.

Atella: quickly gets out of the way of the opening door, then goes back to the table and sits down

Atella: "oh yes"

~Clavis_Morden: nods. "Yes, Interrogator," she says meekly.

Atella: looks at Clavis

Atella: ...

Atella: adds a belated 'interrogator' too

Tylorva: Mercution just nods sullenly.

Tylorva: Reinhardt nods. "Good. Now, you have two assignments to complete. Do them well and my mistress MAY notice. Do them badly, and my mistress WILL notice."

Atella: "So... we don't get to meet the boss lady?"

~Clavis_Morden: says nothing but her expressions speaks for itself. Interrogators are scary enough, how terrifying must an Inquisitor be?

Tylorva: "That's Inquisitor Vika Shaeye to you, and no, she'll meet you when she chooses to, not the other way round."

~Clavis_Morden: And there are no more than one or two things in the entire universe that Clavis might fear more than the terrible Inquisition

Atella: "so... what are these assignments?"

Tylorva: "First - to locate the heretic responsible for the murder of Interrogator Yiddis Alcoth and who also has Alcoth's seal. You have both met this individual. That makes you best placed to find him.

Tylorva: "Second - to find the wanted witch Kirian, who has been hiding with Mercution's gang, and last told where to go and hide by Mercution here."

~Clavis_Morden: nods. It was her failure, she needs to be the one to fix it if at all possible.

Atella: "find him? Sure... I've still got to 'thank' him"

Atella: strokes her maul... or would

Atella: makes a face

Atella: "when do we get our uniforms and weapons back?"

Tylorva: Mercution is best placed to lead you to Kirian. Whether he chooses to or not is up to him, although I would warn him of the consequences of not complying with the Inquisition. As for the wanted murderer. Mamzel Morden was the last to see him, so following his movements from there might be possible. I will also give you the address of Alcoth's murder. Perhaps that might shed some clues."

~Clavis_Morden: Clavis' fingers twitch, a reflex from her Scholastica days the need to write down these things.

Atella: "more facts are always good in an investigation"

Indistinguishable has joined #BetweenTheDarkness

Tylorva: "Very well. Alcoth was found dead in a mid-hive hab residence. 2843Q Gravis Street. The crime scene is currently under guard by local enforcers."

Atella: "Anyone I know?"

Tylorva: Reinhardt gives Atella a tetchy look. "I have no idea, Regulator. Contrary to popular belief, we haven't kept tags on every single aspect of your private life."

Atella: shrugs

Atella: "sure felt that way...... sir"

Tylorva: Reinhardt just scowls. You doubt the man ever smiles. "Your equipment, uniforms and all other items of note will be returned to you before you leave. You are being granted a huge amount of trust by my mistress. I suggest you do not abuse it - she will not be favourable if you do."

~Clavis_Morden: looks faintly horrified. "No, never. Interrogator."

Mercution_Hastus: "Can we expect the enforcers to cooperate, sir? Or any of the other Adepta? Do we have any official status?" previously silent Hastus queried, not exactly sure, what their rag-tag group may be able to abuse.

~Clavis_Morden: Clavis slightly raises one hand as if to ask a question but lowers it again when Mercution asks his.

Tylorva: "The enforcers have been told to expect you. Just give my name and they'll let you through. On a more general note - no, you have no official status. Not until such a time as my mistress finds you worthy of it... IF she finds you worthy. At present it is hoped that your presence and investigations will result in information that might be closed off to more open members of our illustrious organisation."

Atella: ponders

Atella: "do we get transport?"

~Clavis_Morden: "Umm." If it looks like she is allowed to ask a question as well Clavis asks: "Am I to understand that Adeptus status has been stripped from myself? And Atella Ummidia?"

Tylorva: He first turns to Atella. "Transport is a problem you must learn to solve for yourself." Then to Clavis. "No, you still have the ranks and status you had before. Your previous employers have simply been informed that you have been reassigned."

~Clavis_Morden: Inwardly Clavis breathes a sigh of relief. She nods. "Thank you, Interrogator."

Mercution_Hastus: Mercution supressed the quizzical expression, that was ready to emerge on his face. Well, despite from what he observed in the Underhive, this group seems to be actually willing to employ more subtle means, than interrogation and mass execution. Not that he expected anything less from such an organization, but first impression has been allowed to form.

Atella: hmms

Atella: "ah well, I'm sure it'll all work out"

Tylorva: He affixes Atella with one of his vicious glares. "Is there a problem, Atella?"

Mercution_Hastus: coughed at such a light-hearted remark.

~Clavis_Morden: nods seriously to Atella's comment. "We will all do our best, Interrogator."

Atella: "hm? oh, no, just thinking out loud"

Atella: "...sir"

Atella: "shall we get started then?"

Atella: looks at the others

~Clavis_Morden: looks to the Interrogator

Mercution_Hastus: just sits, awaiting Interrogator's reaction.

Tylorva: "If you are ready then you are free to leave. You will be escorted out of the building. One more thing." He hands over a hand-held vox unit. "This is set to contact myself or one of my aides. You may use it to report mission success, or to request backup if required. Please be aware that inappropriate use of the channel will not be looked up favourably."

Atella: ponders

Atella: "Give it to Clavis if you don't trust me with it"

Tylorva: He gives it to Clavis.

~Clavis_Morden: Not being initiated into the techno-arcana Clavis takes it gingerly, treating it with care and caution.

Mercution_Hastus: "Can you use the thing reliably?" Hastus asks of the psyker. Atella: frowns, then shrugs

~Clavis_Morden: "Umm. I think so? This is where you press in order to ask the machine spirit to make the connection, right?" She points at the 'speak' rune.

Atella: gets up

Tylorva: The vox unit seems to work.

~Clavis_Morden: stands as well, following Atella's lead and curtsies to the Interrogator.

Atella: gives Clavis_Morden a strange look

Mercution_Hastus: follow his new colleagues example, trying to look sharp and ready.

Tylorva: With that everyone is rapidly reunited with their equipment and escorted out of the building. After a short while you all find yourself stood in front of the imposing gates to the Tricorn Palace, a place few people every expect to end up and everybody hopes they never do. This must be about the only quiet place in the whole of Hive Sibellus... Hardly anyone is here, and those that are go very deliberatly about their business

~Clavis_Morden: Clavis has replaced the tattered gray with loose, non-descript adept robes such as are worn by millions of paper-pushers and other miniscule gears in the titanic bureaucratic machinery. Secured to the belt are a data-slate and a few other writing implements. She walks with a staff fully as tall as herself, which is to say not very.

~Clavis_Morden: "Well ..." Clavis turns slightly to back and shudders at the sight of the Tricorn towering many kilometers high behind her.

Atella: is back in her enforcer armor and pats her shock maul lovingly

~Clavis_Morden: "I can lead you the heretic Sand's last known location, if you wish, Regulator."

~Clavis_Morden: *to the heretic

Atella: thinks

Atella: might be best to check out the crime scene first

Mercution_Hastus: looks around, despite his attempts to look normal in the circumstances, he still somewhat gapes and throws curious glances around. Just a couple of times he was out of the darkness below, and now even the grim fortress of the Inquisition looked magnificent to young man.

~Clavis_Morden: "Either way, we should leave here as quickly as possible," Clavis suggests. "And not just because of its ... aura."

Atella: right

Mercution_Hastus: "Y-yes, lead the way." snaps the ganger back in here and now.

Atella: looks around

~Clavis_Morden: "We'll have to walk until we can find a train station, I think."

Atella: "Guess so... don't see anything I can requisition"

Mercution_Hastus: "Requisition"? You have to do that often in the line of duty?"

~Clavis_Morden: starts walking in the direction of the hive proper at a brisk pace.

Atella: "I usually had an official vehicle"

Atella: explains while walking

Atella: "that I shared with the others"

Mercution_Hastus: follows, looking around - not only natural paranoia taking place, but just sight-seeing like some agri-world tourist.

~Clavis_Morden: nods. "Our task is not meant to be official, though."

Tylorva: After thirty minutes of walking, you come onto a busy roadway. Groundcars, trucks and speeders all zoom past in both directions. There is a pedestrian section along the side of the road.

Atella: tries to get a car here

Tylorva: After a short while, a truck pulls over. "Need a ride?"

Atella: gives the driver a dazzling smile

Atella: "Yeah, thanks! You going anywhere near Gravis street?"

~Clavis_Morden: tries to keep in the background, even though of course normal people won't recognize her for what she is

Mercution_Hastus: "No doubt, there is already a stash of paperwork on our activities - all ten minutes of it. Can't find that thought comfortable, but that's just me." Hastus whispers to himself, waiting behind the women.

~Clavis_Morden: "Just the nearest anbaric station would help, too," Clavis murmurs from the back.

Tylorva: "What street? No idea love, I'm heading to the spaceport." He glances over at Clavis. "Aye can drop ya at the next station."

Atella: "thanks"

Atella: climbs into the cab and pulls Clavis up

Mercution_Hastus: finds himself a place, somehow.

~Clavis_Morden: "Thanks."

Atella: "don't mention it"

Tylorva: The truck trundles off along the road. The driver is a heavyset guy with several Imperial Guard tattoos and a bionic arm. "What are you folks doing out here, anyway?"

Mercution_Hastus: glances between the car occupants discreetly.

Atella: "Got stranded after a party, and cabs don't want to come anywhere near here"

~Clavis_Morden: tries to avoid being the one to answer that question. What can she say anywhere. 'Yeah, we were just visiting the Tricorn ...'?

~Clavis_Morden: nods to corroborate Atella's story

Mercution_Hastus: "Yeah, we haven't been in this part of the Hive previously. By the way, anything interesting happened nearby as of late, good man?" he tries to change topics and just inquire on the latest rumours.

Tylorva: The driver doesn't seem minded to ask more than that and a short while later drops everyone off at the metro station. A tedious train ride later, and everyone emerges into Claster, the district of the hive in question. Gravis street is soon located and the address of the crime scene is easy to find - it's the building with the enforcers and the gun servitors standing outside it.

Tylorva: He does ramble off a few rumours.

Tylorva: Mostly about the activities of the nobility. Oh and supposedly a vid-screen star from Necromunda is passing through.

~Clavis_Morden: "So, uhh. You're the Arbites, I'm just the consultant." She looks over to Mercution, not sure what his role is. "Anyway, this is your show."

~Clavis_Morden: The last said to Atella again.

Atella: walks up to the enforcers

Atella: treats them to a friendly smile and a "hi guys!"

Atella: "I think you're expecting me?"

Tylorva: They take in the uniform, throw suspicious gazes at the other two. "This area is closed off, Regulator."

Atella: "I know, I'm here to look at the crime scene"

~Clavis_Morden: follows Atella, staff in one hand and data-slate in the other, a fair impression of just another adept

Tylorva: "Have you got any authroity?"

Mercution_Hastus: stands just behind the arbitrator. Not the most impressive figure, maybe - but he tries to look professionaly and sure of himself, just the way he felt among the shadows below.

Atella: "my authority is the lex imperia. Now let me through guys, I've had a bad enough day already today, don't make it worse"

Tylorva: The enforcer looks apologetic. "I can't do that, ma'am. Orders from higher up."

Atella: "Guy named Reinhardt, right? Total lack of a sense of humor?"

Tylorva: He looks a little more upright. "That's the one. You the ones he told us to expect?"

~Clavis_Morden: nods quietly

Atella: "Yep, that's us"

Atella: "the poor saps"

Atella: "so, can we go in?"

Tylorva: "Alright, head on in." He lets you through and into the residence itself. You walk straight into the crime scene. The body has been removed, but chalk marks out where it had been, sprawled on the floor. There's a huge blood stain covering the area. The apartment has clearly been the scene of a vicious fight, but otherwise looks like a reasonably normal mid-hive apartment. Sparse, but clean and decorated.

Atella: starts examining the place

~Clavis_Morden: Seeing the blood stain, smelling it in the air, Clavis makes the sign of the Aquila.

Mercution_Hastus: "Take care." Hastus passes to enforcer, as he goes in. ((BTW, acquired Search, Quick Draw, CL (Underworld) - will add to the wiki later)

Tylorva: (( Mercution, can you join the #BetweenTheDarknessOOC channel for rolls and stuff? ))

~Clavis_Morden: Thinking of the the small crystal branch on a piece of string around her neck Clavis subvocalizes the mantra of the Iron Tower to steel her mind before opening her awareness to the etheric vibrations.

~Clavis_Morden: Having finished her assessment of this places warp reflection Clavis turns to the more mundane surroundings. Are there any objects or writings of occult significance here?

Atella: bends over and picks something up

Atella: "Huh... the dead guy got invited here"

Tylorva: There are none. This place seems to be a regular residence. Although there is no sign of the actual owners.

~Clavis_Morden: "And shot through the window?" Clavis asks, gesturing toward the las blasts pockmarking the wall opposite the window.

Atella: looks out the window

Mercution_Hastus: "No such luck as signature?" rhetoricall question from Hastus.

~Clavis_Morden: "It must have been the witch, right? Invited him here then shot him. And stole the Interrogator's seal."

Atella: "Maybe... if he's not working together with someone else"

Mercution_Hastus: "Some "Interrogator" he must've been... Can't be that easy, can it?"

Atella: looks at the las blasts

Atella: sights

Atella: "Right, let's see what we can see

Atella: goes back outside

~Clavis_Morden: follows after a last look around

Atella: turns to the enforcers and asks "Do we know who owns this place? Also, is anyone guarding the place the criminal shot from?"

Mercution_Hastus: waits by the window, cautiously.

Tylorva: "This building, along with all of the others round here are owned by local land magnate Dorian Caster. He rents them out." His collegue scowls. "At completely over-extortionate prices if you ask me."

Tylorva: The buildings are all hab blocks - 20-40 stories high. ALcoth had been murdered on the 7th floor.

Mercution_Hastus: considers, where exactly the shot could have been made from - just the opposite window? To the left? Right? Up? Down?

Tylorva: (( Give scrutiny rolls)

Atella: goes to the other building

~Clavis_Morden: "Which one do we need to look at?"

Atella: "There's a few possibilities. We'll see"

Atella: goes to the seventh floor and knocks on the door of the first possibility

Mercution_Hastus: , as he could not derive further information on his current position, catches up to his comrades.

Tylorva: A beleaguered looking hab-wife peers out through the peep-hole. "What is it?"

~Clavis_Morden: Noting the addresses as well as the names of the owner and the tenant on the data-slate Clavis follows Atella as well.

Atella: "Arbites, ma'am"

Tylorva: "We've done nothing wrong!"

Atella: "There was a murder done here recently. Did you notice anything?"

Mercution_Hastus: stands watch near the stairs, trying to make sure that no one slips by.

Tylorva: "I heard about it," she says. "And seen the enforcers in the streets. Is this anything to do with all the banging upstairs?"

Atella: "It may very well be, ma'am. When was this exactly?"

Tylorva: "Last night-cycle."

Atella: "Thank you for your help, ma'am, sorry I bothered you"

Tylorva: "Just leave us alone!"

Atella: starts going towards the floor above

Mercution_Hastus: ascends as well.

Tylorva: Knocking at the door to the apartment above results in no answer.

Atella: whispers in Mercution's ear as she passes "Stay here, alert me if they try to leave"

Atella: knocks again

Tylorva: There is still no answer.

~Clavis_Morden: eyes the closed door. "And now? The famed Arbites breaking down of doors method?"

Atella: knocks again, with her shock maul this time =p

Mercution_Hastus: "The woman? If you say so..." he remains near the stairs, continuing his watch.

Atella: tries the door to see if it's locked

Tylorva: It is not locked.

Atella: opens the door, very carefully

Tylorva: Inside the apartment is another crime scene. Two adults - a male and a female lie dead, both shot with some kind of las gun.

~Clavis_Morden: Following curiously Clavis makes the sign of the Aquila again at the sight of the two bodies. "Emperor on Earth, how many has that heretic killed?"

Mercution_Hastus: is tortured by curiosity. Well, did you find anyhting? Is this what we were looking for? he asks, throwing glances around.

Atella: "Another crime scene. Need to call this in."

Atella: "Clavis, can you call this in to our new masters while I look around?"

~Clavis_Morden: "Uh, sure." Clavis nods, producing the vox caster. "Wouldn't it be better though to call it in after we have found a ... a lead, I think it's called?"

Mercution_Hastus: comes in, the sight is nothing that he hasn't seen before. He joins the search.

Atella: snorts

Atella: "Whoever did this investigation was a bumbler. Didn't even find this one. Call it in."

Mercution_Hastus: "Was there even a decent investigation? I thought, Inquisition didn't want to flare their established agents... Interrogator said something to that extent."

Tylorva: You examine the crime scene, and whilst you don't find anything of note, you can surmise from the bodies that they had both been shot at point blank range, and that they had been killed at approximately the same time as Alcoth.

~Clavis_Morden: murmurs "Blessed spirit of the machine, heed my call" but then hesitates. "The Interrogator said only to use this to report success or request backup if necessary."

~Clavis_Morden: "This is neither." She frowns. "I don't think he cares for anything but results. This isn't a result yet."

Mercution_Hastus: "Eh... He may have been shot from here... I still don't believe Alcoth was caught unaware. Someone must have put him at ease. Occupied him. Wonder, if it was the other target of ours?"

Atella: sighs

~Clavis_Morden: "There was no witchery used," Clavis notes. "Though of course that doesn't mean it couldn't have been."

~Clavis_Morden: *have been him

Atella: turns to Clavis and says "Look, just... tell them we've found bodies and that they need to put some enforcers on this door"

Atella: frowns at Mercution. "Wasn't the other guy down in the underhive with you?"

~Clavis_Morden: "Alright," Clavis ducks. Then presses the 'speak' rune. "Umm, hello? The Regulator said to tell you, that there are more bodies related to the murder at Gravis street. The building opposite, <apartment number>. She says it will need Enforcers guarding it as well."

Mercution_Hastus: "By now, I wouldn't be too sure in this guy at all. But it's just random thought of mine, too much of a stretch to presume they are working together."

Tylorva: After a moment the crisp voice of Interrogator Reinhardt comes on the line. "What is your assessment of the situation?"

Mercution_Hastus: "I can report our findings, if you want..." Hastus whispers.

Atella: "Shooter talked his way into the appartment, shot both inhabitants, waited until target appeared at the time he specified in his note, shot target, stole his things"

~Clavis_Morden: "Umm. I'm no expert, sir. The ... victim was shot through the window from the apartment I mentioned. But if there are important leads over here we can't find them."

Tylorva: "Do you think Alcoth was deliberately targetted?"

Mercution_Hastus: "As if it could be any other way..." exclaimed in an undertone Hastus, addressing no one in particular.

~Clavis_Morden: "It looks that way, sir. He had a note inviting him to come there at a particular time."

~Clavis_Morden: "Addressed to him by name."

Tylorva: There is a long pause before Reinhardt speaks again. "Yiddis was an utter professional. He wouldn't have fallen for a trap like that unless he really had no reason to suspect a trap. Which means that note must have come from someone he trusted. Have you questioned his neighbours?"

Mercution_Hastus: nods, his suspision confirmed. Not such a great feat of logic or intuition, but still...

~Clavis_Morden: looks to Atella, then back to the vox caster. "Not yet, sir."

Tylorva: "Find out what you can. I have his personal effects. This may be connected to one of his cases."

~Clavis_Morden: "We will."

Tylorva: "Good work." He logs out. But at least he didn't bite anyone's head off for calling him.

Mercution_Hastus: "Sir... Any of his associates or assistants under suspision? Anyone of them dissapeared recently? The note may be from one of them - or, at least, Alcoth may have thought so."

~Clavis_Morden: takes a deep breath.

Tylorva: "It's possible. I'll look into it."

Atella: turns to Clavis. "See, told you he would want to know"

~Clavis_Morden: nods. "You were right. Well, you *are* the expert on these things."

Mercution_Hastus: "So. Ask around his suite? His neighbours? Or a landlord?.. if he has one."

Atella: "Well... WAS it his suite?"

~Clavis_Morden: "Apparently?" Clavis shrugs. "Seems like that's what we should do."

~Clavis_Morden: In questioning the neighbours Clavis isn't much help. This hasn't been part of her training.

Atella: Let's go talk to the neighbours then

Mercution_Hastus: just doesn't feel at ease with these people, still new to the environment, his awkwardness apparent. No one was particularly forhcoming with him.

Tylorva: Questioning the neighbours reveals that quite a string of people had been in and out of the building visiting the apartment. It seems that Alcoth had rented the place from Dorian Caster, who had visited in person at one point about a week ago. Alcoth had been there for the last two weeks. A couple of Dorian Caster's thugs had turned up as well, but had someone come away again without there being violence. ...

Tylorva: On the day of the murder, someone had visited, matching the description of 'Janus Sand'. From what you can tell of the timing, he visited after Alcoth had been shot.

Atella: "Huh. We might want to have a talk with mister Caster..."

~Clavis_Morden: "And did I put that together correctly? The witch arrived after the shooting?"

Atella: if he was the one that shot him

Mercution_Hastus: "He had to take the seal from the corpse." Hastus shrugged.

Atella: nods

~Clavis_Morden: frowns. "So he might not have been the one who shot the Interrogator after all. It must be related to his 'other cases' then, right?"

Atella: frowns

Atella: "Possibly"

Mercution_Hastus: "It's possible he just had to cover up something after himself and make sure it's safe to approach. That'll explain the delay, if that's what are you talking about."

~Clavis_Morden: "If so, why did he come, though? A witch visiting an Interrogator?" Clavis shakes her head. This makes no sense.

~Clavis_Morden: "That would have been risky, though, wouldn't it? Waiting that long?"

Atella: "usually, yes"

Mercution_Hastus: "Just as much as rushing to the place."

Mercution_Hastus: "He might have survived - or someone could've heard the death throes."

Atella: shrugs

Mercution_Hastus: "Doesn't mean the shooter waited at the place... With those two."

Atella: "yes"

~Clavis_Morden: "Well, either way we need to learn more before we know anything. Question the neighbours around the other apartment as well?"

Atella: nods

Tylorva: Clavis manages to find a young boy who seems to have caught a glimpse of the shooter. "It was a lady," he says. "Tall, dressed in a block sock thing. She had a mask. She was quite scary. Never seen her before. Will she come back?" He holds Clavis's hand.

Atella: sits on her haunches in front of the boy

Atella: "what kind of mask? can you describe it?"

~Clavis_Morden: smiles reassuringly. "No, no, don't you worry. She won't be coming back."

Mercution_Hastus: "Yeah, her job here is finished..."

Tylorva: He keeps hold of Clavis's hand and looks at the others shyly as he considers the question. "It was like a triangle," he says. "Covering the bottom of her face."

~Clavis_Morden: "You have a good memory!" Clavis beams.

Mercution_Hastus: "Did it looked... mechanical? Techie? Or just cloth?"

Atella: "Could you see her hair?"

~Clavis_Morden: "Think hard now, can you remember anything else? The Emperor holds his hand over those who do their best in his name."

Tylorva: He beams happily at Clavis's praise. He seems to have taken a liking to Clavis. "It was like some kind of weird cloth," he says. "Like it was made with glowy string."

Tylorva: Mercution recognises the details, especially with the added info. There is a cabal of assassins in Sibellus calling themselves the Children of Redisto. They basically offer their services to anyone who can pay the fee, and have a base in the underhive.

~Clavis_Morden: "Can you draw a picture? Here look, you hold the pen like this ..."

Mercution_Hastus: touches Clavis' shoulder. I think I know, what's he is talking about. Or whom.

Tylorva: "I know how to draw!" he says, sticking his tongue out. He draws a rough picture of the mask, showing a pattern woven into it with 'glowy thread'. It's a symbol - a hexagon with a six-pointed star inside it.

Tylorva: To Mercution's expert eye it looks like some kind of personalised emblem.

~Clavis_Morden: "Of course you do." Clavis nods looking at the picture thoughtfully. "Thank you, you've helped us a lot."

Tylorva: "Do you have any sweeties?" he asks hopefully.

Atella: "So... the guy was not the shooter"

~Clavis_Morden: "I don't," Clavis says sadly. She'd like some, too! "But with your help just now we'll make sure she never ever returns!"

Atella: "Neither of them even"

Tylorva: He looks disappointed, and hurries off to find his mother.

Mercution_Hastus: "Sorry, kid. No sweets. Though... Keep this one." He throws a child a stub bullet. In Underhive, kids loved those kind of gifts. He leaves with the companions.

~Clavis_Morden: "So. You know her?" Clavis turns to Mercution.

Mercution_Hastus: "Her? No, and that symbol also doens't say anything to me. But I know, whom he belongs to." He briefly relays his alreay none too encompassing knowledge of the Children of Redisto.

~Clavis_Morden: "So that is a dead end, then? At least for us, it might not be for the Interrogator."

Mercution: "No, why? I haven't told the important part. I know where to find them, maybe the other ways to contact them."

~Clavis_Morden: looks a little worried. "We can't just ask them, though. Right? I mean, they are assassins. They'll just kill us too!"

Mercution: Mercution shrugged, rather non-chalant comparing to his earlire behaviour for today.

Atella: "There might be someone in the arbites that knows more about them"

Mercution: "They are mercenaries, not some death cultists. We may be able to just pay them for the info."

Mercution: "Unfortunately, if we are to do something with my former compatriot, we have to go Underhive. That's, where their base is, from what I heard."

~Clavis_Morden: "Or the Interrogator might know something about it and tell us when we report. If not ... we'll have to get back to tracking the heretic from where he was last seen, I think."

Atella: nods

Atella: "Anyway, call this in later"

~Clavis_Morden: "Knowing who ordered Alcoth murdered wouldn't help in finding the witch, would it?"

Mercution: "I'm still not sure about it. Still can't believe it's all not connected somehow. Or maybe those damn Arbites novellas, they smuggled down below really took their toll on child's mind..."

~Clavis_Morden: "With patience and diligence we'll find out what we need," Clavis states confidently. "Somehow."