Between the Darkness/Session 05

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Tylorva: Yup, you had all been arrested for unleashing a storm of violence in a residential area.

Atella: (they totally started it, mommy!)

Tylorva: You're all split up once tou reach the Arbites precint. Clavis and Mercution are taken down the the cells, whilst Atella is merely escorted to a guarded room.

Atella: tries to strike up a conversation with her escorts

Atella: "so, what's your commander like?"

Tylorva: "Commandant Velkor is a paragon of this hive," is the only answer you seem to get. And you have heard of Velkor. He's about as strict and uptight as they come. You've got on his wrong side in the past.

Atella: (oh dear)

~Clavis_Morden: is silent, complying with every instruction the Arbites give. There's no reason to antagonize them ... Adeptus rivalries and prejudice - once they see her papers and brand - can make things difficult enough already.

Tylorva: Down in the cells, things are about as horrid as you might expect. You are both slung into in a dank cell and left to it. It's dark, cold and stinks, and the sounds of someone screaming echoes through the passageways.

Atella: "so... When can I see him?"

Atella: "I mean, we all know the book..."

~Clavis_Morden: This being the second time this has happened it's no less depressing, but compared to the Inquisition far less frightening.

~Clavis_Morden: ((the same cell or different ones?))

Tylorva: (( Same cell ))

Tylorva: "When he decides to speak to you. If he decides to speak to you," is the only answer Atella gets.

Atella: sighs

~Clavis_Morden: sighs. "I hope Atella straightens things out soon. I'd rather not have to stay here for long, especially with such importants tasks to be done."

Tylorva: (( In the interview room there is a single metal chair nailed to the floor. In the cell there's just a metal bench. ))

Mercution_Hastus: is hardly unperturbed, but, all things considering, he was in worse situations. Or, at least, more life-threatening - the possibility of a mission being left unfinished seems much more uncomfortable by now,

Atella: amuses herself with exercises on the chair

~Clavis_Morden: sits down carefully after finding the cleanest spot on the bench

Tylorva: After a couple of hours, everyone is escorted out of their respective locations - the two prisoners in shackles, Atella just under a very watchful gaze. After weaving through the passages of the building, everyone finds themselves in some sort of audience chamber. It's small, round and windowless, a dim light being shed by a glow orb high up on the ceiling. ...

Atella: yawns

~Clavis_Morden: is quite nervous by now. Why is it all taking so long? What if they don't let her go? What if Sand gets even farther away while she is being held?

Tylorva: The only furniture is a grand-looking throne on a dais, upon which is sat a man in a very decorated arbites uniform whom Atella recognises as Velkor. An arbitor standing alongside calls for attention. "Kneel before Lord Commandant Velkor, who enforces the Lex Imperialis to all the Emperor'ssubjects."

~Clavis_Morden: kneels down before the representative of Imperial Justice.

Atella: remains standing. "... must we go through this, really? You *do* know you're interfering with a time-critical investigation, right?"

~Clavis_Morden: closes her eyes briefly and twitches

~Clavis_Morden: "Come on, Atella, do what the man says," she whispers.

Tylorva: "Yes." The word is spoken by the man on the throne.

Mercution_Hastus: "Some development. If we are going to walk away after all, let's just hope it won't take too much time - or require to spill all the guts, lest Reinhardt makes sure none of us'll be in possession of any." thinks Mercution to himself. He lowers himself, trying to retain some dignity.

Atella: "can we speed this up, then?"

Atella: is still on her feet

Tylorva: "No. And your objections are just causing the entire process to take longer." He leans forward and glares. "MUCH longer."

Atella: sighs theatrically

~Clavis_Morden: "Please, Atella," Clavis whispers, her head bowed so he won't see her lips moving.

Atella: kneels next to Clavis

Atella: "happy now?"

Mercution_Hastus: wasn't doubting, whether Atella was an arbiter or not. He was just curious "Why?"

Tylorva: They start to carry out the questioning, with all the pomp and ceremony that an imperial adeptus can muster. A prayer is said to the God-Emperor to bless those who speak truthfully. A list of archaic phrases are read out implying that those under interrogation have no rights whatsoever other than to answer the questions. And then finally it begins. ...

Tylorva: Velkor leans back in his throne, looking a litttle bored whilst the attendant reads out the charges. "You are each charged with counts of breaking the peace, assault, murder and use of loaded weapons in a residential district. How do you plead?"

Atella: "not guilty, of course"

~Clavis_Morden: Hesitatingly at first, then with more fluency Clavis speaks: "We found out a grand criminal consorting with xenophiles among other crimes. We were attacked by his men and defended ourselves. I do not know how we should have committed any crime ourselves."

Mercution_Hastus: pretty much sure, that they are. Here's for hoping Atella can wriggle out, using some surprising knowledge of judical system, arbites trivia, her own position... Or, as usual, her attitude.

Tylorva: "The man, Dorian Caster, an upstanding member of society has filed charges of assault against you."

~Clavis_Morden: will let Atella answer that one

Atella: "During the course of a sanctioned Arbites investigation, I-we crossed paths with 'mister' Caster and discovered evidence of racketeering, smuggling and conspiracy against the emperor. Hardly an upstanding member of society."

~Clavis_Morden: "Money laundering and possession of xenos substances, too," Clavis reminds Atella quietly.

~Clavis_Morden: "Or is that allowed?"

Atella: (that's the conspiracy against the emperor part ;)

~Clavis_Morden: ((heh. Well Clavis has no idea what Atella means by that :p ))

Mercution_Hastus: "And using the services of hired killers and underground assassin cells." Mercution feels like adding.

Tylorva: "This Arbites investigation was sanctioned by whom?" asks the Commandant in a cold tone of voice, gazing at Atella. "Your former precinct knows nothing about it, and indeed state that you are no longer assigned to them."

Atella: "a power higher than yours, with all due respect"

Tylorva: "And that is?"

Atella: "I'm afraid I can't tell you... sir"

Tylorva: (( From your knowledge, you can see that he is basically doing it by the book. He doesn't seem to have any particular grudge against any of you, he's just doing his job. ))

Tylorva: "Unacceptable then. The charges stand. Is there any other mitigating circumstance to be revealed?"

Mercution_Hastus: "All of the evidence at the place - Castus' office. Maybe not a mitigating circumstance in favour of our innocence... But all of this should be enough to brand him as a criminal and traitor most despicable. Shouldn't he - and all of this case - be investigated first, in detail? Can such a man press charges at all?"

~Clavis_Morden: is silent, not understanding what the Lord Commandant is getting at. They found an arch-criminal, he tried to have them murdered, and now they are the ones charged? How can this be the vaunted Lex Imperialis?

Tylorva: "Dorian Caster's activities are being investigated separately," he intones. "His case and your case are being treated sperately."

~Clavis_Morden: (I got nothing)

Atella: (yeah, nothing here either)

Atella: sighs

~Clavis_Morden: "Should we have allowed Caster's men to murder us then? I don't know much, if anything, of the law ... but that can't be right, can it?"

Atella: she hesitates and says "Look. We've been... conscripted... by... the inquisition."

Mercution_Hastus: ((We are officialy screwed.))

Mercution_Hastus: "Sir... Emperor witness, I don't know the proper procedures..."

Tylorva: Commandant Velkor gazes at everyone appraisingly for a moment, then leans back in his throne. "This is the higher authority?"

Atella: "yes, sir"

Tylorva: He seems to consider this for a moment. "Who in... this organisation... can vouch for you?"

Mercution_Hastus: "No one. "Deniable assets." interjects Mercution. "Officialy."

Atella: (*cringe*)

~Clavis_Morden: ((why do I get the feeling we're assets soon to be lost and forgotten?))

Atella: tries a different approach

Atella: "Look, sir. I know we've had our... differences in the past... but I swear I'm still just an arbitor, doing my duty"

Atella: "to the emperor and to the lex imperialis"

Tylorva: He crosses his arms. "I must consider this," he says, his face showing nothing.

~Clavis_Morden: looks up at the Lord Commandant, hoping that he will find in their favor.

Tylorva: He stands up and leaves the room, followed by his attendant. The three are left alone in here. A guard keeps a vague eye on them to make sure they don't try to escape, but otherwise everyone is free to talk.

Atella: "well, that could have been worse"

Mercution_Hastus: "It still can be."

~Clavis_Morden: "Do they do instant executions?" Clavis asks, trying a joke to overplay her worry.

Atella: pulls Clavis_Morden closer and whispers in her ear "I wouldn't give them ideas..."

~Clavis_Morden: looks at Atella in alarm, then nods.

~Clavis_Morden: "You could ask to be given the vox caster and ask *him* what we should do?"

~Clavis_Morden: She speaks quietly, so that they won't necessarily be overheard.

Atella: whispers back "let's see what he decides first, no reason to make it worse already"

~Clavis_Morden: nods, though her expression is doubtful. "Alright."

Tylorva: After a while, Commandant Velkor re-enters the room and settles himself down in his throne. The attendant steps forward to read out the judgement. "It is the decision of Lord Commandant Velkor that you each serve penance for the crimes you have been charged and found guilty for. Standard penance is a period of no less than four years...

Tylorva: serving in the penal legions of the Imperial Guard."

Atella: winces

~Clavis_Morden: "Maybe now is the time to cry for help," Clavis whispers.

Mercution_Hastus: Mercution's face turns sour, although he can just feel that it's not all of it.

Tylorva: "However. In light of potentially mitigating circumstances, the Lord Commandant has agreed to alter standard penance. Instead, you will each serve a period of service in the employ of Lord Bishop Hierophant Kasobel at the Grand Cathedral of the Ascending Emperor. This period of service is to last until the Lord Bishop Hierophant agrees that penance has been made."

~Clavis_Morden: ((huh ...))

Atella: blinks

~Clavis_Morden: Clavis looks bewildered at first, but then a thoughtful expression comes over her. This wouldn't be a politically correct way out, would it?

Mercution_Hastus: scoffs silently. Well, something is pretty much clear - Lord Commandant is intent on using them in his own interests. Through intermediary, quite possible.

Tylorva: The attendant looks up. "Do you accept the conditions of your penance?"

~Clavis_Morden: nods. She can't do her duty while away Emperor-knows-where with a Penal Legion, but the Lord Bishop Hierophant must understand how important their task is.

~Clavis_Morden: And there is still Reinhardt with his badge of nearly unlimited authority ... though she dreads the call that will need to be made to him, probably soon.

Atella: hesitates for a while, then nods

Tylorva: The attendant gives a slight glare. "Speak up for the vox-recorders," he says.

Atella: sighs and says "yes, I do"

~Clavis_Morden: "Yes, sir," Clavis states.

~Clavis_Morden: ((atella could try Scrutiny to tell what the intent behind this is, perhaps?))

Fatespinner: Atella rolled [9] for a total of 9

Mercution_Hastus: makes a brief show of torturous doubt. Well, he always wanted to get the hell out of here, to see the Imperium at large, the worlds of it and the space between them. Hey, maybe they'll dump him on Tranch and he'll get to kill some mutants...

Mercution_Hastus: "Yes."

Tylorva: (( Basically, he seems to believe you that you work for the Inquisition, but without any proof, he's reluctant to let you go. So this seems to be a compromise. A way of keeping you close enough to keep tabs on and making you be seen to be serving penance for your crimes, but leaving it open in case the =I= does throw up a stink. What the Lord Bishop is getting out of it remains to be seen. ))

Tylorva: "Then if there is nothing more to be said, the penance will begin immediately."

~Clavis_Morden: ((Figures. My, this will look stunning on the report.))

Atella: (yeah well)

Atella: (you get what you pay for! ;)

Mercution_Hastus: ((Okay, I was struggling with sleep for the last four hours and now i have to bite myself on the wrist to keep some semblance of awareness. Not to mention, this machine willl soon be taken by some guest-person. So, i beg everyone's forgiveness, but here i must dissapear.))

Tylorva: (( Awww okay, ))

~Clavis_Morden: ((no good deed goes unpunished ... if we can file our actions under 'good deeds'))

Mercution_Hastus: ((Good night. Thanks for the game.))

Tylorva: Shackles are removed and all stuff other than obvious weapons are returned. Everyone is escorted out of the building and back into a rhino for transportation.

Atella: (at least you get to sit inside this time, Clavis_Morden ;)

~Clavis_Morden: sits in the back of the rhino, wondering how she got there and wishing for the quieter and much safer life she had before stumbling into the Inquisition's path.

Tylorva: It's a short journey to the cathedral taking about 30 minutes. Upon arrival, you are all escorted out of the rhino and into the towering structure. Inside is the sound of hymns in high gothic and the ever present scent of incense. Quite a large number of people are bent in prayer through the huge building. An aide hurries over to meet you. "Kneel and pray for forgiveness," he says, gesturing to a small shrine tucked in an alcove to the side. "The Lord Bishop Hierophant will speak to you once he has finished his current ministrations."

Atella: kneels and prays at the shrine

Atella: [Please emperor, let this be over with quick so I can go back to having a life]

Atella: (thought stuff!)

~Clavis_Morden: shakes her head but does as she is told. Witches, the Inquisiton, an Arbites Lord Commandant, the Lord Bishop Hierophant ... how could anyone stay sane through such a day?

Tylorva: Mercution kneels alongside Atella and Clavis, and the aide leaves them to it for a while. "This wasn't how I expected my day to turn out..." he whispers.

~Clavis_Morden: She kneels down and prays as her mother taught her to do, though without the drop of blood since there is no sacrifice bowl prepared.

~Clavis_Morden: "... and to the last drop of blood in my veins, in your name, Emperor. Amen."

Atella: 's only audible word is a final "amen"

~Clavis_Morden: The prayer finished nothing is solved, but Clavis still feels better. She'll do her best, fight and struggle in His name, and the Emperor will surely hold his hand over her.

Atella: whispers "maybe you can vox reinhardt while the aide's away"

~Clavis_Morden: At Mercution's comment she sighs. "We're like pieces of zerofoam thrown into a main waterpipe, thrown this way and that by forces so much greater than us we can't even understand them."

Tylorva: "Feels like everyone's playing some game," says Mercution.

~Clavis_Morden: nods, stands and moves slightly to the side so that she doesn't stand right before the altar.

~Clavis_Morden: "And we're one of the balls they're kicking back and forth."

Atella: goes stand watch

~Clavis_Morden: She produces the vox caster, implores the machine spirit not to be too loud, and presses the 'speak' rune.

~Clavis_Morden: "Uhh, sir? There may be a problem ..."

Tylorva: Atella can see someone in huge swoopy robes, accompanied by several aides and a couple of cherubim servitors heading straight this way. This can only be the Lord Bishop Hierophant.

Atella: coughs. "cmpny"

Tylorva: Reinhardt comes onto the line sounding distracted. "Yes, what is it?"

Atella: "hrryp"

~Clavis_Morden: "We have been arrested by Arbites, charged with various crimes I don't really understand, and now we're supposed to serve penance with the Lord Bishop Hierophant, and I don't know what we should do, and now someone's coming and I can't speak anymore, oh damn," Clavis brings out.

~Clavis_Morden: She draws her arm back into her sleeve so that her hand and the vox caster won't be immediately visible.

Tylorva: Before Reinhardt can answer, Lord Bishop Hierophant Kasobel sweeps in, affixing everyone with a sneering gaze. "You are the new penitants?" His cherubim are quietly chanting in high gothic.

Atella: nods

~Clavis_Morden: Seeing Atella nod Clavis follows suit.

Atella: (following atella's lead is usually not a good idea ;)

Tylorva: Mercution stares at the man. "Yes sir," he says eventually.

~Clavis_Morden: ((Yeah, well ... but better that than do something on your own, isn't that how the Imperium works? ;) ))

Atella: (strength in numbers huh)

Tylorva: Kasobel keeps gazing. "Let it be known that penance is not going to be easy. To be truly penitant, you must know pain, and shame and humility. Only when you are deemed pure in the eyes of the God-Emperor shall you be repented.

Atella: (oh dear)

Atella: (can I get that bullet to the head now?)

~Clavis_Morden: says nothing, though her eyes widen slightly. She has heard this before and had hoped never to hear it again.

Atella: waits for Kasobel to continue

Tylorva: "Hmph," he snorts at the silence. "So, the manner of your penance is to consist of prayer, fasting, suffering and hard work. You will dress as penitants, act as penitants and work as penitants. If you do well, then the God-Emperor will grant you forgiveness."

Tylorva: One of the aides gives each person a rough itchy sackcloth robe.

Tylorva: "Your first duty is to clean the steps in front of the main entrance. Whilst doing so, you will recite the Emperor's Prayer, loudly and without hesitation. You will repeat the prayer until the steps are deemed clean enough for new duties to be assigned."

Atella: (who's gonna strip first? =p)

~Clavis_Morden: Clavis steels herself, then respectfully addresses the Bishop. "Revered Lord Bishop Hierophant, there is a task that has been laid upon us that we must complete ... an important quest that we cannot delay."

~Clavis_Morden: She looks up at the man of the church hopefully. "We have been charged to capture a criminal and heretic who seeks to escape his just punishment."

~Clavis_Morden: "May we complete this task before serving out our penance?"

Tylorva: "That sounds like a means to try and escape your own just punishment," he says dismissively. "Denial only makes the penance harder."

Atella: looks at Kasobel, looks at the robe, turns to the aide and asks "do you have anything in a slightly larger size?"

Tylorva: "No. It is part of the penance."

~Clavis_Morden: frowns briefly, then beams as she thinks she understands. "I attempt no such thing, Lord Bishop Hierophant. I merely seek to fulfil the vital task I have been charged with. And since no one can lie to a priest you must be testing me, right? You know that we're not trying to avoid the penance but want to know how committed we are to our duty, that's it, isn't it?"

~Clavis_Morden: ((If I had Charm this would be where I'd roll for it :p ))

Tylorva: (( This would be a great time for a charm roll, yes. ;) ))

Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 87 on a d100 for 6 degrees of failure.

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 87 on a d100 for 5 degrees of failure.

~Clavis_Morden: ((and there's no way Clavis can use warp trickery here))

Atella: (yeah, no, it's obviously not happening)

Atella: turns to the aide and turns on the charm (or so she thinks)

~Clavis_Morden: ((damn, our Fellowship guy is offline for the scene, of course))

Atella: "If you want to see more of me, you just have to ask, sweetie"

~Clavis_Morden: ((we really are in a nasty corner, aren't we? if we don't solve this case we're screwed, if we don't do this penance we're screwed, too))

Clavis_Morden_: ((although, if we have to choose I'll take the Arbites or the Church as enemies over the Inquisition any time.))

Atella: "we are tracking murdering heretics"

Tylorva: He seems to be expecting more detail than that.

Atella: "that have been commiting vile murders"

Atella: "and have been passing themselves off as members of various official branches"

Clavis_Morden: "Witches and recidivists and xenophiles," Clavis adds.

Tylorva: "That sounds very vague." He doesn't look impressed.

Atella: "they have also been smuggling holy relics, your eminence"

Atella: "any relics we find during our investigation will of course be returned to this most holy of cathedrals"

Clavis_Morden: looks very uncomfortable. "My apologies, Lord Bishop Hierophant, if we are vague but I would have to contact our superior before I can be more specific."

Clavis_Morden: "If you would grant me a few minute's time, perhaps we can clear this up very quickly?"

Tylorva: He gazes at Clavis and then nods. "Very well." He gestures to the shrine.

Clavis_Morden: moves a short distance away where they can keep an eye on her but not overhear without some effort (though who knows what those cherubim can do). And contacts Reinhardt again. "I'm sorry, sir, it's me again ..."

Tylorva: "Just stay put and do as you are told," he says immediately.

Tylorva: (( Sorry, that was Reinhardt speaking. Didn't make that clear. ))

Clavis_Morden: "You know the situation, sir? My report was a little hasty ..." She catches herself. "Of course you do, sir. Very well."

Tylorva: "The Mistress is coming..." he says in a somewhat nervous voice.

Atella: (I can see it now "I'm here to pick up my refuse")

Clavis_Morden: gulps and twitches as if she'd touched an anbaric line, visibly even at a distance.

Clavis_Morden: "Y ... ye-yes, sir." She manages to say after a few tries.

Tylorva: The line cuts out.

Atella: "so, what'd he say?"

Clavis_Morden: returns to the small alcove with the look of someone to be executed, which might not be far from the truth.

Atella: ...

Clavis_Morden: "We are to stay and obey."

Clavis_Morden: This doesn't seem to be what she is worried about, though.

Atella: sighs, shrugs and starts stripping

Atella: gives the acolyte she singled out before a show

Tylorva: Mercution just sighs at this and strips down to the waist, pulling the sackcloth robe over his head, then pulls his trousers off, putting everything into a neat pile as commanded by the aide. The robe seems to come down to just below his knees, leaving the rest of his legs bare. There's no belt, making the whole thing look shapeless and ridiculous. But that's presumably the idea.

Atella: puts on the robe after she's done stripping

Atella: (how do I look? apart from ridiculous)

Tylorva: The Hierophant and his aides seem uninterested in Atella's body.

Clavis_Morden: bows deeply to the bishop. "Lord Bishop Hierophant, I hear and obey." Then she takes her sackcloth from the aide.

Tylorva: Kasobel raises an eyebrow at this development, but does not protest. "Brother Morden will keep watch over your penance," he says, pointing to one of the aides.

Tylorva: Atella and Clavis both look equally ridiculous, the sackcloth robes reaching halfway down their calfs. The sackcloth also itches horribly all over.

Clavis_Morden: She takes off her adept robe and folds it neatly before putting on the the sackcloth.

Atella: (if they do show interest in Clavis, you can cart Atella off to the nunnery ;)

Clavis_Morden: looks a little surprised that the Brother shares her last name, but perhaps that's only to be expected in a Hive as big as this

Clavis_Morden: concentrates hard to avoid the reflexive reaction to the itching cloth. It's just physical, just another form of pain, and pain she can deal with. Endure, accept, use. "Our task remains the same, correct, Brother Morden?" she inquires.

Atella: turns to the clothing acolyte. "What will we be cleaning the steps with?"

Tylorva: "It does." You are each provided with a bucket of soapy water and a scrubbing brush, then escorted out to the stairs in front of the cathedral. Brother Morden follows you out, brandishing a vicious-looking barbed whip.

Atella: starts scrubbing

Atella: (reluctantly)

Clavis_Morden: begins scrubbing the stairs as well, praying loudly as instructed.

Clavis_Morden: Despite the hard and unpleasant work, despite the discomfort and pain and the humiliation ... at least she can be sure she isn't doing anything wrong.

Tylorva: (( Can everyone give me a Toughness roll +20 ))

Atella: is adding this to Sand's list of reasons to die

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 5 on a d100 for 4 degrees of success.

Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 98 on a d100 for 3 degrees of failure.

Fatespinner: Tylorva rolled a 80 on a d100 for 3 degrees of failure.

Tylorva: (( Mercution will spend a FP. ))

Atella: (yay, I'm the only one not getting whipped)

Fatespinner: Tylorva rolled a 99 on a d100 for 4 degrees of failure.

Tylorva: (( Oops. ))

Tylorva: About an hour passes, during which time both Clavis and Mercution seem to be flagging. Their slow-down in scrubbing is rewarded with the crack of the whip, sending them flying and drawing blood.

Tylorva: Various passers-by laugh, curse and spit at the obvious penitants and the whole experience is pretty humiliating.

Tylorva: Suddenly Brother Morden doesn't seem to be paying attention, instead staring down the stairs as his jaw slowly falls open.

Clavis_Morden: After the repeated adrenaline shocks due to the firefight and meeting all these important and powerful people Clavis is exhausted. She does her best, but apparently that isn't enough. She ducks under the cracking whip and tries to stifle her cries as best she can.

Clavis_Morden: continues scrubbing and praying

Atella: is just glad she doesn't get whipped and keeps scrubbing

Tylorva: Someone, a woman, in full power armour emblazoned with the sigils of the Holy Inquisition is striding up the stairs, knocking aside anyone who gets in her way. Mounted on her back is a huge eviscerator style chainsword, and in her eyes is a somewhat murderous look. The rosette of the Inquisition hangs from a thick chain around her neck. She looks to be in her mid thirties - strong, muscled and scarred and looks supremely confidant in that armour.

Atella: is looking down while scrubbing after almost getting spit in her eye earlier

Clavis_Morden: glances up, shudders, and makes sure she isn't in the terrifying apparition's way.

Clavis_Morden: ... before continuing her work.

Tylorva: The terrifying apparition strides up to a suddenly terrified-looking Brother Morden. She grabs the man by the front of his robes and easily hoists him off the floor before slinging him out of the way. Then she turns to you all. "Get up!"

Atella: hears Morden's yelp, frowns and looks up

Clavis_Morden: Trembling badly and constantly Clavis stands, but does not dare look at the woman.

Atella: sees the woman and gets up

Tylorva: Mercution hurries to his feet with wide eyes.

Tylorva: "Follow!" barks the inquisitor before she throws open the doors to the cathedral and marches in.

Atella: looks at Clavis and Mercution, shrugs and follows

Clavis_Morden: tries to answer in the affirmative but can't manage even a single word. So she simply follows as quickly as she still can.

Tylorva: She strides through the cathedral as priests and visitors alike dive out of her way. Standing in the middles, she spins round and demands in an extremely loud voice to know where the Hierophant is. Once he arrives, there follows a very loud argument about over-stepping bounds. One Kasobel gets over his initial surprise, he starts speaking back at her, his low calm voice in contrast to her powerful shout. It's all very very public.

Atella: can't conceal a grin

Clavis_Morden: Clavis, a pitiful figure in the rough sackcloth and terrified, tries to be as invisible as she can.

Tylorva: The Hierophant really doesn't stand much of a chance. After the inquisitor publically berates him for detaining her staff, he seems to give in purely as a means of getting rid of her as quickly as possibly. "Please Inquisitor, I didn't mean anything. Just take your people and go. I really wouldn't want to stand in your way any longer."

Tylorva: With a broad smirk, the power-armour clad figure turns to you. "Grab your things and let's get out of here."

Atella: smiles and salutes "ma'am, yes ma'am" before stripping off the sackcloth en route to her armor

Atella: [I think I like the boss]

Atella: (yes this is going to come back and bite her in the ass)

Tylorva: (( Inquisitor Vika Shaee doesn't know the meaning of 'subtlety'. ;) ))

Clavis_Morden: ... /So we're staff now?/ a detached part of Clavis' mind things confusedly, but obviously if the Inquisitor says so then it must be true. Not trusting her voice she nods vigorously before following Atella to grab her own things.

Atella: (watch out for flying sackcloth robes on the way ;)

Tylorva: Mercution follows as well, pulling off the sackcloth gleefully. "So... that's the boss...?"

Clavis_Morden: "To treat the Bishop so ... she must be the Inquisitor," Clavis mumurs in wonder.

Tylorva: Whilst getting changed you catch a glimpse of poor Kasobel huddled in a corner sneaking downing a shot or three of amasec.

Atella: finishes dressing and returns to the boss, still grinning broadly

Clavis_Morden: Reversing the order from before Clavis puts on her underclothes first then exchanges the sackcloth for her own robe.

Clavis_Morden: ((I assume the Arbites delivered weapons and stuff to the church as well to be returned after the penance, so we can get them, too?))

Tylorva: (( Yeah, they did. Someone hurridly points them out to you. ))

Atella: straps her weapons back up and strokes her shockmaul lovingly

Clavis_Morden: Returning to the Inquisitor Clavis curtsies as respectfully as she can. "A-at y-your s-s-service, I-Inquisitor," she manages to choke out.

Tylorva: The inquisitor is pacing back and forth in front of the altar, her hands on her hips, as she glares at everything and everyone. Most of the visitors seem to have fled the building by now, and the priests have settled for keeping their distance as much as possible. "Let's go," she says as soon as everyone is assembled, and without waiting any further, she marches straight outside the building.

Atella: follows her

Tylorva: "Don't stammer!" she yells at Clavis over her shoulder.

Atella: whistles a jaunty marching song

Clavis_Morden: flinches and almost stumbles. She opens and closes her mouth once, then after breathing deeply and with much effort she answers "Yes, Inquisitor," in a slightly firmer voice.

Clavis_Morden: And naturally she too follows the Inquisitor out of the cathedral.

Tylorva: She stalks down the stairs, glances around then turns to everyone. "Interrogator Reinhardt thinks me foolish for keeping you. Do you think me foolish? No? I didn't think so. You'd be stupid if you did, eh?" She gives another broad grin. "But I do want this investigation completed. Without further incident!"

Clavis_Morden: takes another deep breath to gather her wits. "Yes, Inquisitor."

Atella: "yes, ma'am, I'll do my best. Oh, do you want this weird xeno stuff?"

Atella: shows her the box with the psyactive stuff

Clavis_Morden: Clavis gives Atella a confused look. Wasn't that supposed to have been given to the Arbites since Reinhardt didn't care about it?

Tylorva: Vika takes it from Atella and inspects it. "Wraithbone," she says in disgust. "If someone is moving this crap around then they are hereticus and should be destroyed."

Atella: "Found it in the office of Caster, ma'am"

Clavis_Morden: "The ... Brotherhood of Slyth he called the ones who made him hold it for them, Inquisitor."

Atella: nods

Atella: "they were going to contact him after which he was supposed to drop it under st rathgor's bridge"

Tylorva: "Heresy," she says with a scowl. "Find them and end it." She gazes intently. "Do it well and I'll continue to have use for you."

Atella: "yes ma'am"

Clavis_Morden: "Yes, Inquisitor," Clavis says, eager to please though she doesn't have any idea how to go about it. "Umm ... before or after the matter with the witches Janus Sand and Kirian?"

Clavis_Morden: She falls silent then, mortified that she had said something before having been asked to.

Tylorva: Vika scowls. "Sand. Sand killed my best interrogator!"

Clavis_Morden: ((so Reinhardt is second best at most? Heh, he won't like hearing that :D ))

Clavis_Morden: "Yes, Inquisitor," Clavis hurries to say.

Clavis_Morden: ((that was an order right, not a statement?))

Atella: adds in a sotto voce "not to mention he made me fuck him after making me think he was an inquisitor"

Tylorva: (( Consider deciphering Vika's statements as part of the experience of working for her. ;) ))

Tylorva: "You might want to ask old Kasobel in there about Sand," she says, without expanding on it further. Instead she reaches to her belt and pulls off a small pouch which she tosses to Clavis. "Don't lose it. Now, get to work!"

Atella: "yes, ma'am"

Clavis_Morden: catches the small pouch. "Yes, Inquisitor!"

Tylorva: She nods. "Report when you have something." And with that, she strides away, carving a huge gap through the hive crowds as every single person hurridly gets out of her way.

Clavis_Morden: waits a bit until the Inquisitor is far enough away, then lets out a deep breath. "A deeply scary woman, the Inquisitor," she then says very quietly.

Atella: turns to Clavis and says "I dunno, I like her."

Clavis_Morden: "Yes, I guess she was ... kinda nice to us. But still." Clavis shivers.

Clavis_Morden: She opens the pouch a tiny bit to look at what's inside.

Atella: "She was... striking"

Tylorva: Inside the pouch is a small badge of authority for the Inquisition.

Clavis_Morden: gulps and closes the pouch again, then secures it carefully about her person

Clavis_Morden: "We are a little more official than before, I think."

Atella: "Well, that's good"

Clavis_Morden: nods. "Yes, sure. It probably helps avoid such situations as before ... But I don't even want to think about what would happen to us if we, if I did lose it."

Atella: "don't want a repeat of earlier"

Atella: winks at Clavis_Morden

Atella: "well, she *did* give it to you ;)"

Clavis_Morden: shudders.

Clavis_Morden: Looking around the people still avoiding the spot where the Inquisitor had stood Clavis looks thoughtful. "So, what now?"

Atella: "shall we go talk to the hierophant while he's still... under the influence?"

Clavis_Morden: "We should probably talk to the Hierophant, yes." Clavis nods.

Atella: turns around and strides back in

Tylorva: (( Gonna wrap it up there anyway. Back to the investigation next week. :) ))

Clavis_Morden: "Since we are already here ..." Clavis also makes her way up the stairs to the cathedral.