Between the Darkness/Session 10

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tylorva: Right! So it is time to set the trap and catch the bad guy. How are you going about it? :)

Turfster: I was thinking

Turfster: if the bad guy never met Lyra

Turfster: I could pretend to be her

Turfster: (with some makeup)

dakkareth: Jonas can tell us if that is the case.

Mercution_Hastus: He didn't?

dakkareth: I doubt it, but he would know for sure

dakkareth: The main idea was for Jonas to put a call in to his former boss saying that they have acquired something from their 'mission' at the Arbites fortress.

Mercution_Hastus: Original plan consisted of guardsman arranging a meeting, whereupon we swoop down on the malicious witch.

dakkareth: So that they'll have to meet with him to give it to him.

dakkareth: nods. And then we arrest him.

Turfster: yep

tylorva: *nod nod*

dakkareth: Jonas would actually go there to meet him to make it look real

dakkareth: (and help us capture Sand)

tylorva: Alright. A very resigned Jonas does as he is asked, speaking quietly over the vox fora few minutes. Eventually he comes out, with his head bowed. "He says he will meet us... uhh... you... at the Grox Bladder tavern on Short Street. Can I go now?"

Mercution_Hastus: ((Noone listened in on the conversation?))

Clavis_Morden: (I'm pretty sure at least Mercution did ;) ))

Clavis_Morden: ((what with his suspiciously good hearing ...))

tylorva: (( You can listen in. He doesn't seem to give anything away. :) ))

Mercution_Hastus: ((Indeed. Mercution wouldn't trust him - neither to speak with Sand without supervision, nor to go with us to meet him. ))

Clavis_Morden: "Thank you for your cooperation, Trooper Krill," Clavis says brightly.

tylorva: "I can go then? I don't want no trouble." He sighs.

Atella: "I'm sorry, you'll have to help us for a while longer. He'll be suspicious if you don't show up after setting the meeting."

Mercution_Hastus: ((*sigh* This is not how 40k works, unfortunately.))

tylorva: "But..."

Atella: puts a hand on his shoulder

Atella: "We thank you for your cooperation, trooper."

Mercution_Hastus: "Thinks this is a good idea?" came in a vox signal. Mercution was still out of sight, leaning against the wall with a thoughtful, concerned expression.

Atella: "once we have him, you can go"

Atella: "promise"

Atella: looks really earnest

Clavis_Morden: nods. "This is for the best. This way we'll be certain, this way it will be all over in no time."

tylorva: "Well... alright..." he says, looking very worried. "I didn't mean to cause no trouble."

tylorva: ...

tylorva: "What about Lyra? She ain't a bad person."

Atella: sighs

Clavis_Morden: ((the idea was to keep her locked up for the moment, I think))

Atella: "your friend is... more problematic. She did actually break in and steal"

Mercution_Hastus: was rather sympathetic to the guardsman -the man proved himself to be dedicated, quick and generally surprisingly adequate - and, like their own rag-tag team, aware, that he is in well over his head.

Clavis_Morden: ((as insurance of sorts, and because we didn't trust her))

Atella: "I'll see what I can do for her, but for now, she stays."

Atella: ((subtlety my friend, subtlety ;)

tylorva: "We thought we was doing what an inquisitor wanted!"

Atella: "I know, I know. Like I said, I'll see what I can do."

Atella: "Now let's prepare for the meet"

Mercution_Hastus: on the other hand also suspected, that simply letting someone go, someone so closely tied to their target won't be looked upon favourably by their patrons. Considering what Reinhardt did to the Underhivers' village...

Clavis_Morden: "You are not to blame for that man's deception," Clavis reassures the trooper.

Clavis_Morden: Something occurs to Clavis then. "Ah. I'll be stepping aside for a moment," she says bringing out her own vox apparatus.

tylorva: "This has better be bloody important," says an obviously pissed-off sounding Interrogator Reinhardt.

Mercution_Hastus: "Hm?" overheard Hastus. "You want to vox Interrogator?"

Clavis_Morden: "It seems prudent, I though ..."

Clavis_Morden: "In case we were never heard from again, you know. We don't know what will happen," Clavis explains.

Atella: nods

Mercution_Hastus: "Considering we are finally going directly after our target, who is a known witch with unknown powers, yes, 't may be appropriate."

Mercution_Hastus: "Knowing him, though, he will berate us for not calling _after_ we got Sand." He scoffed.

Clavis_Morden: Sequestering herself away from hostile ears Clavis makes her report: "Sir, Interrogator, sir! Reporting that we have captured two people who were deceived by Sand's stolen 'item'. They are cooperating and we are now about to intercept Sand at a meeting and capture him."

tylorva: "Why are you calling me then? You haven't got Sand yet?"

Clavis_Morden: She also gives the location of the meet. "One of them remains in Arbites custody at the fortress. Upon successful capture, what should be done with Sand?"

Clavis_Morden: "Umm. Sir, no, sir. I just thought ... you know, in case the heretic killed us all and you had to send replacements after us ..." Her voice becomes smaller and smaller and finally trails off, both due to embarrassment and all to vivid imagination of that possibility.

tylorva: "The mistress wants the heretic alive so she can dispense the Emperor's justice personally..." says Reinhardt in a very cold voice. "Until you have him and have learnt anything pertinant from him, I do not want to hear from you."

Clavis_Morden: "Yes! Sir Interrogator, yes, understood!"

Clavis_Morden: Clavis' tone is anything but the military confidence her choice of words might imply.

Clavis_Morden: She shuts off the vox unit and returns to the others, shaken by the experience of speaking to one of their masters as always.

Clavis_Morden: The difference between them being that where Reinhardt merely inspires fear Vika Shaeye *terrifies*. And inspires.

Mercution_Hastus: suddenly there, in person, finally showing his face to listen to the exchange. After all is done, he jsut shakes his head.

Mercution_Hastus: "How are we going to capture him?" He asks, pointedly.

Clavis_Morden: "We, uh, he says we need Sand alive."

Mercution_Hastus: "That I got. You can't capture someone with a shotgun, thoug - at the point of a gun, maybe, but I'm not certain this will suffice."

Clavis_Morden: "I thought he'd probably surrender when he realizes that the *real* Inquisition is sending people to take him in," Clavis says reasonably.

Clavis_Morden: "That or try to kill us all," she continues matter-of-factly. "Those are usually the two ways these things go."

Atella: "I'll get some handcuffs, at least."

Mercution_Hastus: "I will claim no insight into heretic's logic, but I assume he thought about that probability when he looted Interrogator's corpse."

Clavis_Morden: "Atella has that big stick of hers to knock him out. And I will need some rope or chains ..."

tylorva: ((Jonas is basically your prisoner so you can have him present or locked up as and when you want atm ))

Clavis_Morden: ((I was thinking not locked up per se but not in the same room either))

Mercution_Hastus: "Hm. He still has his psyker tricks, does he not? Aside from knocking him out with a shock-maul, what can we do to protect ourselves?"

Clavis_Morden: "And, umm," Clavis seems a little hesitant. "I should probably mention that with Sand being a witch strange things might happen."

Clavis_Morden: "For ... well, for you the best protection will be faith in the Emperor - the Emperor protects! - and rendering him unconscious before he does something to you."

Clavis_Morden: "That said, I may be forced to resort to certain options that may prove ... alarming as well."

Clavis_Morden: She grimaces. "If that happens I would ask you to trust if not in me then in the agents of the Golden Throne and the Inquisitor who allowed it."

Mercution_Hastus: "Emperor protects," Echoes Mercution with a nod and continues, "Kirian done something like this as well, some.. alarming things. Not to compare you or..." He adds somewhat nervously.

Clavis_Morden: ((I should note at this point that Clavis' mental shields are still hardened due to use of Protective Invocation with 3 degrees of success several sessions back - it lasts until the first time it comes into effect))

Clavis_Morden: ((it's a special use of the Invocation skill that when used successfully gives a bonus to the next (and only the next) WP roll to resist a Psychic power))

Clavis_Morden: "I am sanctioned," Clavis says almost proudly. "And while I'm not yet ranked myself I was trained for this. Capturing a witch. With the Emperor's blessing we will succeed!"

Clavis_Morden: ((before we go Clavis will see if she can get some strong rope or chain. There should be enough of that lying around in an Arbites fortress ;) ))

tylorva: (( And yeah you can get rope, chain, shackles etc easily. ))

Mercution_Hastus: "Hm. He met two of you, but not me. Catching him unawares may be in my ability." Hastus muses. "Jonas said it was... What, a tavern? A lot of civillians. A way to hide - and a lot of potential chaos."

Atella: "sounds like a plan."

Clavis_Morden: ((I propose Jonas go to the meeting with Mercution as hidden backup with Atella and clavis nearby)

tylorva: The Grox Bladder is a typical grimy lower hive bar - more of a drinking shed really - the place is huge, packed full of workers and dregs drinking and smoking their lives away - after all, other than work, drink and pray, what else was there in their lives? ...

Clavis_Morden: ((more than one entrance/backdoor?))

tylorva: As soon as everyone arrives, the noise can be heard from the outside. Inside, it stinks of sweat, booze and lho. There are maybe a couple of hundred people in here. Like most places in the hive, it is packed. There are three public entrances, and a backdoor into the staff area.

Atella: takes up position near the back door

Atella: microbeads "you guys take the other exits

Mercution_Hastus: "God-Emperor, now I imagine him whipping out his insignia and sicking the crowd at us..." The underhiver shudders. He takes some time, strolling around, watching the place - how to enter, how to leave... This could potentially spell a cluster-frak of unimaginable proportions.

Clavis_Morden: is wearing her Lathe mesh with the Inquisition badge pinned to it just in case. All of that hidden by a wide cloak the hood of which might even serve to conceal her face from Sand's eyes.

tylorva: The bouncers on the doors eye up those loitering near them suspiciously. "Get in or get lorst..." intones one huge bouncer who must have been an ogryn in a previous life.

Clavis_Morden: Supporting herself with her staff and walking in a shuffling gait she'll look much older than usual, at least from a distance. After some difficulties she manages to make herself heard to acquire a beverage of undefined properties - which she has to intention to find out either - as well as a place near one of the entrances.

tylorva: (( Lyra's synskin would not fit you. ;) ))

tylorva: The table is covered with dirty glasses and grime. It may have been last cleaned this morning.

Mercution_Hastus: is as he always is. Flak and clothes, barely different from what most hivers wear. The place, likewise, was little different from underhive establisments of the same purpose, if noticeably large

Clavis_Morden: tries to mask her disgust and is very happy for the filtration plugs she is wearing.

Turfster: just wears "street clothes" then

Mercution_Hastus: r. He slips in and moves through the crowd - there shouldn't be any trouble of "fitting in". So, to find their "mark"...

tylorva: Jonas sits uncomfortable next to Clavis. "I can't see him yet..." he says, after inspecting the crowd. "But there are many people here."

Clavis_Morden: ((Jonas is supposed to be somewhere else though ... Sand knows Clavis' face!

Turfster: keeps an eye out

Clavis_Morden: ((Mercution is supposed to be the one closest since he's unknown to Sand still))

Mercution_Hastus: ((Yes, let's assume Merction looks around - as he saw a pict of Sand and, I believe, can recognize him - and keeps an eye on guardsman.))

Turfster: I figure we either give him a microbead, or have mercution really close by)

tylorva: (( Ok. Jonas basically does what you tell him to do. You can give him a microbead if you want ))

Clavis_Morden: ((I figure he'll be sitting somewhere near one door (and far from the others) with Mercution close by and Atella and Clavis watching from farther away))

tylorva: (( Okies. He gives you the same report over the microbead then. :) ))

Turfster: settles down to wait, keeps scanning the pub for anything interesting our out of the ordinary

Clavis_Morden: "He will come." Clavis says quietly through the beads. "He has to."

tylorva: As you keep watching, you pick up on some kind of deal taking place nearby. Looks like extensive dealing of illegal drugs.

Mercution_Hastus: "OR he has seen though all of our attempts at ambush and is on his way to another Hive-City."

Clavis_Morden: tries not to contemplate that possibility too much

Turfster: looks at the trafficants and notes their faces, but makes no move on them

Mercution_Hastus: "Hmph. Keep an eye on those, just in case it turns ugly. It's bound to, I swear. God-Emperor, why did I have to spell it aloud?.."

Clavis_Morden: doesn't seem to notice anything wrong

tylorva: (( Can everyone make an awareness roll +10, except for Atella who can have +20? ))

Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 9 on a d100 for 5 degrees of success.

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 99 on a d100 for 4 degrees of failure.

Fatespinner: Mercution_Hastus rolled a 12 on a d100 for 4 degrees of success.

Atella: (the trained police officer is the only one not to notice anything... again)

tylorva: Everyone except the trained police offer notices a few of the customers are taking a lot of interesting in the drug deals. Undercover enforcers for sure...

Atella: tries to catch the eye of the waitress(?)

Clavis_Morden: notes the possible undercover enforcers as potential allies

Mercution_Hastus: "Atella, those wouldn't be your guys?" voxes Mercution quietly,

Atella: "Hm? Who?"

Atella: looks around

tylorva: The drug dealers don't seem to notice the enforcers... yet.

Mercution_Hastus: "Eh... Those types? On the left, near the guy in the blue coveralls? And with two bottles? And smoking brunette?"

Atella: (can I... switch my microbead frequency to the ones we arbites usually use?)

tylorva: (( Hmmm... give a tech-use +30 roll ))

Atella: (... she doesn't have tech use? what? this will be... interesting)

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 6 on a d100 for 4 degrees of success.

Atella: switches to their channel

tylorva: (( *giggles* You manage to tune in then. You hear them saying they are about to move in on the drug dealers. From experience you know that it will turn the whole place into a warzone very quickly indeed. Not ideal for trying to meet a contact. ))

Atella: keys her microbead

Atella: "hello boys and girls, don't be alarmed, but I need you to hold off on your bust. We don't want to spook my quarry."

tylorva: (( Ok, is that how you do it, or do you give them your ID properly first? Because it will have a big effect. ))

Atella: adjusts

Atella: "Hello boys and girls, this is regulator Ummidia." etc ;)

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 10 on a d100 for 2 degrees of success.

tylorva: (( These things matter. :) ))

tylorva: There is some groaning from the enforcers. "They're going to get away..."

Atella: "you'll get another chance to catch them, another day. If we lose our quarry, it could spell doom for this world."

Mercution_Hastus: ((Ouch. Now, this over-dramatizing was unnecessary.))

Atella: (it could be true!)

Clavis_Morden: ((Heh. That's Atella for you :p ))

Atella: (see, someone knows Atella ;)

Clavis_Morden: ((Good thing though that the rest of us can't hear :p ))

tylorva: Jonas suddenly speaks via microbead to Clavis and Mercution (Atella misses it due to being tuned to another frequency). "He's here. East door. Longcoat and hat.

Clavis_Morden: "Finally!"

Clavis_Morden: "Act normal. Like you were really here for the planned meeting, alright?"

Mercution_Hastus: strains immediately. He takes one loot at the entrance, then another - at Ummidia. Apparently, she contacted the enforcers. Hopefully, it'll keep them from doing anything drastic - or, even better, manages to recruit them to their cause.

tylorva: As the man enters the bar, Clavis does recognise him as the man who started all the current problems in her life. He glances around then saunters up to the bar.

tylorva: "Now?" asks Jonas. "Or wait for him to sit down first?"

Mercution_Hastus: ((How is he moving through the crowd, can Mercution gauge that? Like a Hiver, or with more trouble?))

Clavis_Morden: "What would you normally do? Do that. Keep him talking - the story we agreed on - and distract him while we move in."

tylorva: "I'd wait..." he says, clearly nervous.

tylorva: (( He seems to be a hiver and knows how to handle the crowds. ))

tylorva: The enforcers continue arguing with Atella, but seem to be continuing to hold off.

tylorva: The drug dealers continue their discussions.

Turfster: continues arguing with the enforcers then ;)

tylorva: Janus Sand seems to notice the enforcers...

Atella: (well crap)

tylorva: As Jonas makes his way over to Sand, Sand suddenly stands up and starts to hustle Jonas through the crowd towards the door.

Atella: (do I see this?)

Clavis_Morden: "Umm," Clavis sends. "Did he see us? I think we should do something now."

tylorva: (( Atella make an awareness +20 roll. ))

Atella: (chances, slim ;)

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 60 on a d100 for 0 degrees of failure.

tylorva: (( You are still engrossed in talking to the enforcers, who don't notice someone who is not there mark doing anything. ))

Mercution_Hastus: stands nearby, inconspicuously, with hands deep in pockets. One is holding autopistol grip, the other - the handle of a very special punch dagger. Noticing Sands' sudden change of behavior, he moves away from the bar stand. "Moving in." he whispers.

tylorva: (( Now would be a grand time for initiative. ))

tylorva: (( Note, anyone who is not a hiver is taking movement penalties for the crowd. ))

Clavis_Morden: too after a moment stands, leaving the drink on the table, and moves toward the door aiming to arrive there before Sand since she is closer

Mercution_Hastus: ((Hm. Did Clavis pay for her drink? Fun it would be, if barman or waitress suddenly cries out, accusing you, demanding money and calling for bouncers...))

Clavis_Morden: ((I figure it's the sort of place you don't get anything unless you pay up front))

tylorva: (( Yeah, they don't really have waitress service. It's a British style bar. ;) ))

Mercution_Hastus: ((So. Does it look like our target has any weapon? And how long Mercution will be able to move in on him more or less unnoticeable - if he is able at all?))

Clavis_Morden: yeah, what distances are we all at?

tylorva: (( Right. Sandwich has been eaten. I want chocolate now, but I don't have any. :( ))

Clavis_Morden: ((DCC can't handle chocolate, I'm afraid :s ))

tylorva: (( To answer the questions: Sand doesn't seem to be visibly armed. He's currently about 20 metres away from everyone, as is moving unimpeded by the crowd. Trying to sneak up on him will require a sneak roll. ))

Mercution_Hastus: ((Hm. I would've gladly shared, but it's 2,5 km between us. ))

Mercution_Hastus: ((2,500 km, pardon me. ))

tylorva: (( Dammit! Where are you teleportarium when most needed. ))

Clavis_Morden: "Trooper Krill. If you can slow him down without arousing suspicion, do it!"

Atella: (in orbit around an entirely different planet, hopefully saving us from grisly death)

tylorva: (( Right, Jonas doesn't do anything this turn other than to subvocalise my microbead, asking what he should do. ))

Mercution_Hastus: Purposefully, yet all sneaky-like ganger approaches Sand as closely as he can, trying not to get his attention or raise suspision...

tylorva: Sand doesn't seem to notice Mercution discreetly moving up towards him.

tylorva: Sand keeps moving towards the exit. He'll reach it at the end of his next turn if not stopped.

Clavis_Morden: moves not in Sand's direction but toward the door, hoping to reach it before Sand. She's not used to this many people being around her despite her time on Scintilla, so she bumps into others here and there though she tries to make it look like she isn't in a hurry.

Atella: "so... you guys doing anything after this?"

Atella: (since atella is still blissfully unaware)

Mercution_Hastus: ((She must have noticed if not Sand, then at least the rest of the band moving out.))

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 45 on a d100 for 2 degrees of success.

Atella: (oh, finally)

Atella: (any of the other cops sitting closer to him or the exits?)

tylorva: (( There is one cop close to the exit. ))

Atella: (the exit sand is moving towards?)

Atella: keys her microbead

tylorva: (( Yup ))

Atella: "You in the... ghastly yellow jumper, quarry coming your way. [description of Sand]. Apprehend if not intercepted before he reaches you. Do *not* listen to anything he says. Friendlies will assist."

Atella: slowly gets up while saying this

tylorva: Jonas attempts to grapple Sand.

tylorva: ... and manages to do so.

Mercution_Hastus: rushes in in several long strides, swiftly taking out monobladed punch-dagger, covered in dirty napkin. He assaults the heretic, trying to put the weapon to his neck - or anywhere, considering the exceeding sharpness of the tool, yet still not striking. "Do not move! Surrender, right now!"

tylorva: "Let me go! I'm an Inquisitor!" yells Sand who pulls out the seal and holds it up for all to see. Silence suddenly descends across the bar. "Do you want me to call you all herestics!" He doesn't struggle though for fear of Mercution's knife.

Clavis_Morden: Summoning all the guile she will ever learn from the future Clavis pulls off her cloak showing the small inquisition badge on her chest, almost shining against the contrast of the black mesh armor. "Imperial Inquisition!" she shouts trying to match Vika Shaeye's tone. "Your FAKE SEAL will not help you here, heretic!"

Clavis_Morden: ((using Glimpse as a half action and then trying to use Deceive to convince everyone that Sand is holding a fake while Clavis' is real.))

Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 35 on a d100 for 0 degrees of success.

Clavis_Morden: ((umm. Ok, so that's not the best possible result. Anyone want to back me up with assist another to drive it higher?))

Clavis_Morden: ((Glimpse failed, btw))

tylorva: (( Hmmm... Give me a command +30 roll as well. ))

Clavis_Morden: It's a desperate gambit, truth be told. Or, as Clavis thinks to herself a moment after she's finished shouting, trying very hard to supress the urge to run away, more like insane. But what else can they do?

Clavis_Morden: ((can I use half Fel?))

Mercution_Hastus: ((Can I assist? ))

tylorva: (( Yup )) x2

Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 84 on a d100 for 3 degrees of failure.

Clavis_Morden: ((FP))

Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 30 on a d100 for 2 degrees of success.

Clavis_Morden: ((this inclduing Mercution's assist))

Clavis_Morden: ((also, now out of FP O_O))

Mercution_Hastus: "Madman! Impersonator!" adds Hastus, low and harsh, voice filled with hate and righeous fury - he tries to emulate them convincingly enough.

tylorva: (( Ok, you do a poor job of emulating Vika Shaeye's authority, but it's good enough for the people in this bar.  :) ))

tylorva: "Lies!" yells Sand, struggling against the hold he is in. "Don't listen to them. Mine is the real seal!"

tylorva: He's quite convicing, but not nearly as well as Clavis.

Atella: keeps moving towards Sand

Atella: "Nothing to see here people, carry on with whatever you were doing."

tylorva: The enforcers start yelling that the drug dealers have taken advantage of the distraction to scarper.

Mercution_Hastus: "Another word, I'll slit your throat and cut off the tongue at it's lying root - you'll have to give your confessions in written form..." This Hastus hissed right in Sand's ear, his tone almost pleasant.

tylorva: (( Intimidate +20 :) ))

Fatespinner: Mercution_Hastus rolled a 54 on a d100 for 0 degrees of success.

Fatespinner: tylorva rolled [10, 7, 9, 2] for a total of 28

Clavis_Morden: ((oh shit, psychic phenomenon))

tylorva: Everyone around him (which includes him, all of you, one cop and several patrons) all float 5m into the air.

tylorva: (( Make that 3m before everyomne hits the ceiling. ))

Mercution_Hastus: ((Can I try to hold on to him? I want to use him to cushion the fall.))

tylorva: (( Can everyone also make a WP roll? ))

tylorva: (( If you fail, you are stunned for a round. ))

Fatespinner: Mercution_Hastus rolled a 95 on a d100 for 5 degrees of failure.

Fatespinner: Clavis_Morden rolled a 14 on a d100.

Clavis_Morden: ((That should be enough either way))

Fatespinner: Atella rolled a 49 on a d100 for 1 degrees of failure.

Clavis_Morden: The sudden psychic force reversing gravity around them catches Clavis by surprise but her protective mantra helps shield her mind.

tylorva: There is a suddenly flash of light and a deafening bang from Sand as he calls upon the warp, which has the side effect of making everything around him float into the air then drop back down to the floor. "Oh..." he says in surprise at the effect. "Ha Ha!" He attempts to flee as the stunned Jonas and Mercution are unable to stop him. After a moment everyone recovers to

tylorva: see him diving out of the door.

tylorva: (( You can attempt to pursue him. ))

Mercution_Hastus: ((Shouldn't everyone also roll for damage for falling?))

tylorva: (( Yeah point. 1d10 + 3 ))

Clavis_Morden: ((he can't get very far in the same round, a half move at most, and Clavis would act in that round, too, right?))

Clavis_Morden: ((Clavis takes 2 wounds))

Mercution_Hastus: ((8 Damage - 3 TB = 5 Wounds. ))

tylorva: ((Sand takes 6. That will definitely slow him down. And yes, CLavis wasn't stunned, so she can act. ))

Atella: (8-2=6)

tylorva: (( Jonas takes 7 wounds. ))

Clavis_Morden: Clavis, seeing Sand pick himself up and try to flee while everyone else is stunned by his blast whispers to herself "Oh no, not *again*!"

tylorva: (( Atella was stunned, but goes next round. ))

Clavis_Morden: Getting to her feet herself she steps across the bodies of the (literally) fallen and sweeps her staff against Sand's legs. "Halt!"

Mercution_Hastus: lands heavily, not even able to soften the fall, due to being stunned and confused by Sand's power. Of course, to his knowledge, lifting everyone to the ceiling and then dropping them was the intended effect. He can surely feel the results.

tylorva: Sand tries to dodge and almost succeeds, but it is not quite good enough. Clavis's staff sweeps him off his feet and he tumbles to the floor.

Atella: groggily picks herself up from the patron she's lying on and goes after Sand

tylorva: Sand tries to pick himself up again, but he's surrounded now.

Mercution_Hastus: gets up with a groan, from cold and hard floor, rubbing his backside. Murder is in his eyes, when he sets them upon prone heretic, though, he appears to cool down quickly.

Atella: kicks Sand in the ribs and cuffs him

tylorva: Sand groans as he is kicked.

Atella: "Got you."

Clavis_Morden: steps on Sand's arm and takes the seal away from him.

Atella: calls the boss

Clavis_Morden: ... and quickly lets it disappear.

Mercution_Hastus: "Atella, could you please use that maul of yours? I've had enough flying for today."

tylorva: (( Right, going to stop there as it is late. :) ))

tylorva: (( Everyone can have 400 XP for catching the heretic at last. ))

Clavis_Morden: ((yay, we finally have him!))

Clavis_Morden: ((though we still have to survive the likely panic after that stunt of his))

Mercution_Hastus: ((It could've been worse. If he rolled 100 and dissapeared without a trave, Lady Inquisitor would not have been amused.))

tylorva: Oh yes. Vika would have been -pissed- if that had happened. ;)

Mercution_Hastus: ((Hm. This could be a rather epic story. Inquisitor following after a heretic directly into the warp, where he will surely perish, simply due to undying hate and desire to execute him right and proper personally. ))

tylorva: That is rather epic. :)