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The Moons of Heaven are populated by mostly Indian descended people. They've worked in quiet for the last hundred years of so remaining loyalist in the war (though barely useful except for refueling and such, which many supplied for a price to both sides). They've been assiduously building up several key elements necessary for not only independence, but to take advantage of the independence of others. They've developed a small space craft manufacturing focusing on small freighters and transports and bare bones travel. They've built up a significant agricultural base (including grains, tea, coffee, coffee, quorn, and soy), and a knockoff small arms manufacturing that provided compatible ammo for Alliance based weapons, as well as replacement parts, and full scales copies.

The Bharat is organized in an anachronistic system of Rajas, or princes. Each moon, including the very small yet to be terraformed ones has a Raja, and each prince or princess has considerable power in a local area. The pre-terraformed moons are set up a bit like dowries, one day they will be terraformed, so they are of considerable value now.

The Bharat is a fairly commerce friendly institution that is very much about capitalizing on the odd regulations or laws of its neighbors (principally the Califat). There is also an extensive network of illicit trade as well.
