Big Damned Heroes: C2
Riona 'Rio' Zhao[edit]
Character Quote[edit]
Big Damned Hero SFX: Once per scene, step up or double an Attribute. 1s and 2s count as hitches.
Outfly SFX: Ain't no one rips the Black like you. When you are trying to outmaneuver another pilot take or step up a mechanical complication to step up or double P&N for an action.
Gorram Charming SFX: "Oh yeah, that's my buddy." Spend 1 PP to gain a d8 Relationship with one Minor or Major GMC in this scene.
Profession Distinction - Alliance Academy Dropout
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Custom SFX:
Background Distinction - Central Worlds Adrenaline Junkie
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Custom SFX:
Quirk Distinction - Have You Considered More Tattoos?
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Signature Assets[edit]
Hailing from a prominent military family on Sihnon, Rio (Riona only if she's in trouble with her parents or really likes you) spent her entire life kicking against the rigid rules and regulations of the Central Worlds, rebelling any way and trying to find any excitement she could but her family name kept her from seeing any real punishment from her escapades which somehow was even more frustrating. Forced into the Alliance academy because it was the done thing in her family, Rio refused to swallow the propaganda but did soak up anything related to piloting for which she showed an amazing facility with. Rio was a lock to be assigned to a gunship squadron upon graduation, which Rio avoided by never graduating and skipping out the night before graduation to the outer worlds to finally have a life that's her own.
Bound by Law[edit]
- The authorities are looking for you. They just want to talk. Promise. What do they think you are guilty of? Did you do what they think you did?
Rio is technically AWOL, except not so much 'technically' as 'actually' and would absolutely cop to it. The Alliance really wants a return on their investment.
Friends in Low Places[edit]
- You know a guy. Who are they? Describe a GMC your character knows well enough to call on for the occasional favor. This contact is a purely narrative asset with no die ranking.
Her younger twin brother Leland Zhao (by four minutes), serving about the Tohoku-class cruiser I.A.V. Drake as flight controller. He absolutely would not feed her crew juicy targets ripe to be liberated but Leland also doesn't want his sister caught and to see the inside of a jail cell.