Black Canary PL12

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Black Canary; PL 12 (180)

Init +7; Defense 21 (+7 base, +4 dex); Spd 30 ft; Base Attack +12; Atk +17 melee (+8S Unarmed) or +16 ranged (12L Sonic Blast); SV Dmg +3, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12 (76 total)

Skills: Move Silently 8/+12, Hide 8/+12, Spot 6/+7, Listen 6/+7, Search 6/+7, Jump 2/+5, Climb 2/+5 (19 pts)

Feats: Attack Finesse (Unarmed), Rapid Strike, Dodge, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Attack Focus (Unarmed), Power Strike, Improved Sunder, Rapid Takedown, Whirlwind Attack, Expertise, Move By Attack, Stunning Attack, Improved Initiative, Attractive, Improved Trip, Instant Stand, Improved Grapple, Improved Pin (38 pts)

Powers & Equipment: JL Communicator (1 pp), Energy Blast +12 (Extras: Cone Area, 3 ppr, 36 pp), Strike +5 (2 ppr, 10 total) (47 total)