Black Lotus

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Black Lotus[edit]

"How many cuts should I repeat...? How many fates should I accept...?"

Basic Info[edit]

Sex: Female

Archetypes: Kugutsu/Paragon/Swordmaster

Karma Cost: 70/108

Attribute Cost: 39/40-1


Body 7

Agility 3

Senses 3

Knowledge 3

Spirit 7

Empathy 10

Station 6


Art of War (4): Crescent Moon Blade Tactics

Etiquette (3)

Perform (3)

Persuasion (2)

Pillow Arts (3)

Melee Combat (4)


Vitality = Body + Spirit = 14

Soul = (Knowledge + Spirit)*2 = 20

Light Wound = Body = 7

Heavy Wound = Body/2 = 4

Critical Wound = Body /4 = 2

Dead = 1


Secret: No One Knows You're A Kugutsu 3

Goal: To Know What's True Strength 2


Secret martial arts manuscript

Deviant Blade "White Tulip" (Damage +7, RoF 5, Ammo 8)

Special Abilities[edit]

Butterfly Dreams