Blank Slate Ruri'Thali
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Character Sheet[edit]
Race: Forest Giant (Altered Wood Elf)
Class: Eldritch Monk
Level: 10
Hit Points: 71
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Armor Class: 16 (Wis +3, Dex +3)
Speed: 40 ft
Ability | Score | Bonus | Save |
STR | 14 | +2 | +2 |
DEX | 17 | +3 | +3 |
CON | 14 | +2 | +2 |
INT | 10 | +0 | +0 |
WIS | 16 | +3 | +3 |
CHA | 8 | -1 | -1 |
- Acrobatics +7 (Dex)
- Animal Handling +7 (Wis)
- Arcana +0 (Int)
- Athletics +2 (Str)
- Deception -1 (Cha)
- History +0 (Int)
- Intimidation -1 (Cha)
- Investigation +0 (Int)
- Medicine +1 (Wis)
- Perception +7 (Wis)
- Performance -1 (Cha)
- Persuasion -1 (Cha)
- Religion +0 (Int)
- Sleight of Hand +3 (Dex)
- Stealth +3 (Dex)
- Survival +3 (Wis)
- Simple Martial Weapons
- Strength, Dexterity, Athletics, Nature, and History Saving Throws
- 2 Tools
- Unarmored Defense
- Martial Arts: Use Dex instead fo Str for unarmed strikes, Unarmed Damage 1d6, Extra unarmed attack
- Ki 10
- Flurry of Blows: 1 Ki for 2 more unarmed attacks
- Patient Defense: 1 Ki for a free Dodge
- Step of the Wind: 1 Ki for a bonus Disengage or Dash with double jump distance
- Unarmed Movement: +20' movement and can run up walls and liquids`
- Monastic Tradition: Eldritch Monk, Still Spell, War Magic
- Deflect Missiles
- Slow Fall
- Extra Attack
- Stunning Strike: 1 Ki to stun an appointent for 1 round (Con Saving throw)
- Ki Empowered Strikes: Unarmed count as magical
- Evasion
- Stillness of Mind
- Purity of Body
Spells Prepared: 7
Spell List:
Cantrips: 3/3 slots
- Mold Earth
- Gust
- Shape Water
- Thunderclap
1st Level: 4/4 slots
- Thunderwave
- Feather Fall
- Create Water
2nd Level: 2/2 slots
- Water Hammer (Cloud of Daggers)
- Gust of Wind
- Dust Devil