Blue Rose: Freedom Never Dies:Role Abilities

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Role Abilities[edit]

As in the generic True20 system, each Role has a Role Ability that can be used only by a hero who took his or her first level in that Role.

Adept: Talent[edit]

While scholarship divides the practice of magic into distinct talents and arcana that can be studied and taught, one who makes it their life's work to study it soon realises that they are simply a natural expression of the oneness of all things. An Adept can spend a Conviction point to make one use of an arcanum they do not possess. This works much like spending a Conviction point to emulate a feat. An adept with Talent can also spend a Conviction point to eliminate any accumulated modifiers to fatigue saving throws for using arcana.

Expert: Expertise[edit]

While specialisation has its rewards, a truly free spirit also makes sure to learn a little bit of everything - enough to be able to pull off some surprising acts of improvisation. An Expert can spend a point of Conviction to gain 4 temporary ranks in any skill, including skills in which the expert is not currently trained or that cannot be used untrained. These temporary skill ranks last for the duration of the scene and grant their normal benefits.

Warrior: Determination[edit]

Living by the sword requires discipline enough to rise above the petty distractions of pain. A Warrior can spend a point of Conviction to immediately erase all Bruised and Hurt damage conditions (and their associated penalties).