Blue Rose: Freedom Never Dies: The Right of Bounty

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The Lich King believes that only the strongest are fit to serve him, and as such, he prefers it when his minions feud and compete over who can best do his bidding. As such, his preferred method when finding an undesirable in his domain is to issue a Right of Bounty to a number of prominent servants, allowing them to wield his full authority in pursuing this enemy of the state. The one who ends up bringing him his prize is richly rewarded, while the others are lucky to even survive - for while it is illegal for anyone to harm the carrier of a Right of Bounty, the Lich King will look the other way if his agents arrange accidents for each other.

The Lich King may choose to issue the Rights of Bounty personally, but he is more likely to give the duty to a high-ranking Servitor. This is a sign of great favour, because it is unofficially expected for much money and great favours to be promised by each aspiring agent for this chance to distinguish themself.

A Right of Bounty is a parchment scroll describing the mission the bounty has been issued for, and signed by the issuing Servitor. To be official, it must be stamped with a special talisman-sigil carrying the Lich King's crest. The stamp appears to have been made in blood, and anyone capable of Second Sight can feel an air of evil and menace coming from it.

The Bounty on the unicorn[edit]

Current, a Bounty has been declared on a unicorn that has been spotted in the province of Soderlage. About half a dozen Rights of Bounty has been issued, one of them to an up-and-coming young Servitor named Lord Kraddoc. The text of the Rights is as follows:

The bearer of this document is hereby given the Right of Bounty to the ongoing hunt for the Rhydan filth that has been spotted in the province of Soderlage. Let none interfer with his quest, on penalty of a death most heinous, and let it be known that should he succeed, he will have earned the King's favour and generous reward.

In the name of His Omnipotence Jarek, Grand High Thaumocrat of Kern,

as proclaimed by His faithful Servitor, Mal'sheed