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- Main Page; The Lost City
- Class: Dwarf
- Level: 1 (Veteran)
- XP: 996 (+10%)
- Backstory: Bluto is.
- STR 18 (+3 Melee, Damage, Open Doors)
- INT 10
- WIS 9
- DEX 12 (+1 Missiles, -1 AC, +1 Initiative)
- CON 13 (+1 HP)
- CHA 12 (4 Max. Retainers, 7 Base Morale)
- HP: 9
- AC: 1 (Platemail + Shield + Dex Bonus)
- Encumbrance: 700 (+coinage)
- Movement: 60" Normal, 20'/round Combat, 60'/round Running
Racial Abilities[edit]
- Dwarves are very hardy creatures and have
- better saving throws than most other character classes
- Infravision (heat-sensing sight) 60 feet in the dark.
- They are expert miners and are able to find slanting passages, traps, shifting walls, and new construction one-third of the time (a roll of 1 or 2 on ld6) when looking for them.
- All dwarves speak Common. Dwarvish, and the alignment tongue of the character plus the languages of gnomes kobolds, and goblins.
- May NOT use two-handed swords or long bows(some version say no two handed weapons at all. May want to clarify that and see about switching to a battleaxe)
- Cash: 712 gp, 31 sp
- Platemail 500
- Shield 100
- Battleaxe 50
- Handaxe 30
- War Hammer 30
- Crossbow +1 1d6 30 50 Range 80/160/240
Case of 20 Silver Quarrels 10 11 +0 magic Quarrels Case of 30 Quarrels 10
- Backpack:
- 12 Spikes
- Rations (14 days)
- 50' Rope
- Beer Skin
- 2 Large Sacks
- Small Hammer
- silver medallion with the fanged jaws and six tentacle/arms emblem on it
- dark grey hooded capes of a light but thick weave