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She had been working on the suit for the last five years, using her own funds. Getting supplies and equipment was troublesome, but not impossible. Because some things would come up missing from her workplace, she had been forced into finding new employment every few months.

When her suit was finally completed she went out and pitched it to the government, they were looking for an enhancement suit for special ops teams. She allowed the government to keep the suit over night and as they looked closer at the suit, they found it to be made of stolen property.

It didn't matter that the suit was low cost and working, she would not be able to do anything till its ownership could be straightened out. She saw the writing on the wall and that night she broke into the lab where the suit was kept, the guards were right on her tail. She got into the suit and at that point the guards should have pulled back, but they did not. She is now on the run and being chased by various government agencies. She is still improving on the suit, seeing each combat as a field test.


PL 13 (195PP); Init +18; 30ft (Run), 50ft (Teleportation); Defense 32/17 (7 Base, 4 Dex, 1 Dodge, 10 Powers); BAB +7; +7 Melee (10S Energy Field), +11 Ranged (10S Area Energy Blast); SV Dmg +16 (or +6 w/ 10 Protection), Fort +3, Ref +16, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14 (Total 63PP)

Skills: Craft 6/+12, Electronics 4/+10, Mechanics 4/+10, KS: Armored Systems 4/+10, Search 4/+10, Spot 4/+6, Listen 4/+6 (Total 34PP)

Feats: Assessment, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Dodge, Evasion (Total 10PP)


  • Electrical Armor +10 (Source: Technology; Effect: Protection; Extras: Super Dexterity, Energy Blast [Area, Selective], Teleportation, Energy Field, Power Stunt: Sensory Protection) (Cost 8 / 80+2PP)
  • Super Intelligence +3 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 2 / Total 6PP)