Bolt Beanshoot
Character for Dem Bones
- Bolt Beanshoot
- NG halfling sorcerer (6)
- Age: 48
Background and appearance[edit]
Bolt is a nimble and graceful halfling with curly brown hair and eyes of a startlingly bright blue. He dresses in robes and a pointy hat the same color as his eyes.
One of the premiere sages of the arcane, Bolt has spent a great deal of time mastering the magic missile. Now he wanders from place to place teaching what he knows to aspiring wizards and sorcerers.
Str: 8 -1
Dex: 16 +3
Con: 14 +2
Int: 14 +2
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 16 +3
HP: 31 (4 + 15 + 12)
AC: 16 (10 + 3 + 1 +1 +1)
Touch AC: 15
Initiative: +3
Fort: +6 (+2 + 2 +1 +1)
Ref: +7 (+2 + 3 + 1 +1)
Will: +8 (+5 + 1 + 1 +1)
Size: Small
Spd: 20
Melee: +3
- +3 1d4-1 19/x2
- +7 1d4 20/x2
Class abilities[edit]
- Metamagic specialist
- Concentration 9(11)
- Knowledge (Arcana) 9(11)
- Spellcraft 9(13)
- Profession (Teacher) 9(10)
- 1: Empower Spell
- 3: Repeat Spell
- 6: Arcane Thesis: Magic Missile
Spell Level/Spells per Day/Spells Known[edit]
- 0th: 6 [Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Amanuensis*, Arcane Mark]
- 1st: 7 [Magic Missile, Shield, Comprehend Languages, Unseen Servant]
- 2nd: 6 [Shatter, See Invisibility]
- 3rd: 4 [Chain Missile*]
Racial Abilities[edit]
- +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength.
- Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
- Halfling base land speed is 20 feet.
- +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently checks.
- +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
- +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the halfling’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.
- Automatic Languages: Common and Halfling. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, and Orc.
Wealth and items[edit]
Magic Items:
Tome of Worldly Memory 1500
Replenishing Skin 1000
Talisman of the disk 500
Magic bedroll 500
Everlasting rations 350
Everfull mug 200
Stone of alarm 2700
Ring of Protection +1 2000
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000
Bracers of Armor +1 1000
Brooch of Shielding 1500
Normal Items:
Dagger, Quiver with 20 darts, Clothes, Riding Dog & tackle, 100gp in ogre treats and bribes, Backpack, Steel mirror, Flint & steel, Ink & scrolls, Spell component pouch, clear crystal prism.
400 gp.