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CG Male Half-Orc Paladin 3

Borgar of the Ghaash'kala

Campaign: [Ill-Fated Voyage]

  • Background: Ghaash'kala tribe member
  • Age: 17
  • Height: 6' 4"
  • Weight: 215 pounds

Ability Scores

  • Strength 16 (+3)
  • Dexterity 10 (-)
  • Constitution 13 (+1)
  • Intelligence 8 (-1)
  • Wisdom 12 (+1)
  • Charisma 15 (+2)

  • AC: 16 (chainmail armor)
  • HP: 26/26
  • Speed: 30'
  • Proficiency: +2

  • Melee Attack: Maul +6, damage 2d6+4
  • Melee Attack: Battleaxe +5, damage 1d8+3 or 1d10+3
  • Ranged Attack: Javelin +5, damage 1d6+3
  • Spell Save DC: 13
  • Spells Prepared: Bless, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Bane*, Hunter's Mark*

Saving Throws

  • Strength +3
  • Dexterity +0
  • Constitution +1
  • Intelligence -1
  • Wisdom +3
  • Charisma +4

Languages Known

  • Common
  • Orcish
  • Abyssal


  • All armor and shields
  • Simple and martial weapons
  • Drum


  • Athletics +5
  • Insight +3
  • Intimidation +5
  • Persuasion +5
  • Survival +3


  • Darkvision 60'


  • Ghaash'kala heritage: Excellent knowledge of Ghaash'kala territory, can find twice as much food and water when foraging. Can claim hospitality from the Ghaash'kala and their allies.
  • Relentless Endurance: When reduced to 0 hp, can instead drop to 1 hp. 1/long rest
  • Savage Attacks: On a melee weapon crit, roll and add weapon's base damage dice.
  • Divine Sense: 3/day, can detect celestials, fiends and undead within 60'.
  • Lay On hands: Can heal 15 hp/day; can expend 5 hp to cure disease or poison.
  • Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting: reroll 1 or 2 on damage dice.
  • Divine Smite: Expend spell slots to deal +1d8 radiant damage, +1d8 per spell level.
  • Divine Health: Immune to disease
  • Sacred Oath: Oath of Vengeance
    • Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy: Single target, Wisdom save (fiends and fey have disadvantage0. Target is frightened and speed drops to 0.
    • Channel Divinity: Oath of Enmity: Bonus action, single target; gain advantage on attacks against target for 1 minute.


  • +1 silver maul
  • Battleaxe
  • Javelins (5)
  • Chain mail armor
  • Holy symbol of Kalok Shash
  • Set of traveler's clothes
  • Explorer's pack
  • Hunting trap
  • Drum
  • Belt pouch
  • 3 gp


About two decades ago, a Brelish human named Darlo Thorn stumbled into the Labyrinth on the border of the Demon Wastes, sick and injured, and was discovered by the Ghaash’kala orcs. The orcs quickly determined that he was no demonspawn, and so set about restoring him to health. Over the weeks of his convalescence, he came to know the apprentice healer very well: a young orc named Mhi’daar, a powerful korta’sha, or healer, who was born with a twisted foot, which prevented her from taking the field against the demons and the Carrion Tribes. Darlo and Mhi’daar soon fell in love, and the human joined the Ghaash’kala tribe by marriage, and was eventually fully accepted.

The two bore a single child, a boy: Borgar, who was known as jhorgun’taal, “the bridge of two bloods.” Despite the fears of some of the elders, who worried about the introduction of “weak human blood,” he grew strong and healthy, and was soon training with the other youngsters in hopes of becoming a warrior. It was the hope of all young Ghaash’kala children to become a kala’sha, or spirit warrior, the chosen blades of Kalok Shash, wielding silver fire against the demons and their mortal servants. Borgar was no different, but was cautioned that the Binding Flame chose as it would, and its ways were often inscrutable to mortals.

In his sixteenth year, now a fully-grown man by the standards of his people, Borgar returned from a scouting mission to find the tribe in an uproar. There had been a killing: his human father, Darlo Thorn, was dead, killed by unknown means, a mysterious sigil carved into the skin of his chest. None had seen a thing, and Mhi’daar was inconsolable with rage and grief. The korta’sha of the Ghaash’kala could determine no more than that the killer had gone west, into the wetlands, there to bring death and misery to many others.

Furious, Borgar swore to track down his father’s killer. The elders forbade him to do so; the place of the Ghaash’kala was in the Labyrinth, keeping the evil of the Demon Wastes confined. The young halfbreed argued, but the elders were obdurate. Finally, Borgar seized his father’s maul, held it aloft, and vowed to track down his father’s killer if it took ten lifetimes.

Silver fire burst from the weapon, engulfing Borgar; he refused to cry out, maintaining his grip on the handle. In an instant the fire died away, and those watching were amazed to see burn marks on Borgar’s forearms: burn marks in the unmistakable shapes of dancing flames, a perfect match to the tattoos borne by the kala’sha of Kalok Shash. Borgar had been chosen by the Flame, and such was the manner of his choosing that none of the elders would dare oppose his departure. He received a few days worth of instruction from the other kala’sha, bid his mother farewell, and set out into the world.

Although his quest is what drives him, Borgar has accepted the fact that it may take years or even decades to complete - the wetlands are vaster than he ever imagined, and filled with more people than he dreamed could exist. Ever curious, he delves into cultures and customs wherever he goes, and if he holds tightly to his own peoples’ ways and beliefs, he is respectful of others. He has learned that, though the evil of the Demon Wastes is the responsibility of his people, there are many lesser evils at large in the world, and has taken it upon himself to hunt them down and destroy them wherever he can. It is, after all, what a kala’sha does, no matter where he finds himself.