BotR: Character 5

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Vaeril Wysath[edit]

Chaotic Neutral College of Creation/Bladesinger Bard Wizard


Str: 8 (-1) | Dex 16 (+3) | Con 12 (+1) | Int 16 (+3) | Wis 10 (+0) | Cha 13 (+1)


AC 15 (18) | HP 36 | Spd 30 | Init +2 | HD 3d8/2d6 | Proficiency +3


Mind Sliver (Spell Save 14, Damage 2d6 Psychic)

Booming Blade (Attack +6, 1d8+3 (Piercing)+1d8 Thunder)

Rapier (Attack +6, Damage 1d8+3 Piercing)

Long Bow (Attack +6, 1d8+3)


High Elf​

Bard 3[edit]

Proficiencies, Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (1d6), Ritual Casting, Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest, Magical Inspiration, Expertise (Stealth), Font of Inspiration


Note of Potential, Performance of Creation

Wizard 3[edit]

Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery, Ritual Casting


Training in War Song, Bladesong



Spells Known​[edit]

Cantrips, Bard​

Minor Illusion, Mending

Cantrips, Wizard (+1 High Elf)

Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Booming Blade, Prestidigation

Lv 1, Bard

Healing Word, Dissonant Whispers, Command, Disguise Self

Lv 1, Wizard

Shield, Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Unseen Servant, Comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements
Extras- Alarm, Grease, Expeditious Retreat, Chromatic Orb

Lv 2, Bard

Aid, Spiderclimb

Lv 3, Wizard

Shadow Blade, Phantasmal Force


Dex saves, Cha saves, Bard Weapons, Light Armor, Common, Elvish, Dwarfish, (All the languages) Stealth (+9), Insight (+3), Investigation (+6), Perform (+4), Perception (+3) (Elf), Arcana (+9) (Scholar), History (+6) (Scholar), various musical instruments


Studded Leather Armor, Rapier, Dagger, Musician’s Kit, Heirloom Flute (Casts Guidance), Pan Flute, Dwarfish Iron Horn, Sheet Music, Spellbook (200 GP spent to copy extra spells), Diplomat's Pack, The scholar's robes of your cloister, a writing kit (small pouch with a quill, a bottle of ink, folded parchment, and a small penknife), a borrowed book on the subject of your current study, and a pouch containing 10gp


Name a crime you are wanted for but didn't do.

I did not deface the gaudy bronze monstrosity that they put up over the entrance of the Reshwit Theater. My letter to the editor eviscerating the waste of funds on the project and the utter lack of talent on the part of Thurnbull Telhopper was sufficient for me. Not that I am sad to see it go.

Name a crime you committed that nobody knows was you.

I stole the Noir Etirc music collection from the Targive d'Jalla library (named after a famous Dwarf and sponsored by his descendants). I just want to copy a few sections and they wouldn't let me check them out. I was going to put them back really I was, but now they've upped security so I can't get back in.

Name a shady contact. Include their description and occupation.

Shady? Hardly, Clements Daresh is a completely honest book dealer and art collector. If you can't trust a one-eyed ork that's missing several teeth and regularly swears at new customers to get out because he doesn't want their business, than who can you trust. It's his love for his books that leads him to keep his double crossbow readied at all times; he needs to protect his wears.

His lovely little establishment by the Grand Bazaar has the best collection of books anywhere in the empire. Editions thought lost, rare books, arcane scraps, sheet music from around the world, tombs of magic, portraits, rare artifacts, etc. I don't where he gets it all and it's better for everyone if we keep it that way. The best stuff is in the little room beneath the shop, the one you reach by the trap door underneath the chest in the back room. He's always looking to buy or trade, no questions asked. Like say if you happen to have a collection of original scores from one of the most celebrated composers of the Inner Isles and you need someone to take care of them for you, Clements is your guy

Name your claim to fame

My first piece of music, written at age ten, was performed (not by me) at the current King's annual coronation anniversary ball. I won a scholarship to an academy of the arts. They said I had a bright future and would do great things. Still waiting for that bright future.

What is your onstage role in the band?

I play the flute and dwarfish iron horn. I stay in the back.

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