Brahnamin's Characters: Hands

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Hands :: Medic//Hacker[edit]

"You get one complaint - then you get a suppository"[edit]

Attributes d4[edit]

Physical d8 || Mental d10 || Social d6

Trained Skills d6[edit]

Fight d6

Move d10

Notice d8

Operate d10

Sneak d6

Treat d8

Untrained Skills d4[edit]

| Craft | Drive | Fix | Fly | Focus | Influence | Know |

| Labor | Perform | Shoot | Survive | Throw | Trick |

Distinctions d8[edit]

Cephalopod [Animal]: Your ancestors emerged from the ancient seas of Earth with their eight limbs, huge brains, and an almost amphibian knack for breathing atmo or agua

Hinder: Sometimes a distinction works against you. Roll d4 instead of d8 to gain 1 PP
Get a Grip: With eight arms and myriad suction surfaces on each, there ain't much you can't manhandle. Spend 1 PP to substitute Move for Fight, Labor, or Sneak.

Shipborn [Background]: You were born to a traveling family, always on the move, roving from job to job to job in a rattlekept repurposed mining vessel in an endless series of odd adventures. You are more comfortable in artificial environments than dirtside.

Hinder: Sometimes a distinction works against you. Roll d4 instead of d8 to gain 1 PP

Ghost in the Machine [Quirk]: You're kinda a creep, coming and going quietly and unseen out of both natural inclination and lifelong habit.

Hinder: Sometimes a distinction works against you. Roll d4 instead of d8 to gain 1 PP
Out of the Shadows: Between mutable surface camouflage, ink spray, and an ability to squeeze through the smallest spaces, there are not too many places you can't get into or out of. Spend 1 PP to enter or leave a scene unseen if it would be at all possible to do so.

Signature Assets d6[edit]

Wireless Systems Interface Access. It's what shenanigans are made of. You have tools that allow you to jack into and override a variety of systems regardless of format.

Gamma Epsilon Delta You got a friend in low places. Lower. There you go . . . Gamma Epsilon Delta (GED) is a squirrely AI that calls your family ship home whom you befriended years and years ago when you first started studying system infiltration. There isn't a back door or worm tunnel in Sol system they don't know about, and they are up on all the latest data.


Hands became a medic for completely selfish reasons. The folk keeping him alive when the danger things were flying needed keeping alive afterwards so that they could meatshield up and keep him alive again when the danger things resumed their seemingly endless quest to kill him hard enough to make him die to death.

He mastered computer systems for a much nobler reason.

There was this girl . . .

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