Brahnamin's Characters: Salt
Salt :: Bardlock (College of Swords)[edit]

"The Moon sees what the Land feels, and the sea weeps."
Base Matrix[edit]
Race: Tiefling | Ht: 5' 11" | Wt: 180lbs | Age: 35 | Skin: RedHair: Black | Eyes: Black | Char Lv: 5 [Bard 3/Lock 2] | Aln: LN | Size: M | Speed: 30 | Sight: 120' normal/magical Darkness
STR 13 / +1 Save (+1) || DEX 16 / +3 Save (+6) || CON 12 / +1 Save (+1)
INT 10 / +0 Save (+0) || WIS 8 / -1 Save (-1) || CHA 16 / +3 Save (+6)
Resistant to Fire Damage
Skills, Proficient[edit]
Deception [+9] | Intimidation [+9] | Persuasion [+6] | Slight of Hand [+6] | Stealth [+6] | Thief's Tools [+6] | Drum [+6] | Lute [+6] | Fiddle [+6]
Skills, Non-Proficient[edit]
Athletics [+3] | Acrobatics [+4] |Arcana | [+1] | History [+1] | Investigation [+1] | Nature [+1] | Religion [+1] | Animal Handling [+0] | Insight [+0] | Medicine [+0] | Perception [+0] | Survival [+0] | Performance [+4]
Common | Infernal | Celestial
Awakened Mind Feature: 30' range | Line of Sight | Target must speak at least 1 language
AC 15 | HP 33 | Hit Dice: 5d8 | Initiative Modifier +3
Weapon: Scimitar | +6 to hit | 1d6 + 5 dmg | Finesse/Light
Fighting Style: Duelist
Weapon Proficiencies: Bard List + Scimitar
Armor Proficiencies: Light/Medium
Blade Flourish: Speed increases x10' for the turn. May use BI dice for additional damage + effect on hit.
Spell AM: +6 | Spell Save DC: 14 | Spell Slots: [6/L1] [2/L2]
- Thaumaturgy | Eldritch Blast | Minor illusion | | Light | Prestidigitation
L1 (Bold = prepared Bard Spells)
- Arms of Hadar | Hellish Rebuke | Feather Fall | Dissonant Whispers | Cure Wounds | Speak with Animals
- One free use of Hellish Rebuke/Long Rest
L2 (Bold = prepared Bard Spells)
- Shatter | Silence
- One free use of Darkness/Long Rest
- Armor of Shadows | Devil's Sight | Eldritch Sight
Song of rest: 1d6
Bardic Dice: 1d6: 3/Long Rest
Eldritch Adept
Background [Criminal/Highwayman][edit]
Personality: I sold my personality to a many-eyed, many-tentacled thing in a back alley in rattown on the wharf - **shrug** - it wasn't taking souls that day.
Ideal: You're either my people, or you're not. If you're my people, there ain't much I wouldn't do for you. If you're not, I've got a bottle of liquid fire and a suggestion a to where to store it.
Bond: There was this thing happened. In the place. You know, where the people were. I owe amends.
Flaw: If there's a plan, I forget it. If I didn't forget it, I ignore it.
Feature I know a - person - who knows a - person. They got connections.
- 200 gp
- Scimitar
- Dagger
- Shadowarmor Incantation
- Pack | Bedroll | 50' Silk Rope | 2 weeks Rations | Water Skin | | 2 weeks rations | Thief's tools | Drum
Magic Items
- -
- -
- -
- -
Salt grew up on and around the sea, playing for passage to the next port, playing in shanty taverns for a bowl of chowder and a dry-ish place to lay his head.