Brahnamin's Characters - Dimitri
Dimitri Lev :: Pilot / Hacker[edit]
"You can't take the sky from me . . ."[edit]
Even before the war, Lev was deep into the anti-unification counterculture that had sprung up among the affluent youth of Londinium, attending rallies, staging protests, and using his skills as a socially-conscious hacker to covertly undermine the Alliance agenda across the cortex. So, when war finally did break out, it seemed like a no brainer to run off and join the Independents and train as a supply pilot to support the effort as a non-combatant.
Things did not go smooth.
In his third week of training, Lev's jump shuttle was shot down in a "police action" initiated by an alliance gunship, and he lost both of his arms.
That should have been the end of it, but a bland little man in a grey suit and blue nitrile gloves visited him in the hospital and offered to pay for his rehabilitation and put him back in a cockpit. Instead of shipping home in disgrace, Lev endured months of experimental procedures and intense therapy as they grafted fully functioning cybernetic replacements where his arms used to be.
Security Operations [Sec-Ops] signed him straight from the facility, and he flew for them until the end of the war.
Trained Skills 
Untrained Skills
| Craft | Drive | Fix | Focus | Influence | Know | Labor | Perform | Survive | Throw | Treat |
Former Sec-Ops Pilot: Under the radar or coming in hot, you know how to get where you ain't meant to get.
- I Know My Ship: You can coax the best out of just about any bucket you fly. Spend 1 PP to step up or double your ship’s Engines attribute for your next roll.
[Highlighted Skills: Fly/Move/Shoot]
Ghost in the Machine: There ain't a system in the 'verse that you cain't hack when you've got a need.
- Code Monkey: You are a master at teaching old code new tricks. When you are altering or rewriting programming, spend 1 PP to roll your Trick die and add it to your total on any Operate roll.
[Highlighted Skills: Notice/Operate/Trick]
Old Leather Jacket: You wear your jacket like a uniform. Folk almost don't recognize you without it.
[Highlighted Skills: Fight/Fly/Sneak]
Signature Assets 
Sec-Ops Pilot Jacket As much portable computer as practical outerwear, this rugged leather jacket is equipped with hardlinked internal processors and a military-grade cortex suite with variable frequency bandwidth, broad spectrum wireless access, and universal jack ports.
Cybernetic Limbs Your hands don't flinch or shake, and they don't hesitate. No matter what is going on around you, your hands know what they are about. After all, that's how they were engineered.
[Special: Arms and hands are fully cybernetic]
Neuro Stunner You are able to transfer brain-scrambling feedback through weaponized emitter studs set in the palms and fingers of your cybernetic hands.
[Special: Physical contact required]
Diceless Assets[edit]
Hip Flask of Homemade Hotsauce Hottest Juice in the verse! Just like mama used to make . . . before CPS had to get involved.
Riot Gun Favored by police units around the core for crowd control, this compact weapon can be loaded with standard ammunition, flexible rubberized riot-rounds, or low velocity gas pods.
E18: Epidsode Name - Lev joins the crew.