Brahnamin's Characters - Kai
Kai :: Psychic Shaman[edit]
Guns for range, but a stick won't jam.[edit]
Race :: Transformed Human (Simian)[edit]
Racial Features: Adaptable | Outsider
Agility || Smarts
|| Spirit
|| Strength
|| Vigor
Derived Stats[edit]
Pace || Parry
|| Size
|| Toughness
Core Skills[edit]
Athletics || Common Knowledge
|| Notice
|| Persuasion
|| Stealth
Other Skills[edit]
Can't Swim - Mandatory - Kai is fairly lean and dense and floats in much the same way a rock doesn't.
Mild Mannered - Minor - A trained fighter wouldn't mistake Kai for anything other than the same, but the average jane just can't get past his cute monkey face and swishing tail. Folk typically just think him harmless.
Quirk - Minor - Kai's habit of climbing all the things and sometimes running on all fours gets him noticed.
Tongue Tied - Major - Kai doesn't fully understand social cues in verbal communications, often overcompensating by adding professional or social titles to people's names that may or may not be accurate.
Edges and Powers[edit]
Arcane Background [Psionic] (20 pp)
- Power [Fear] Novice | PP (2) | Range (10) | Duration (instant) |
- Causes Fear check
- Trappings: Drop in temperature and dimming of ambient light around the target.
- Power [Mind Link] Novice | PP (1) | Range (10 to initiate, then 1 mile) | Duration (30 minutes)
- Trappings: None
- Power [Mind Reading} Novice | PP (2) | Range (10) | Duration (Instant)
- Opposed roll vs Smarts to read mind - 1 question on a success.
- Trappings: None
- Power [Wall Walker] Novice | PP (2) | Range (10) | Duration (5)
- Trappings: None
- Power [Bolt] Novice | PP (1) | Range (20) | Duration (instant)
- 2d6 Damage
- Trappings: Crackling line of black energy extending from Kai to the target
Extra Power Points x2 +5 PP (twice)
Extra Powers +2 New Powers
- None
- Quarterstaff 1d4+1d4 | Wt 4 | Cost 10 | Reach; +1 Parry; 2H
- Backpack | Wt 2 | Cost 50
- Canteen x2 | Wt 1 (2) | Cost 5 (10)
- Blanket | Wt 1 | Cost 10
- Knife | Wt 1 | Cost 25
Remaining Wealth [395]