Brand New Thaddeus Sebastian

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Dr. Thaddeus Sebastian, son of a butler, was a prodigy. Allowed, due to his intelligence, to attend the best of schools with the children of the elite, he gained the best of educations, gaining his several doctorates at an unrivaled age. So favored was he in his fields that he was asked by the government to head up the research involving an extra dimensional energy pocket that gave of a unique radiation that seemed to, amongst other things, warp genetic structures amazing ways. Unfortunately, his latest experiment was sabotaged resulting in an explosion that killed 50 people and fundamentally changing the Doctors genetic makeup. Framed for this accident by the company he suspects caused the incident in the first place, Chronoworks Technologies, Sebastian’s reputation was ruined. To make matters worse his new found abilities seemed to draw much unwanted attention from Chronoworks and other factions. Sebastian was forced to flee his former life and go underground to maintain his freedom. While his sense of honor does not allow him to leave innocents in danger, Sebastian’s main concern right now is to find someplace where he can research what has happened to him and decide what exactly to do with the knowledge.

Description, Talents, powers, and abilities: Sebastian is a genius on par with some of the greatest minds on the planet, from a lower class household who was hard not to like. An avid scientist and linguist, he finds his most relaxing times are when he can find spare time to work on car engines. Before the accident, Sebastian was always considered easygoing despite the high pressures existent in his life. He has become more withdrawn and broody since the accident. The extra dimensional radiation changed Sebastian’s body in a fundamental way. He has become a living battery able to absorb all known forms of energy, including kinetic, and convert it into beneficial enhancements for his body, including density increase, flight, Endurance increases, and energy blasts. As an additional side-effect, his body’s ability to store energy has negated his need to eat or sleep and retarded his aging process. He has also gained the ability to see energy patterns although has yet to be able to discern these patterns. Sebastian has had some difficulties adapting to his newfound abilities. A side effect to the absorption of all energies has robbed him of his sense of touch, something that has been very difficult to cope with. Sebastian has only begun to suspect his new found lack of need of food and sleep, and has no idea that he no longer ages as a normal human. Sebastian is 6ft tall with a muscular build. He has dark black hair and a pale completion. His eyes used to be a sky blue but since the change gleam with a soft electric turquoise. Sebastian does his best to keep a pair of sunglasses on when out in public. Dr. Thaddeus Sebastian aka Sebastian

13 STR 3

13 DEX 6

13 CON 3

16 BODY 6

20 INT 10

14 EGO 4

14 PRE 4

6 OCV 10

6 DCV 10

3 OMCV 0

6 DMCV 9

2(18) PD 0 8 resistant

2 (18) ED 0 8 resistant

4 SPD 20

10 REC 6

45 END 5

40 STUN 10

12m RUN 0

4m Swim 0

4m Leap 0

Characteristics 116

Cost Power

16        Absorption  8 (Energy, Defensive~Resistant +1, Increased Maximum +1/4, unified power -1/4) 

16 Absorption 8 (Physical, Definsive~Resistant +1, Increased Maximum +1/4, unified power -1/4)

12 Absorption 8 (Energy, Defensive~Normal +1/2, Increased Maximum +1/4, unified power -1/4)

12 Absorption 8 (Physical, Definsive~Normal +1/2, Increased Maximum +1/4, unified power -1/4)

4 Density Increase 1 (No defense increase -1/4, 0 End +1/2, unified power -1/4, , Limited Power~ Campaign Limitations 0, Limited Power~only usable with 1 Body of absorption or more 0)

12 Flight 5 (0 End +1/2, Limited Power -0, unified power -1/4, Megascale 1, Limited Power~Campaign Limitations 0, Limited Power~only usable with 1 Body of absorption or more 0)

4 Blast 1D6 (Limited Power~campaign limitations 0, unified power -1/4, Limited Power~only usable with 1 Body of absorption or more 0, Limited power~same type as absorbed power)

Physical Absorption Powers Fuel: ½ Density Increase, ¼ Flight, ¼ END

Energy Absorption Powers Fuel: ½ Blast, ¼ Flight, ¼ END

Limited Power Campaign Limitations simulates the hard campaign limits justified by natural newfound power limitations. This may extend with time or it may not on whim of storyteller.

3 Mental Defense 3 (mental static)

3 Life Support (Does not need to eat)

3 Life Support (Does not need to sleep)

10 Enhance Senses (energy field perception [Detect Energy Patterns/Traces]; Passive)

5 Longevity (Char does not age)

Power Ttl 102

Cost Skill

3 Scientist

3 Linguist

5 Analyze 14

1 Bribery 8

1 Bureaucratic 8

1 Computer Programming 8

5 Cramming

1 Cryptography 8

5 Deduction 14

3 Disguise 13

3 Gambling 13

0 Language: American English (idiomatic, native dialect)

1 Language: German (Fluent Conversation)

1 Language: Spanish (Fluent Conversation)

1 Language: Russian (Fluent Conversation)

1 Language: Arabic (Fluent Conversation)

1 Language: French (Fluent Conversation)

3 Mechanics 13

4 Inorganic Chem. 15

4 Nuclear Physics 15

4 Subatomic Physics 15

3 Genetics 14

3 Molecular Biology 14

Skill total 56

Cost Perks

5 Access (research labs Langhorne University)

2 Computer Link (Langhorne University research faculty access)

0 Money (middle class~better than poor but not much. See precursor month)

Total Perks=7

Cost Talent

5 Eidetic Memory

4 Speed Reading x10

Total Talents =9

Sell Backs:

Normal touch +10

Total 10 points

Complications: total +50

Hunted: hunter is more powerful (15), Hunter has extensive NCI (5), infrequently (0) =20

Honorable: Common. Total = 20

Distinctive Appearance (easily concealable) =5

Negative Reputation (infrequent, extreme, scientific community) =5

Total Pts. = 290