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Bubbles “The Joy and the Laughter”; PL 11

Init +0; Spd 50 ft (Run), 40 ft (Fly); Defense 21 (3 Dex, 3 Base, 4 dodge, 1 size); BAB +5; Atk +8 Melee (10S Punch), +8 Ranged (8S Energy Blast); SV Dmg +4, Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 20 (Total 43PP)

Skills: Diplomacy 6/+13 Performance 5/+13, Craft (Drawing) 8/+10, Handle Animal 5/+12, Iron Will (14PP)

Feats: Idiot Savant, Aerial Combat, Connected, Hero’s Luck, Toughness, Durability, Talented (Handle Animal+Diplomacy), Talented (Drawing+Performance)(18PP)

Weaknesses: Naïve (+10 pp)

Powers: Super-Strength 8 (Extras: Protection, 5 ppr, 40 total, Source: Mutation), Flight 8 (Stunts: Super-Flight, 2 ppr+2, 18 total, Source: Mutation), Super-Speed 4 (6 ppr, 24 total, Source: Mutation), Energy Blast 8 (2 ppr, 16 total, Source: Mutation), Shrinking 3 (Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Permanent, 2 ppr, 6 total, Source: Age), Comprehend +11 (Stunts: Animal Affinity (+2 for animals) Sonic Animal-Call (Makes a Comprehend check to loudly scream to animals for help), 2 ppr+4, 22 total, Source: Mutation)(100PP)