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Catherine Sweeney, AKA Burn

Character Details[edit]

Name: Burn, aka Catherine Sweeney

Player: Kaiu Keiichi

Chronicle: Creation Myths

Nature: Visionary

Essence: Questing

Demeanor: Bravo

Tradition:Hollow Ones

Concept: Visionary Fire Dancer



(All attributes bought using a 5/5/5 spread)

Strength: 2, Dexterity: 4, Stamina 2

Charisma: 2, Manipulation: 2, Appearance: 4

Perception: 3, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 2


Alertness 1, Athletics 3, Awareness 1, Dodge 3, Expression, Intimidation 1, Streetwise 1

Meditation 2, Melee 1, Survival 2

Academics 3, Cosmology 2, Enigmas 3, Medicine 1, Occult 3


Forces 3 (Focus - Crystals or Lighter)[Transcended]

Prime 2 (Focus - Crystals or Dance)

Time 2 (Focus - Dance or Drugs)[Transcended]


Backgrounds: Avatar 3, Destiny 4, Resources 1

Arete: 3

Willpower: 7

Resonance: Dynamic (Firey) 1, Entropic (Destructive) 1, Static (Fated) 1

Quintessence: 3

Paradox: 0



Enemy - Unspoken Blasphemy Cult (2)

Short Fuse (2)

Deep Sleeper (1)

Vengeful (Unspoken Blasphemy Cult)(2)

Total Freebie Points - 22


Oracular Ability (2)

Sphere Natural - Forces (5)

Sphere Natural - Time (5)

Freebie Breakdown[edit]

Willpower +2 (2)

+1 rank Time Sphere (7)

+1 rank Destiny Background (1)

12 Points Total Merits (12)

Total Freebie Expenditure - 22

Other Notes[edit]

“Time is the fire in which we burn. God, I love the way that sounds!”

Katherine Sweeney can’t make any claim to having undergone a hard life – whatever trouble her whitebread irish catholic princess upbringing gave her, she more or less created for herself. Having grown up in northern New Jersey, she originally enrolled in New York’s Parson’s School of Design with the intent to become a fashion designer, live a glam life for a few years, and then find someone cute and rich and start having kids.

However, that changed when she met Burn. Burn, a somewhat emaciated hipster she met at Downtime, took her onto a whirlwind of drugs and sex that he usually like to do with sweet red headed catholic girls. However, Cathy found in his apartment a variety of books and such that made her curious – Crowley, the writings of the Frankfurt School, Thomas Kuhn, the Emerald Tablet, and…

The Katib Al Acir.

The apartment blew up in a firestorm of power, as Kate Sweeney had her very first conversation with her Holy Guardian Angel.

Several states later, Burn, Hollow One Master, had his first Apprentice. Kate discovered that her entire lifestyle and culture were to a degree, lies. Unlike most Hollows, Burn was not a droopy moaner. “The war’s on, babe. We’re the last line of defense for a free world.” Burn taught that this war was to an extant eternal, as Mages who represented freedom of thought and will as well as concern for the planet and humanity had always fought against what he called “the sell outs” – Mages who represented cultural conformity, stagnation and ultimately lust for power. Burn himself had dabbled with several traditions, but he himself was his own made man. “Tell those Sahajiya that they’re conformist sell outs. That’ll piss em off. Fuck, man, I like drugs because I like being high, not because it helps me achieve Nirvana or anything.” To which Kate replied “shut the fuck up, King Mob.”

So, for 3 years, Kate Sweeney traveled with her Mentor, Burn. His highest lesson – “Do what you feel is right.” The cynical Hollow taught his girl that there’s good and bad in everything, on both sides of the “stupid war”, and that she should always be ready to help people and expand herself. Mostly, Burn was like a 21st Century Beatnick. Kate was never happier in her whole entire life.

When the Unspoken Blasphemy came for him, he merely lit up a cigarette. “I’ve prepared her for you, you idiots. Your doomed is already sealed, like the fucking Emperor from Star Wars, man.” Even as they tore his soul apart in rage, he laughed and laughed and laughed.

Katie Sweeney gave up her name that day. With the loss of the man she loved most, she was truly Hollow inside. She destroyed the ones who staggered away from that mesa, and promised to take up her Master’s fight.

Now, Katie Sweeney was no more – she was Burn.


She’s bitter at the suffering in the world, the bullshit of authority, and the lack of sincerity of most people in power. Her Mentor taught her to pay attention to the good that can be found in most things too – “Love the world for how it is.” Continuing his mission of travelling down the road and being guided by visions as to where to go, Burn wages war against the Unspoken Blasphemy, a strange cult the kills virtuous ideas. She’s still young, though, and seeks a Cabal that she can take shelter with.


A 19 year old with strawberry blond hair that could be a fashion model, instead Burn shows the signs of a hard drifter’s life. Her body is marked with burns here and there from the fire dancing and personal trials she’s put herself through. Normally wearing a wife beater, khaki shorts and a pair of sandals, she hitch hikes across the US, following festival shows and events like Burning Man.

Magical Praxis[edit]

Decidedly post modernist, Burn uses Fire as her personal metaphor for change. Everything burns, and fire is the catalyst for transformation. Burning can be bad as well as good, as burning down something to ash can make it into fertilizer for new growth. For magical tools, Burn uses fire and incense in all of it’s forms, normally using her Mentor’s old lighter to draw circles, make glyphs in the air, and so forth. Strangely, she doesn’t smoke (“Ugh. What a nasty, filthy habit.”) Dance and selective drug use are also favorite tools for magic for Burn. Being a Hollow One, she makes use of catch as catch can tools from a variety of magical traditions.

Lately, she's been showing an interest in Persian religion, since her Avatar often takes the form of Agni, the burning bush and other kinds of fire spirits. She's considering integrating some Zoroastrian lore into her magical work.

Hollow One Relations[edit]

“Look, bitch, Hot Topic is a fashion style, not a fucking magical paradigm. Read your fucking Kuhn and Habermas, and come back to me. Jesus, at least Hermetics know how to fucking read.”