Buzz Dixion PL10
Group Affiliation: STORMWATCH TEAM ACHILLES First Appearance: STORMWATCH TEAM ACHILLE #5 Power Level: 10 (160pp)
Str: 10(+0) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 15 (+2) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 17 (+3) Cha: 13 (+1) Total: 25
Base Attack Bonus: 5 Melee: 5 Ranged: 8 Total: 15 pp
Base Defense Bonus: 10 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +14 Initiative: +3 Cost: 20pp
SAVES Damage: +2 Fort: +2 Ref: +3 Will: +3
Scout +10 [blending, extra: clinging, extra: super sens, extra: telescopic sight, extra: telescopic hearing; source: mutation, cost: 50pp]
Total: 50pp
Feats: Dodge, Ultra hearing, Dark vision, Talented (hide and move), Talented (spot and listen), Skill focus (gather information)
Cost: 12pp
Gather information +9, Hide +19 , Language +6, Listen +20 , Move silently +9 , Profession (intel) +6, Spot +20, taunt +5. Total: 38pp
Disturbing: Buzz look like a turtle (with out the shell) with insect's eyes and lizard ears +10pp
Grand Total: 160pp