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Communist Headquarters of Intelligence Military Primates[edit]

First created during Stalin’s region in the late 1940’s, the program was to create a fanatically loyal, strong, and tireless solider for the Soviets. While never created in any numbers, there were a few deployed to various conflicts over the next 40 years, until the Soviet Union’s collapse.

The project was closed down and those few remaining ‘subjects’ were terminated. It was thought that would be the last any would see of them, when the head scientist, Aleksandra Stanishev relaunched the project in a secret base in the U.S. A fanatical follower of Communism, he blames the U.S. for the Soviets fall and plans on the best revenge he can imagine… the destruction of the world’s most powerful capitalist country from Apes!!!

To accomplish this, he created CHIMP and gathered with him other hard-core communist (scientist and others). The Ape and Chimp warriors are

Gorilla Solider[edit]

ABILITIES: STR: 30 (+10), DEX: 14 (+2), CON: 20 (+5), INT: 8 (-1), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 8 (-1) SKILLS: Acrobatics 2 (+4), Climb 2 (+12), Disable Device 2 (+1), Drive 2 (+4), Intimidate 8 (+7), Know (tactics) 2 (+1), Notice 8 (+9), Pilot 2 (+4), Sense Motive (+1), Stealth 4 (+6) FEATS: All-out Attack, Ambidexterity, Endurance (1), Equipment (6) [30 pt. equipment], Fast Overrun, Fearless, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Pin, Improved Throw, Improved Trip, Rage (2) [+4 STR, +2 Fort and Will saves, -2 DEF], Startle POWERS (Simian Physiology):

  • Super-Movement: Swinging [1]
  • Super-Senses: Low-light vision (1), Scent (1) [2]

EQUIPMENT: (Typical Solider) – Combat Vest (Protection 3) [3], Assault Rifle (+5 lethal, Ballistic, Autofire, RI 50ft, Large] [16], Heavy Pistol (+4 lethal, Ballistic, RI 40ft) [8], Tonfa Club (+2 melee damage) [2], Commlink [1] Mini-Copters Pilots – Lt. Vest (Protection +1) [1], Commlink [1], ‘Sword’ Rotor-Wings [28pts STR 30, SPD 6 (flight), DEF 6, TOUGH +10, SZ Huge, WPN: Machine Guns +6 (lethal), Ballistic, Autofire, RI 50ft, Large] COMBAT: Attack+4 [Unarmed +10 (Lethal), Assault Rifle +5 (lethal), Heavy Pistol +4 (lethal), Tonfa +12 (lethal)]; Defense 12 (11 flat-footed); Init +2 SAVES: Toughness +5 (+8 w/Cbt Vest +6), Fortitude +5, Reflex +2, Will +1 DRAWBACKS: none Abilities 32 +Skills 8 (32 ranks) +Feats 19 +Powers 4 +Combat 12 +Saves 0 –Drawbacks 0 = 75

Chimp Scientist/Leader [PL6, 75 point fanatical Minions]

ABILITIES: STR: 20 (+5), DEX: 18 (+4), CON: 18 (+4), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 10 SKILLS: Acrobatics 2 (+6), Climb 4 (+9), Computers 2 (+4), Drive 2 (+6), Escape Artist 2 (+6), Know (tactics) 2 (+4), any one other 2 (+4), Intimidate 2 (+2), Investigation 2 (+4), Notice 8 (+9), Pilot 2 (+6), Search 2 (+4), Sense Motive 6 (+7), Stealth 4 (+8) FEATS: Acrobatic Bluff, Ambidexterity, Dodge Focus (2), Endurance (1), Equipment (6), Improved Disarm, Improved Grab, Improved Throw, Teamwork (2) POWERS (Simian Physiology):

  • Super-Movement: Swinging [1]
  • Super-Senses: Low-light (1), Scent (1) [2]

EQUIPMENT: (Typical) – Armored Vest (+3 protection) [3], SMG (+4 lethal, Ballistic, Autofire, RI 40ft, Medium) [12], Sleeping Gas Grenades (Fatigue, Explosive 4, 40ft R, Reflex 14) [12], Tonfa Club (+2 damage) [2], Commlink [1] COMBAT: Attack +4 [Unarmed +5 (Bruise), SMG +4 (lethal), Heavy Pistol +4 (lethal), Tonfa +7 (lethal)]; Defense 14 (11 flat-footed); Init +3 SAVES: Toughness +7 (w/o vest +4), Fortitude +4, Reflex +4, Will +1 DRAWBACKS: none Abilities 32 +Skills 11 (44 ranks) +Feats 16 +Powers 4 +Combat 12 +Saves 0 – Drawbacks 0 =75


ADVENTURE!: Tales from Planet Zero