CCC Character Callie

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* Prof. Callista “Cally” Freeberg (250/250 points)

** Stats

ST 10 {0}; DX 16 {120}; IQ 13 {60}; HT 12 {20}

** Secondary Characteristics

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 10kg; HP 10; Will 13; Per 14 {5}; FP 12; Basic Speed 7.00;
Basic Move 7

** Advantages

- Acute Vision 2 {4}
- Akimbo (Pistols) {1}
- Eidetic Memory {5}
- Gunslinger {25}
- Luck (Defensive -20%) {12}
- Off-hand Weapon Training (Pistols) {1}

** Disadvantages

- Code of Honor (professional) {-5}
- Curious (12) {-5}
- Easy to Read {-10}
- Enemy (Same Power Level, Hunter, 9-) {-10}
- Intolerance (Looters and Bandits) {-5}
- Pacifism (Can't Harm Innocents) {-10}
- Sense of Duty (Team) {-5}

** Quirks

- Always Perky {-1}
- Dives for Fun {-1}

** Skills

- Acrobatics (H) DX {4} - 16
- Archaeology (H) IQ {4} - 13
- Armory (Small Arms) (A) IQ-1 {1} - 12
- Climbing (A) DX-1 {1} - 15
- Computer Operation (E) IQ {1} - 13
- Driving (Automobile) (A) DX-1 {1} - 15
- Expert: Crusades (H) IQ {4} - 13
- Fast Draw (Ammo) (E) DX {1} - 16
- Fast Draw (Pistol) (E) DX {1} - 16
- First Aid (E) IQ {1] - 13
- Guns (Pistol) (E) DX+2 {4} - 18
  - Dual-Weapon Attack sk {5} - 18
- Guns (Rifle) (E) DX+1 {1} - 17
- Guns (SMG) (E) DX+1 {1} - 17
- Guns (Shotgun) (E) DX+1 {1} - 17
- Holdout (A) IQ-1 {1} - 12
- Judo (H) DX-1 {2} - 15
- Jumping (E) DX {1} - 16
- Karate (H) DX-1 {2} - 15
- Knife (E) DX {1} - 16
- Research (A) IQ-1 {1} - 12
- Scuba (A) IQ {2} - 13
- Stealth (A) DX-1 {1} - 15
- Survival (Desert) (A) IQ {2} - 13
- Swimming (E) HT+1 {2} - 13
- Teaching (A) IQ-1 {1} - 12
- Traps (A) IQ+1 {4} - 14 (17 to detect)

** Gear

*** Carried (9.62kg or 8.62kg)

- Ordinary Clothing: Free, 1kg.
- 2x Glock 22 pistol: $1200, 2.1kg.
- 4x spare magazine of .40 Hollowpoint ammo: $146, 1.4kg.
- 2x Shoulder Holsters: $100, 1kg.
- Very Fine Small Knife: sw-1 cut / thr+1 imp. $120, 0.25kg.
- Mini-flashlight: $10, 0.12kg.
- Fancy Smartphone: $600, 0.25kg.
- Reinforced Boots: $75, 1.5kg.
- Leather Jacket: DR 1*. $50, 2kg.
- Concealable Vest: DR 12/5*. $1000 1kg.
- $16424 Cash.

*** Field Gear (+5.75kg):

- 2x Belt Holsters: Replace Shoulder Holsters. $50, 0.25kg.
- Machete: As a cheap shortsword: $80, 1kg.
- Backpack (Small): $60, 1.5kg.
  - First-Aid Kit: $50, 1kg.
  - Personal Basics: $5, 0.5kg.
  - Grapnel: $20, 1kg.
  - 20m 3/8" Rope: $10, 1.5kg.

** Combat Stats

*** Attacks:

- Glock 22 (20): 2d+2 pi++ (0.5), RoF 3.
- Very Fine Small Knife (16): 1d-1 cut, 1d-1 imp.
- Machete (12): 1d cut, 1d-2 imp.
- Karate Punch (15): 1d-3 cr.
- Karate Kick w/boots (13): 1d-1 cr.

*** Defenses

- Dodge 10
- Parry (Judo, Karate or Knife): 10
- DR 1* or 12/5*.