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CALIBURN, PL: 13, Age: 35, Gender: Male, Size: Medium.

INIT: +8, DEF: 25/24; Base Speed 30/60/120, Leaping 30/60/120;


SAVES: DMG +13, FORT +13, REF +13, WILL +5;

ABILITIES: STR 20 (+8), DEX 20 (+8), CON 20 (+8), INT 20 (+8), WIS 14 (+5), CHA 12 (+4)

SKILLS: Acrobatics* +13/5, Balance +12/2, Gather Info +8/4, Intimidate +10/2, Jump +10/0, Move Silent +10/2, Antique Books +6/.

FEATS: Accurate Attack [ (- dmg bonus), (+ attack roll), 5 max], All-Out Attack [(-dodge), (+attack), 5 max], Assessment [1/2 action, assess 3 abilities of target], Blind Fight [re-roll a miss if target is concealed], All-Around Sight (Super) [+4 vs surprise, Can't be flanked], Dodge [+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent], Expertise [(- attack), (+ def), 5 max], Rapid Strike [Extra melee attack @ -2], Instant Stand [Standing up is a free action], Power Attack [(- attack), (+ dmg bonus), 5 max], Startle [Intimidate target, loses dodge bonus], Rapid Takedown [No limit to takedowns], Stunning Attack [Change hit to stun], Surprise Strike [ +1 dmg/2 PLs if target flat.

POWERS: DRAGON'S FIRE [+3] [MYSTICAL], Super ConSuper StrengthSuper DexSuper IntelligenceSuper WisdomSuper Charisma MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING [+10] [TRAINING], StrikeCombat Sense Partial Extra (8)Leaping: Partial Extra (6)DeflectionCatchAutomatic AMAZING SAVE [+5] [TRAINING], DamageReflexFortitu.

WEAKNESS: Quirk - Will Not Break Moral Code, Antagonist [Jack a Knives] - Requires 1 VP.

COST: abilities 46, combat 33, skills 8, feats 28, powers 106, weakness -20, total 201. "