Card system
This is the system for use with The Castle. It is designed to accompany the Chit system
This document is very much a work in progress.
Starting characters typically have 10xp and so 4 cards. In the Chit system it costs between 1 and 4xp to buy an Advantage.
The Hand[edit]
Players will have a number of Action Cards in their hand dependent on the character's experience.
Number of Action Cards Allowed[edit]
xp | 1 | 3 | 6 | 10 | 15 | 21 | 28 | ... |
Cards | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ... |
Gaining Cards[edit]
Starting characters draw a number of Action Cards from the random pack dependent on their starting experience. At the start of each session each player draws an Action Card from the random pack and adds any other cards based on Assets the character may have. Before play starts, the player must discard cards down to their allowable number of cards.
Character Sheets[edit]
Given the simplicity of the Chit system the character sheet can be printed or written on one or two cards and held in the hand with the Action Cards.
Assets are traits of that the character has that allows them to draw additional cards at the start of each session.
- Charm
- Contacts
- Fencing
- Marksman
The Cards[edit]
There needs to be at least 40 different cards before we start.
Playing Cards[edit]
When a card is played it is either handed to the ref. The ref may vito any card play.
The Cards[edit]
The italic list for each card are the Assets to which they are relevant. If possible cards should be made disposable, so that they can be written on by the player. e.g. when drawing a cards against the Contacts Asset, the player should note that it is relevant to a certain type of contact.
You provide assistance to another character that makes their current action Advantaged.
Chance Encounter[edit]
Someone turns up that you know. (Contacts)
You provide encouragement to another character that makes their current action Advantaged.
Feat of Strength[edit]
You perform a act of strength as an Advantaged action. (Very strong)
You words or actions are found at least unsettling by someone else.
Following a failed attack, you get a free attack on your assailant. (Fencing)