Cassus Human Fighter 7 Chaotic Good
Str 18 +4 (15 +1 level +2 exalted)
Dex 18 +4
Con 15 +2
Int 14 +2
Wis 13 +1
Cha 13 +1
Hit Points 84 (7d10 +14)
AC 21 (10 +6 exalted +4 dex +1 def (+1 shield)
Init +4
BAB +7 +2, Grap +10
Speed 30ft
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4
Unarmed / +12 +7 / 1d3 +5 / x2
Quarterstaff / +11 +11 +6 / 1d6 +7 & 1d6 +5) / x2
Skills 41 skill pts [2 (+2 int) +1 human (x4) + 2+2+1 /level (+6 Nymph’s Kiss)]
+14 Climb (10 ranks +4 str)
+11 Handle Animal (10 ranks +1 cha)
+11 Intimidate (10 ranks +1 cha)
+14 Swim (10 ranks +4 str)
+14 Jump (10 ranks +4 str)
+6 Diplomacy (cc) 6 ranks +1 cha +2 feat)
Sacred Vow
Vow of Poverty
• +6 exalted bonus to AC
• 3 bonus exalted feats
• Endure Elements
• Exalted Strike +1 (magic)
• Sustenance
• Deflection +1
• Resistance +1
• Ability Score enhancement +2
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff)
Weapon Specialization (quarterstaff)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Two-Weapon Defense
- Touch of Golden Ice
- Nymph’s Kiss
- Nimbus of Light
Human Traits
Bonus Feat
Extra Skills
Fighter Abilities
Fighter Feats (4)
He was a young lad showing great promise with a blade. His father was in the military so he was used to being around weapons of every sort. From a young age his father encourage him to become a soldier, like himself. He had dreams of father and son, fighting side-by-side, winning battle after battle. Cassus' father almost seemed to be trying to live through his son, but Cassus hadn't a clue why.
When he was finally old enough to take the training necessary to become a soldier he excelled. He was top in his class, much to his father's pride. After he was accepted into the ranks, his father requested that Cassus be transferred to the platoon he was assigned to handle. The higher ups weren't too impressed and neither was Cassus, but the aging man wouldn't take no for an answer, so before long, father and son, were fighting side by side, at last.
They won battle after battle after battle for many years to come, but eventually, Cassus grew curious with the fact that his father was always taking small, insignificant missions to remote locations. There was hardly and resistance from these villages but his father seemed to think it was important, so he didn't question it. One day shortly after a victory over yet another small hamlet, he saw his father talking with someone dressed in fine robes. Cassus snuck over to them to hear what they were saying. He over-heard that these villages were all linked to several gold mines, and if his father wiped them out, he would get a cut of the profits.
Cassus was furious when he learned of this, he confronted his father, throwing down his sword, his shild, his armor, everything that was of any value. Cassus shouted If all you care about is money then take these back and sell them to someone who will use them... . That was the last time Cassus ever saw his father, that was the last time he ever really wanted to. That night, he made a vow to the moon and stars, that, until his father stopped his tyranny and had his debt relieved, he would never again take up material possessions ... he has waited many years, but that day has yet to come ... and he does not expect it to.
Cassus is tall with long shaggy dark hair that he tries to keep tied in the back. He doesn'y quite have a beard but he seems to have a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow. He wears simple, lightly coloured clothing, and a dark hooded cloak. He has a pair of leather sandals that look like they have seen better days, but he wears it all with a smile on his face and a bounce in his step.
He's generally a well mannered, even tempered guy, who like to joke around and have fun, but only if there isn't a job to do. He takes his work very seriously. He's easy to talk to and tries his best to make you as comfortable as possible, wether it be with a kind word or a full tankard.