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In Search of Adventure Group Two:Home Page
- Character Name: Castien
- Class: Elf
- Level: 1
- XP/XP Needed: 2396/4000 (+5% bonus)
- XP Reserve: 0
Ability Scores[edit]
- Strength: 14 (+1 hit/damage melee)
- Intelligence: 12
- Wisdom: 9
- Dexterity: 16 (+2 hit missile, -2 AC, +1 initiative)
- Constitution: 9
- Charisma: 12 (4 hirelings, 7 morale)
- AC: 1 (0 with shield)
- HP: 6/6
- Initiative: +1
- Base Attack: +1
- Weapons
- Sword(B) +2 for 1d8+1
- Long Bow(B) +3 for 1d6 (70/140/210)
Saving Throws[edit]
- Death Ray/Poison: 12
- Magic Wands: 13
- Paralysis/Petrify: 13
- Breath Weapon: 15
- Rod/Staff/Spell: 15
Class Abilities[edit]
- Find Secret Door (5-6 on d6)
- Heatvision
- Immunity to Ghoul Paralysis
Spells Known[edit]
- 0th level (1 per day)
- Read Magic
- Mend
- Unseen Hand (prepared)
- Knot
- 1st level (1 per day)
- Birdcall
- Detect Magic
- Sleep (prepared)
- Ride (Horse) +1
- First Aid +1
- Diplomacy +1
- History +1
Weapon Feats
- Long Bow (B)
- Sword (B)
Languages: Common, Elven
- Sword 60cn
- Long Bow 30cn
- Shield 100cn
- Plate Mail 500cn
- Clothes (merchant) 20cn
- Belt 5cn
- Boots (plain) 10cn
- Cloak (long) 15cn
- Purse 2cn
- Spellbook 25cn
- Quiver 5cn
- 40 arrows 10cn
- 10 silver arrows 5cn
- Backpack (holds 400 cn) 20cn
- Holy Water (4 vials) 4cn
- 4 Large Sacks 10cn
- Scroll Case with Paper and Charcoal 15cn
- Horse (War) "Titan" 18/18 hp (holds 4000cn)
- Saddle and Tack 300cn (carries 200cn)
- Money (see below)
- Saddle Bags 100cn (carries 800cn)
- Tent 200cn
- Rations (dried, 1 week) 70cn
- Waterskin 30cn
- Lantern 30cn
- Tinder Box 5cn
- 4 Flasks Oil 60cn
- Rope 50' 50cn
- Grappling Hook 80cn
- Hammer (small) + 4 iron spikes 30cn
- Leather Armor 200cn
- Spade 50cn
- Crowbar 50cn
- Hatchet 50cn
- Saddle and Tack 300cn (carries 200cn)
- Money: 500gp gems, 1gp, 2sp, 0cp (saddlebags)
- Total Encumbrance: 797cn
- Move: 30
Tall and blond, wearing worn but well cared for regimental gear, Castien comes from a Callarii military family. He served several tours with King Stephan's Elvenguard, as both an outrider and in a company of archers. Though he enjoyed the military life and was by all accounts an excellent soldier, he mustered out of service when the King decreased his number of elven soldiers. Since then he has lived off his wits, his sword, and his bow, with mixed results.