Ceinwen (Pokemon Harmony)

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Current Status[edit]

Hit Points: 43/43
Injuries: None
Combat Stages: None

Level: 6
EXP: 53
Tutor Points: 1


Ceinwen, like all Ralts, is sensitive to the emotions and thoughts of people. She is somewhat shy, especially around people she doesn't know, and tends to quickly hide behind Valeria when surrounded by minds she is not familiar with (a behavior that Val finds unutterably cute, but that's neither here nor there). Val usually leaves her out of her Pokeball.


Athletics 1d6+2
Acrobatics 2d6
Combat 1d6
Stealth 3d6
Perception 3d6
Focus 4d6

Poke Edges[edit]

Skill Improvement (Focus)


Nature: Naive (+Speed/-Special Defense)

Stat Base Added Total
HP 3 6 9
Attack 3 0 3
Defense 3 0 3
Special Attack 5 5 10
Special Defense 2 0 2
Speed 6 5 11

Capabilities and Derived Stats[edit]

Physical Evasion 0
Special Evasion 0
Speed Evasion 2
Power 1
Overland 4
Swim 1
High Jump 1
Long Jump 1
Telekinetic (Effective Power 4)
Telepathic (Range 8)
Naturewalk (Forest, Urban)


Scene – Free Action
Target: A Trainer or Pokémon within 10 meters
Effect: The Pokémon gains an Ability known by the Target for the remainder of the encounter, or until it is Fainted.

Moves Known (with STAB and Stats[edit]

Struggle Attack (not a Move, STAB never applies)
Type: Normal
Frequency: At-Will
AC: 4
Damage Base 4: 1d8+16 / 21
Class: Special
Range: 4, 1 Target

Move: Growl
Type: Normal
Frequency: At-Will
AC: 2
Class: Status
Range: Burst 1, Friendly, Sonic, Social
Effect: Growl lowers all Legal Targets Attack 1 Combat Stage.

Move: Confusion
Type: Psychic
Frequency: At-Will
AC: 2
Damage Base 7: 2d6+20 / 27
Class: Special
Range: 6, 1 Target
Effect: Confusion Confuses the target on 19+.

Move: Double Team
Type: Normal
Frequency: Scene
AC: None
Class: Status
Range: Self, Illusion, Coat
Effect: The user gains 3 activations of Double Team. The user may either activate Double Team when being targeted by an attack to increase their Evasion by +2 against that attack; or when making an attack to increase their Accuracy by +2 for that attack.