Challenge of Hesuil Fallen War God

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Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex leads Alexi through the twisted turns and allyways. Her goal is going directly to the place of worship where she had met Rugir
Vek et al
Reaching the culdesac where the Tiger worship went on she finds it deserted. The place looks in the process of change going from the residences of the tiger cultists to residences of some other chaotic design. Faces in the windows look unusual to her experiences, extra eyes and central ears. As Alexei looks around he points to a figure standing atop the residential buildings. First floor opening appear and what appear to be businesses develop as if they are being transfered whole from some other place in the Fane of Zilla.
Vek et al
The figure steps from the roofline and walks down the air as if on stairs . Lighting on the ground he walks toward the pair. His large one sides poleaxe in one hand. He raises his other hand, covered in dragon leather. "You, warrior woman, you reek of the red blood of Amber. A smell i know well. Did you come at this time to challenge the transition or to join it? Are you here to challange me and slay me or claim my fealty? I am Ḫešui, a lost wargod. I have 100 Shield warriors bonded to me, 200 Sword maidens. I will not surrender easily but will take faith if defeated."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
At first Alex looks surprised at the change. She whispers to Alexei. "I should have asked for directions." Seeing the warrior come down she stands tall. Not making herself bigger just standing with confidence. She nods a short nod to the warrior. "Well met Ḫešui, lost Wargod. I am Alexandra of Amber. Your sense of smell is correct to sense i am of the blood of Amber. And that you know this scent well, it must have spilled around you. Was this against you and yours or with you in battle? I do not know of you, so my decision of what to do next is yet to be made. I came here to look for the shrine of the Tiger and family with it. But seems things are moving."
Vek et al
He sticks the pole arm tip in the ground. " I have fought against Amber in the service of House Jesby. Many of my swords died worthless under their incompetent leadership. I stood to battle at Patternfall and lost. Later I served the Red Axe and fought the vampires of Cagliov in Ang RI sway. The Red Axe is of the blood of Amber. I smelled him bleed gloriously in victory. I came here because an oracle said in a time of change I would find the Red blood of Amber. Here I would delay it, or fall before it and take service. Was it a true oracle?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex calmly listens to the man. She nods as he lists his battles and defeats. Alex then waits a moment before answering. "If i understand your words correctly, then yes, i am of the Red Blood of Amber. The oracle seems true in that part , for if you will delay me or fall before me and take service, is that not up to you? Although the last words of the oracle seems to proclaim we have to fight for that decision to be made." She sighs. "How do you feel about that?"
Vek et al
He picks up the pole arm. "Battle is the crucibal."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks a bit weary. She wasn't here for a fight. She didn't fully expect to.have to fight. Alex looks to Alexi see what his take in it is. Her hands do move to her belts. Thinking. She is nimble, fast possibly faster then a polearm wielding warrior. But never underestimate your oponent. She can choose to fight close up to take away the range of the pole arm and the maneuverability. Or take the fight up distance with bow and arrow. She studies for now the movements of the man. After a thoughtful moment she then speaks almost exasperated. "Yeah i figured as much that fighting was an inevitable thing."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Just before we start fighting, a question. You no longer serve the Red Axe? Why?"
Vek et al
"He is devious. He bargains hard. We fought for him and he kept to the letter of the deal. But he profited vastly. Gained powers. Learned from forbidden sages. When we slew a mighty dragon and when it came time to share its treasures he laughed at us. Said sellswords don't get shares of treasure. He did not break terms but when it came time for a new contract he had not Gained any loyalty from us so we refused to barter. He was wroth but fuvk him. If he had shared even a tenth of the dragon hoard with us we would still be in his service. Now.....if we take service with a loyal patron..we might share the location of a hive of Ang RI villains with urvile potions...Red Axe didn't want them and wouldn't allow us to take them."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex listens, nods. Looks at Alexi now and then. "Alright, that does sound a bit like him as far as i know the guy. Didn't work alot with Shaz Far." She recalls the last mission she had as an elite and from where everything had changed. "I have no direct use of loyal fighters and warriors. I am here on a simple research task for my father. And in Arden i have my own warriors, Rangers." She studies the warrior. "How do you envision service to one like me? Before we fight or come to any agreement. I want to make clear what you and I expect. So no wroth feelings will be had."
Vek et al
"Lord's of Chaos have many wars, large and small. Is not the same true of Lord's of Amber? Perhaps you have some small realm in need of bloodshed to keep it under the heel of King Random? Some realm beneath your dignity to punish in person? Some petty royal family in need of help moving along its order of succession?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex smiles and shakes her head. "We have not that many wars. In fact, quite a peaceful time has reached us. Seems that there is a difference between a Lord of Chaos and those of Amber. We have no need to seek battle for whatever reason. Or punish people with battle." Alex looks at the big guy, almost looks apologetic. "I could offer you a deal, of course. And treat you well. But you and uours would not be happy or content with the lack of fighting "
Vek et al
He thinks for a moment..."Well, i was consecrating this place to the Lost Gods when you arrived. If you don't have work for me, then perhaps you can help with the consecration?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
She looks about. "Well... rather not. This place was dedicated to a part of my family. It is the part of my father and his children. Why would i assist to consecrate it? Seems... wrong."
Vek et al
"Why would you assist in its consecration? Because you didn't leave soon enough." His halberd spins like a propeller and attacks in the 2:00 position like a bolt of lightning.
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex jumps into action. She first pushes Alexi out of the way making sure he is not within the weapons reach. In her movement she ducks and slides a distance away as far as the floor allows it. Grabbing her bow from her shoulder and two arrows. She nocks one on the string pulling it to tension. "And here i try to stay polite.... stop this or i'll turn you into a hedgehog."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex gave a nice thread but how narrow is his visor on his helmet? Would an srrow even fit?
Vek et al
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex gives her opponent a moment to respond. She uses this moment to check where Alexi is and what he is doing. She can't have trouble with that side of the family by having Alexi hurt. Alex scans her surroundings by eye and whispers to her dragons to stay out of reach but keep an eye on her back.
Vek et al
He moves back, and to the left, keeping his axe before his eye slots. "Hedgehog? This is some garden animal? You think me small? Yet you keep at range rather then engage, even in a challenge. " He steps back, lowering his weapon. "It seems the oracle was true. I have delayed you. But I will not serve one unwilling to lay blade upon me. Go, go your way. Oneday, perhaps, we will meet on the field of battle and we will see if your blade is as stiff as the Red Axe. "
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex keeps her bow ready and a weary eye on the warrior. "Well yeah i keep range. That is where my strength is. Range. I am not as foolish to go for that which i will more likely lose in a challenge. And there were no rules or stipulations on weapon choice." Whatever you can say Alex is not a cheater. Alex then nods. "The oracle might be right, they tend to do that. But to be delayed i need a time sensitive goal. Which i do not have. " She lowers her bow standing more straight. "Perhaps one day in battle. An oracle might know."
Vek et al
He steps aside and turns, walking into the ways back toward Zilla
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex looks sideways to Alexi. "Alright

That was odd. Scary and a little bit weird. 

Have you any clue what happened here?"
Alexandra Dejana Mira
"Or what in the world he meant with that delay... we are not on a time crunch right? "
Vek et al
Alexei looks at her with a little grin, "as the Bard says, Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." He laughs. "Time is pretty fluid here in Chaos. Who knows how many decades have passed back in Amber. Or Regor... I might have inherited the throne by now."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods "Wise words and good point. And who knows. But here you are, who would then be on the throne? Mydoris? " She chuckles. "Well dad asked for information on the family and Rugir but seems that won't be easily given now." She looks at the place being not what it was last time. "Anything you feel like doing? We can head back there are some fun areas, lots of music. I kkow a place where some Dufiro play music. " She still looks a bit weary around herself. Hoping not another lost god of war or whatever would jump off a building towards her.
Vek et al
Alexei smiles, "Dufiro musicians? Delightful. I want to make some enroads into dealing with the dufiro anyway."
Alexandra Dejana Mira
Alex nods. "Lets go then. I got a wonderful violin here as well. I am sure we can go back to a lovely venue where Duncan and i had performed it's run by dufiro." She nods to the direction they have to go. "Let's go."