Chaneko Family

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The Chaneko Family[edit]

Written by Ivocaliban from the AEG Homebrew Forum. Posted by RogueMoon.

  • I believe this Vassal family was mentioned in a couple of the officail books, but did not receive a full write up, which is why Ivocaliban wrote this up. Please correct me if I am wrong. -RogueMoon


The Chaneko Family
Favored Class: Samurai
Starting Honor: 2
Class Skill: Spot
Starting Outfit: Masterwork yumi (longbow)


The Chaneko Family
Benefit: +1 Perception
Glory: 0.5
Special: Chaneko characters who attend the Daidoji Yojimbo school may choose to give up either Battle or Iaijutsu from their beginning skills to increase their beginning Kyujutsu to 2 ranks.